
In love with u

Kayla Harvard is a young, carefree, straightforward and hardworking girl who works as an editor on a novel production company, she is the daughter of a billionaire, but she doesn't depend on her Father's money, but on her own money, so she vowed to work hard and not to let anything distract her, so ever since she turned eighteen, she started working for that company even if her father is the owner of the building. Riley Scott is a very handsome billionaire who hates love and anything connected to romance. But, Kayla and Riley are bethroted to each other, but they can't stand each other, they can't even stay in one place without arguing. But as time goes on, they fell in love.

Delight_Felix · Ciudad
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2 Chs

Chapter Two(2)

Riley was still angry about the whole bethrothal thing and was throwing things in his room, so everyone stayed away from him.

"I can't believe you're still angry" Mr Scott said

"If I bothered you to someone you hate so much, would you be happy?" Riley asked

"I would have been so happy" Mr Scott replied


"Yes, she might end up being the love of your life" Mr Scott reasoned

"Come on dad, you and I both knows how much I hate love and anything connected to romance" Riley stated

"Listen Riley, I don't have time to argue with you, but here's what I know, you would get married to her and that's final" Mr Scott stated

"I won't get married to her" Riley said

"Then I would be taking back my company from you and give it to Adam instead, would you like that?" Mr Scott said and asked

"Come on dad, I hate her" Riley complained

"Then do you prefer loosing the company?" Mr Scott asked

"Fine dad, I'll get married to her" Riley said

"Good" Mr Scott said and left the room

"Damn" Riley cursed frustrated.


Kayla woke up early was doing her morning routine which is exercise, a little house chores, taking her bath, eating breakfast and heading for work, when her dad called her.

"Good morning dad" Kayla greeted

"Good morning princess" Mr Harvard replied

"Don't call me princess, I hate it" Kay stated

"You haven't still changed" Mr Harvard said

"Whatever dad" Kayla said

"I want you to meet me this afternoon at silver star restaurant" Mr Harvard stated

"Why?" Kayla asked

"I have something very important to discuss with you" Mr Harvard replied

"Time?" Kayla asked

"2pm" Mr Harvard replied

"Kk, I'd be there at exactly 2pm" Kayla said

"Okay bye" Mr Harvard said

"Bye" Kayla said and hung up.

When she was done with her morning routine, she headed for work.

"Good morning Kay" Mia greeted as she walked in and found Kayla working when no one has arrive, she also sat down and started working.

"Kayla, see me in my office now" The CEO Mr Dylan ordered and went straight to his office and Kayla followed him still not showing any emotions, when they got there, Mr Dylan just stood as if he was angry, Kayla was expecting him to shout or accuse her of doing something wrong, but his next move shocked her, he knelt down and started begging her

"Kayla please help me convince Mr Harvard to not increase the company's rent, if he does that, how can I pay you guys enough money" Mr Dylan said

"Have you been paying us enough money?" Kayla asked

"I know I haven't been paying you guys enough money, but if he increases it, your monthly pay will decrease" Dylan stated

"And how are you certain that I can convince him, I don't even know him" Kayla said

"You always find a way to convince people, please just do this one thing for me" Mr Dylan said still kneeling

"Okay I would do it, just give me his number" Kayla said

"Thank you so much Kayla, you are truly a life saver" Mr Dylan said and got up

"I didn't ask you to get up, I might change my mind" Kayla said and immediately, Mr Dylan knelt down again

"I'm sorry, please don't change your mind" He said and Kayla chuckled quietly

"You can get up" Kayla said

"Thank you" Mr Dylan said and got up

"I have a meeting to attend around 2pm" Kayla stated

"You are free to go to anywhere, anytime, you don't need to take permission" Mr Dylan said

"Okay" Kayla said and went back to her office.

She continued working till it was 1:30pm, she got up and left to meet her dad, the journey to silver star restaurant from her working place is a ten minutes ride, so at exactly 1:40, she was there, she sat down, ordered for coffee and waited for her dad to come, her dad came by 2:10, he smiled at the sight of his daughter reading while waiting for him, he walked over to her and sat down across her

"You came early" Mr Harvard said

"You came late" She complained

"I said you should come around 2pm, I didn't say 2:00" Mr Harvard said

"Whatever dad, what's the important thing you want to tell me?" Kayla asked

"First and foremost, you have to promise me not to say anything that will make me upset" Mr Harvard said

"It depends on what you'll tell me, so I can't promise you that" Kayla stated and Mr Harvard signed

"You are bethrothed to someone" Mr Harvard said

"Okay, then call it off" Kayla said not showing any emotions

"I can't do that, the marriage is already fixed and he has agreed" Mr Harvard said

"And who is the guy?" Kayla asked

"Riley Scott" He replied

"Riley Scott, why does that name sounds so familiar" Kayla said

"He's Mr Scott first son, the owner of the Peaks Cooperation" Mr Harvard said to Kayla who seems to be trying to recall something

"Oh, I know him, we attended the same high school" Kayla said

"Oh great" Mr Harvard said

"It's not great, I hate him" Kayla said

"It doesn't matter, you'll get married to him no matter what" Mr Harvard said

"Okay, but I won't make life easy for him" Kayla said

"You better not" Mr Harvard said

"Whatever, Mr Dylan said he'd go bankrupt if you increase the company's rent" Kayla stated

"That good for nothing company, I don't even know why you choose to work there" Mr Harvard said

"Because it's very close to home" Kayla said

"That's not a good excuse" Mr Harvard said

"Just don't increase it, he'll die if you do so" Kayla stated

"Fine" Mr Harvard said, got up and left, Kayla also got up and left for work, when she got there, she walked straight to her office and started working till it was dusk, then she went home to find her brother cooking.

"What are you preparing?" Kayla asked

"You'll see" Kyle said proudly

"Okay, just don't give me food poison" Kayla said and went to her room to freshen up, after that, she ate dinner and went to bed.