
In love with u

Kayla Harvard is a young, carefree, straightforward and hardworking girl who works as an editor on a novel production company, she is the daughter of a billionaire, but she doesn't depend on her Father's money, but on her own money, so she vowed to work hard and not to let anything distract her, so ever since she turned eighteen, she started working for that company even if her father is the owner of the building. Riley Scott is a very handsome billionaire who hates love and anything connected to romance. But, Kayla and Riley are bethroted to each other, but they can't stand each other, they can't even stay in one place without arguing. But as time goes on, they fell in love.

Delight_Felix · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter One (1)

Kayla was having lunch during her lunch break with two of her colleagues, they were all eating and talking except Kayla who was busy reading a novel, since she's the editor of the novel, she's reading it in case she finds any error, she'll inform the author.

"This novel is so boring" She murmured

"So what do you think Kayla?" Lily asked

"I wasn't paying attention, so I have no idea on what you were talking about" Kayla said

"We are talking about how handsome the owner of this cafe looks" Edward said

"Oh" Kayla said

"Oh, that's all you are gonna say?" Lily asked

"Yeah" Kayla replied

"He kinda looks like you" Edward said

"He's my little brother" Kayla said

"Your little brother?" They both asked in shock

"Yes" Kayla replied

"Can you give me his phone number, I love that smile of his, it always brightens up the room" Lily said only to earn a stare from Kayla

"You shouldn't have said that" Edward said and Lilly nodded

"Are you guyz done?" Kayla asked

"Yep" Lilly replied

"Tell the CEO that I have a meeting with author Adam and that I would be back in an hour" Kayla said, picked up her bag and left.

"She's always very frightening" Lily said

"I know right?" Edward asked and they left for work.


"Heading somewhere Adam?" Mr Scott asked

his son who was heading out

"Yeah, I have a meeting with my editor" Adam replied

"You should stop writing novels already" Riley said as he walked down the stairs

"I won't, I'm off, bye" Adam said and left

"He's such a pervert" Riley said

"He's your younger brother" Mr Scott said

"Whatever dad, you called me" Riley said

"Yeah, I have something important to tell you" Mr Scott said

"What?" Riley asked

"Sit down first" Mr Scott said and Riley sat down

"Listen son, I want you to say calm and not to react foolishly okay" Mr Scott said and Riley nodded

"You are bethrothed to someone" Mr Scott stated

"And her name is?" Riley asked

"Her name is Kayla Harvard" Mr Scott replied

"What, Kayla Harvard?" Riley asked

"Do you know her?" Mr Scott asked

"We went to the same high school, she is the most boring person I have ever seen in my life, she's annoying and she's so not my type" Riley said.....


"I want to quit writing novels" Adam said

"Really?" Kayla asked

"Yes" Adam replied

"Alright, then I want you to sign this document" Kayla said and gave Adam a document

"What is this document for?" Adam asked

"Just sign it now, I have to get back to work" Kayla said and gave Adam a pen to sign the document and he did

"You have officially agreed to continue writing novels, and you won't be able to quit, thanks for your time, bye" Kayla said and left for work.

"She's so frightening" Adam said and ordered for food to eat, after that, he went back home.

When he got there, he was hearing yells;

"Don't yell at me, I'm your dad" Mr Scott said

"My dad, how would you feel if I bethrothed you to someone you hate?" Riley asked

"I would have been so happy" Mr Scott replied

"Huh?" Riley asked

"You should be happy, she might end up being the love of your life" Mr Scott said

"Well, I don't need love 'cause I hate it"Riley said

"I don't have time for all of these, she's your future wife and you can't do anything about it" Mr Scott said and walked away.

"Damn" Riley cursed and smashed a flower vase

"Brother, who are you bethrothed to?" Adam asked

"I was bethrothed to that annoying bitch" Riley replied

"Who?" Adam asked

"Just scram" Riley said, smashed the T.V and left.

"Everyone is so frightening today" Adam murmured holding his chest.


Kayla arrived at exactly an hour and went straight to the CEO's office

"Here's the agreement Adam signed, he won't quit anymore" Kayla said, dropped the document and went to her office. She sat down and started working

"Kayla?" Mia called

"Yes?" Kayla replied

"Author Rosie said she wants to quit, and she's the best writer I know, if the CEO finds out that she quit, I'll be done for sure" Mia complained

"Did you try to convince her?" Kayla asked

"Yes, but she said her mind is made up" Mia replied

"Just set up a meeting with the both of us tomorrow, I'll try to convince her" Kayla said

"Thanks Kayla, you are really a life saver" Mia said and continued working

"Would you still give me his number?" Lily asked

"Whose?" Kayla asked

"Your brother's" Lily replied

"I would have to ask him first" Kayla said

"Thank you so much Kay" Lily said happily

"So Kayla, how did your meeting with author Adam go?" Edward asked

"Cool" Kayla replied still not adverting her gaze from her computer

"Wait, you had a meeting with author Adam?" Lily asked

"Yes, why did you ask?" Kayla replied and asked

"Because I heard that he is so handsome" Lily replied

"Is it true that he is so handsome?" Mia asked

"Yes" Kayla replied with her gaze still fixed at her computer

"Wow, I would do anything to be in the same place with him" Mia said

"So Kay, how did you feel talking to him?" Edward asked

"Normal" Kayla replied

"Have you forgotten that she doesn't find any man attractive?" Lily asked

"You're right, the day she falls in love, I would join the choir at my church" Edward said and Kayla just glared daggers at him

"Geese Kayla, if looks could kill, I'm sure everyone here would have been dead" Mia spoke

"Just stop talking already and focus on your work" Kayla said and everyone faced their computers.

Kayla went back home late as usual, she took a bath and started reading again, then her brother walked in.

"Hey sis" Kyle called

"Hey" Kayla replied

"How was work?" Kyle asked

"Normal, yours?" Kayla replied and asked

"Fantastic, I had a lot of customers today" Kyle braged

"Let me guess, ladies" Kayla said

"Yes, I don't know why almost all of my customers are females" Kyle said

"It's because of that smile of yours, a lot of girls are dying to see it" Kayla stated

"Really, then I should smile more often" Kyle said

"One of my colleague said she wants your number, should I give it to her?" Kayla asked

"Yeah, sure" Kyle replied

"Kk, I'm going to bed, goodnight" Kayla said and went to her room.