
A Curious Soul

Penelope was still drowning in mortification throughout the drive home but something else began trickling in too. Homesickness. 

This was the first time she had actually seen someone from her world outside of her family. And there hadn't been the slightest flicker of recognition in his eyes. It felt wrong. 

She had known Harry since she was eleven years old and he started hanging around Roman's house frequently. The two of them liked playing basketball in the front yard after school and she frequently rode her bike or scooter up and down the street as they did. 

Having him not know her had been surprisingly painful. He was obviously more Roman's friend than hers but he was a regular part of her life. 

Penelope couldn't imagine how much more painful it would have been if she had run into Roman instead. Hearing his voice reject knowing her on the phone had been bad enough.