
In hotel transylvania as Johnny twin brother

In this imaginative fanfic inspired by "Hotel Transylvania," Merlin, a recent college graduate, finds himself struggling with job hunting and feelings of depression. Seeking comfort, he binge-watches the "Hotel Transylvania" series, dreaming of the adventurous life that Johnny and Mavis lead. After falling asleep, Merlin wakes up to discover he has transformed into Jake, Johnny's twin brother, in a world set before Mavis's pregnancy. Excited to reunite with his brother and meet the enchanting Mavis, he calls Johnny, who welcomes him to the hotel. Realizing that vampires are fiercely loyal, Merlin invokes the Eros System, a mystical guide that helps him navigate his newfound circumstances and prepare for his encounter with Mavis. As he embarks on this adventure, he is filled with hope and curiosity, unaware that this journey might lead to unexpected connections and a chance at the life he has always desired.

V_crimson · Película
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Hidden Affections

Chapter 8: Hidden Affections

Severals days had passed since Johnny, Drac, and the gang had returned from their adventurous trip to Las Vegas. The hotel was bustling with excitement as the annual festival had finally arrived. Monsters from all over were pouring in to have fun, enjoy the festivities, and make the most of the weekend. The lobby was filled with colorful creatures, laughter echoing through the halls as new guests checked in, while the staff worked overtime to keep everything running smoothly.

Johnny and Drac were busy as ever, handling the festival preparations and making sure everything was perfect. From organizing monster games to arranging entertainment, they barely had a moment to breathe. Meanwhile, Jake took a break and found himself wandering through the hotel, taking in the sights of the festival. He had a lot on his mind, especially about Mavis.

He and Mavis had grown closer over the last few weeks. Too close. Although Jake tried to push the thoughts away, he couldn't deny the connection they had built. Spending time with her, talking late into the night, sharing moments that no one else knew about—it was both thrilling and terrifying.

Mavis had always been warm and friendly, but now, her touches lingered a little too long, her laughter sounded softer when they were alone. And Jake? He felt the weight of something dangerous brewing between them. He knew he shouldn't feel the way he did, but the more time he spent with her, the harder it became to resist.


Jake's POV

It was late in the afternoon when I decided to escape the noise of the festival and take a break in one of the quieter lounges near the rooftop garden. I had been avoiding Mavis since the night before, unsure of how to deal with the growing tension between us. But as luck would have it, just as I sat down, Mavis appeared. Her usual energy seemed to fade, replaced by something more tender.

"Hey, Jake," she greeted, her voice soft.

"Hey, Mavis," I responded, trying to keep things light. "Everything going well with the festival?"

"Yeah, but it's exhausting," she admitted with a small laugh. "It's so busy, and with Johnny running around with my dad all day, it's been non-stop."

I could feel the air around us shift as she took a seat next to me on the couch. The closeness between us felt heavier than ever. My heart raced as she leaned back, her eyes meeting mine.

"Thanks for everything you've done lately, Jake," Mavis said quietly. "You've been really helpful... and I feel like I can talk to you in a way that I don't with anyone else."

I swallowed hard, her words hitting me deeper than they should. She wasn't just being nice—there was something more, something unspoken between us that we both knew but refused to acknowledge out loud.

Before I could respond, Mavis shifted closer, her arm brushing against mine as she turned to face me fully. "Jake," she started hesitantly, "I know this sounds crazy, but... have you ever felt like something was meant to happen even though it shouldn't?"

I couldn't lie to her. "Yeah, Mavis... I've felt that way."

She smiled faintly but said nothing more. For a moment, we sat there, the silence stretching between us, filled with all the things we wanted to say but didn't. I knew I should pull away, get up, and leave before things went too far. But instead, I found myself staying.


Mavis's POV

I didn't know why I was drawn to Jake, but it was undeniable. Maybe it was because he looked like Johnny, or maybe it was the way he listened to me, really listened. I felt something with Jake that was different from Johnny. Not better, not worse—just different.

As we sat there, I couldn't help but feel conflicted. I loved Johnny, of course, but this connection with Jake was something I couldn't ignore. It was like he understood a part of me that no one else did, not even my husband. And that scared me.

But the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to be close to Jake, even if it was wrong.

I knew we had to be careful, though. This wasn't just about us—it could hurt Johnny, and that was the last thing I wanted. But in that quiet moment, all I wanted was to stay with Jake a little longer.


Jake's POV

As I sat there, watching Mavis, I realized how deep I had gotten myself into this. I wanted her. I shouldn't, but I did. The lines between us had blurred, and every day it was getting harder to keep my feelings in check.

I knew I had to stop this before it went too far. But as Mavis looked at me with those eyes, full of emotions neither of us wanted to admit, I didn't know if I could.

Then, out of nowhere, my system pinged.


Words flashed across the screen of my mind: "Follow your heart, but remember the cost."

Jake thought "i almost forgot this system that it even existed"

It was cryptic, as always, but the message was clear enough. I needed to figure out what I wanted, and more importantly, whether I was willing to risk everything for it.

I glanced back at Mavis, who was still sitting close, her hand resting lightly on mine. She looked at me, her eyes full of trust and something else. Something dangerous.


As Jake stand up and leaned against the railing, looking out over the moonlit landscape, his mind torn between the joy of the festival and the nagging pull of guilt that had been growing stronger over the past week. He knew things had crossed a line with Mavis, but he couldn't deny the way his heart raced when she was near, or the way her presence felt like both a comfort and a temptation he couldn't resist.

Mavis stood beside him, her petite frame leaning against the railing as well, her face bathed in the silver glow of the moon. She looked at him, her eyes holding a softness that made his heart ache. For a moment, neither of them spoke. The tension between them was palpable, a thin thread stretched tight over the last few days.

"I'm glad you could get away for a bit," Mavis said quietly, breaking the silence. Her voice was soft, almost hesitant, as though she wasn't sure how to start the conversation that both of them knew was coming.

Jake nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, with Johnny and Drac being so busy with the festival, I figured I could take a little break."

Mavis smiled too, but there was a sadness in her eyes. "It's been... different these past few days. I feel like I've had more time with you than with Johnny."

Jake's stomach twisted at her words. He wanted to say something, to ease the tension, but instead, he found himself staring at her lips, remembering the moments they had shared in secret. She stepped closer to him, her fingers lightly brushing against his arm. The touch sent a shiver down his spine.

"Mavis..." Jake started, but his words caught in his throat.

Before he could finish, Mavis closed the distance between them, her lips pressing against his in a soft, tentative kiss. It was gentle at first, as though she was testing the waters, but then it deepened, turning into something more. Jake responded instinctively, his hands finding their way to her waist, pulling her closer. The kiss was passionate, their lips moving together in perfect sync, the world around them fading as the moment took over.

For a few seconds, it was as if nothing else mattered. No Johnny, no festival, no hotel. Just the two of them, locked in an embrace that felt both forbidden and exhilarating.

But then, as if on cue, the sound of footsteps echoed down the hallway. Mavis quickly pulled away, her face flushed, her breathing unsteady. Jake immediately took a step back, both of them trying to regain their composure.

Johnny's voice rang out from around the corner, cheerful as ever. "Hey, you two already here? The festival's almost over, and there's so much more to do!"

Mavis shot Jake a glance, her eyes wide with panic. Jake, catching on immediately, gave her a subtle nod, both of them trying to act as if nothing had happened. When Johnny appeared, his usual goofy grin plastered across his face, Jake forced himself to relax.

"Yeah, we were just... catching up," Jake said, his voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside him.

Mavis smiled at Johnny, her expression perfectly innocent. "We didn't want to miss out on the rest of the festival."

Johnny laughed and threw an arm around Jake's shoulder. "You've been awesome, bro. Mavis has been talking about how much fun she's had hanging out with you. It's been great having you here, seriously."

Jake's stomach knotted as he returned Johnny's smile, feeling the weight of the secret between them. Mavis looked at him from behind Johnny's back, her expression a mix of guilt and something else—something deeper, more complicated. She quickly looked away when Johnny turned back to her.

"Come on, guys! Let's get out there before the festival's completely over!" Johnny called out, already bouncing ahead of them.

Mavis stayed back for a moment, her hand brushing against Jake's one last time before she followed Johnny. She looked over her shoulder, her eyes meeting Jake's with a mixture of longing and regret. "Visit me later," she whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

Jake watched her go, his heart heavy with the weight of everything that had happened. As the footsteps faded, the familiar ping of the system echoed in his mind.

System Notification: Are you sure you want to continue this path? It may have consequences.

Jake frowned, the words hanging in his mind like a warning. But before he could respond, he shook his head, pushing the thought away. He wasn't ready to deal with that now. For the first time in a long while, he felt torn, caught between the desire for something he knew was wrong and the need to protect the people he cared about.

As the festival continued in the background, Jake couldn't help but wonder what the future held—for him, for Mavis, and for Johnny.


Well it seem the secret relationship will continue.

Sorry Johnny hahaha.

V_crimsoncreators' thoughts