
IN Harry Potter With a System


Dreamer_1297 · Derivados de obras
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118 Chs

49. Practicing Potions

Many find Herbology to be boring, and it really is somewhat less adventurous than other branches of magic, as in Herbology there is little use of wand. but Harry still paid his utmost attention to Professor Sprout's words. Herbology is a must to master if someone wants to excel in Potions, Rituals, Traps, Wandlore, Care of magic creatures and many other fields.

In fact, Harry noted that most branches of magic were interrelated and interdependent.

"So Harry what happened there? Is everything all right? " Susan asked after the class, as she was with him when Snape targeted him unprovoked.

"It's alright Susan. They returned all the points and the detentions were also cancelled." Harry explained to them the final result and they all cheered knowing that Snape wouldn't be able to be unfair to them anymore.

"Wish we could also avoid going to his class. He is so mean.. and scary.." Hannah sighed despondently.

"Don't worry guys. You guys can go and learn from him as much as possible and if you have any doubts or questions, you can come and ask me. I'm sure I can help you."

"But how will you learn without attending the class? " Padma asked curiously making others also look at Harry for the answer.

"Padma, you don't know. This guy is a monster. He has already completed all the first year syllabus before coming to Hogwarts in just one month." Hermione said helpfully at that moment causing everyone to sigh in admiration for Harry.

"Haha, alright, stop this. Now I'm feeling shy because of you guys. But seriously, If you need any kind of help just tell me. I'm not boasting when I say that I can achieve anything I want with my own efforts and some time." As Harry said this he looked towards Daphne which no one noticed except Hermione and Daphne herself.

Harry really wanted to help Daphne find the cure for blood malediction. There are many reasons for this like he felt that it would help him in uncovering the secrets behind magical animagus. Daphne's genuine care for him and her trust in him is one other reason aside from forming connections with the leader of the gray faction.

"Let's go exploring the castle" "Let's go visit the library" Megan Jones, last female Hufflepuff of their year, and Sue Li said simultaneously.

"Hats off to the sorting hat. He really sorted you both in the right houses." They all laughed at Hermione's comment.

"Don't worry Megan, I am in the process of making a rudimentary map of Hogwarts. We can all go exploring later. For now we should go to the library and finish our assignments as early as possible." Everyone agreed to his suggestions and they all went towards the library. Harry first completed his Herbology assignment before slipping off with some excuses.

' I really need to find some place to be used as the study room. Looks like I need McGonagall and Flitwick's help once again.

Gaining their support was a really good decision.' Harry mentally patted his back.

"Alfred!, did you manage to do it? " Harry asked.

"Yes sir. Not only that, I copied every book and notes he had there as I had ample time." Alfred answered. When Harry saw Snape in Dumbledore's office, he immediately ordered Alfred to grab the book and some precious potion materials from his lab. He had not expected Alfred to be so efficient that he nearly emptied Snape's lab and even copied all his precious private books.

"Snape must be frothing from anger right now." Harry chuckled in schadenfreude while praising his trusty elf.

"Alright. I'm going to give you a letter. You need to go to Bogrod and tell him to do as I instructed with all urgency." Harry said while vorn finished writing the letter.

Harry wanted the Dursleys to be out of the country for at least a week. He knew there was a chance that Dumbledore will pay them a visit to gather the information and Harry believed after one week of practicing Legilimency he would be able to modify their memories. As for how the goblins would accomplish that? Harry didn't care.

After Alfred departed to complete his task, Harry went inside his trunk and started practicing all the first years potion one by one while his mom corrected and supervised him.

'I will finish practicing all the potions taught in the first to seventh year syllabus before Christmas. First I need to master Legilimency as soon as possible.' Harry thought.

All the potions he made were already perfect as his mother helped him avoid mistakes a few times. After getting the reward from the system, Harry was confident that he could make all first year potions using cheaper materials, in half the usual time. He was sure that even Snape would be worse than him when it comes to their understanding.

He saw that he had missed lunch. It was nearly dinner time and he knew that his friends would hound him for this but he had already thought of an excuse.

"Where have you been Harry? We tried to find you for lunch but you weren't there." Terry asked looking at him curiously.

"Sorry man. Didn't I tell you guys about the map I am drawing. I was so lost in that, that i completely forgot about other things." Harry explained as he ate.

After dinner Harry and the gang went to their respective houses. In the Ravenclaw common room they all found a place to sit down as Harry dragged Penelope to sit next to him.

"Penelope, do you have any tips on what we can do for entertainment in Hogwarts?, except for chess- which we all are not very enthusiastic about and Quidditch- which we do not have permission to play, I did not find any other entertainment activity." Harry asked curiously.