
in douluo dalu 2 ?

a man with an unknown past gets a second chance in Douluo Dalu. but what next?

jacke_m1 · Cómic
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40 Chs


---------------3rd Pov------------------

as Ray activates his martial soul, his gloves bulge up and like some snakes, the sleeves part runs up on his arms and linked to his lask, the cylinders in the sides of his face slide down on that part, then a crystal-like lens appears in his palms and finger inner joins. then start to glow in along with some neon lines along his arms on the same yellow-gold lights on his mask. (pic)

his first ring lit up and the light around him changed to bluish-gold, and crystal mist start to leave his palms and fill the room.

Thanks to the disturbing energy around and the low visibility around elder Ceir was completely shocked but kept Ray in check, not noticing Xio Tao losing conscience, and Ray was too focused on what he was doing to notice something else, hell, he even didn't notice the glowing phoenix Mark on his neck heating up.

Ray rise his hands and some of the mist rises and start forming a disk on top of Shuzak's head positioning itself inside a crystal ring.

Ray's 3rd ring shine as the ring and disk become solid and stable, then his 4th ring shined mist starts to gain a golden shin it slowly turns to a completely golden color and starts to drown to the outer ring forming little rivers of golden light as it starts to absorb it after it absorbed some it stops then send a pure wave of light energy to the inner desk and repeat the process again.

the disk starts to shine brighter and brighter by the second until it starts to drop golden dew-like liquid down, every drop hit the body of Shaozhe will absorb directly leaving a white mist behind and any drop hits around him turns into gold smoke entering his body. as the presence become autonomous ray sighed and drop down of tiredness with a smile on his face as he looks at his final work, then he started to smirk as he saw the scan description.

Cai Mei'er who was captured in the magical picture got here bearing after she saw him drop on his knee and she come closer to him "are you ok?" he look at her and laugh to her surprise "don't worry just a little tired"

she looks at him weirdly, except for the pale complex his eyes had no tiredness, and for some reason, she felt like his happy, she tilted her head "is it just me, or you are looking quite happy?"

as he hears her he starts to laugh again "you bet, I just pull a great way to use my skills, and it gives me great inspiration" what he pulled was something like strengthing capsule, but in the form of a shower, yes shower, the outer ring will absorb a specific attitude comprise it and send it to the disk that will store and mix it with water element to give it liquid property. and according to the scan, it becomes the property of Shaozhe

Cai Mei'er


element shower (unstable): an artifact that absorbed and liquefied the element to create a continuous stream of it below that has the same soul frequency as the owner or the user. (bound to Shaozhe )

- can only be used with the permission of the owner.

- best used with the light element (using another element can risk destroying it)


Ceira look at him for a moment then smirk "then were even?" Ray looks at her weirdly and points at her husband "what he forced me to do can make 6 to 7 from my Vip breakthrough if I accept the special order" she blushes and looks away. that means he can gain millions of golden coins if not billions, and he was forced to do it by her husband.

but Ray adds a finishing blow "try to sense what happened ther and try to say that again"

she did as he was saying and noticed that the energy that dropped down have the same filling as the soul power of her husband then her eyes opened wide 'don't tell me! he can control the frequency of the energy?'

she was shocked this something completely impossible as it's like a unique mark for each cultivator and the very reason that you will find very few people can do fusion technique. also, the reason the cultivation is always slow, is as in the process of refining you have to change the frequency, and the more potent the energy the more time it takes to refine, but Ray helps him in that aspect right now that way he won't take much time

she looks at ray that starts to recover "y.. you...you can control energy frequency?" he looks at her and then starts to laugh "no... no... no that's completely impossible" he looks at the man that starts to wake up and said "what I did is... I don't know how to explain.... made the disk inside copy his frequency? and stabilize the energy that enters on the same frequency?"

'so it's his use of his skill that is marvelous but what kind of skill allows him this wide range of use?' Cai Mei'er look at him for a second before sighing and looking t her husband standing up, and although she didn't see any visual change, she couldn't help but to gulp as she feels the change, every muscle in his body become stronger, his bones become denser, and more importantly to her, he becomes more handsome, if she had to descript it common language 'he becomes hotter!'

while drowning in her husband's new looks and unconsciously hugging him, she heard a smug voice behind her "what? no thanks for me?" righteous the question was, the smug face and way he look at her, give the complete meaning, but he chose the wrong person to troll.

smirking back, Cai Mei'er said "well, as thanks I won't stop you from pursuing our Xio Tao" at those words both Ray and her husband were surprised but a second later, the latter nodded while the first turns completely red for no reason, all of them look at the person in question to see her reaction, but what was ther was a complete shock.

the lady in question was floating in her place with some of the free mist around as her bed and for some reason, they cant sense her soul or spiritual power.


I am back, with 4 chaps for today, so give some support.

from the next chap I will talk a little about my own sub-plot so hope you like it.

PS: please try to endure the grammar and some miss spelling I miss in editing, as English is not my first language (not even my second.)

also, it is officially harem FANFIC now.

See Yaa next time. and stay tuned