Dragon Ball: Rise of the Saiyan {Hiatus till 10th January 2025} Acala had never put much stock in the afterlife. Reincarnation was the last thing she expected—especially not as a Saiyan baby with an impressive power level of 700. But life, or rather, her second shot at it, had something else in store for her. Eight years passed and she found herself standing at trial in front of the notorious coward, King Vegeta. The planet's situation was nothing short of a soap opera, with Frieza, the notorious 'Planet Seller,' holding the reins and the Saiyans working as his infamous 'Planet Pirates.'
What happened was that Acala's parents chose the worst possible time to start a revolution. Part, or rather leaders of the radical faction, they aimed to overthrow both Frieza and King Vegeta on Prince Vegeta's naming ceremony. Unsurprisingly, it got most of them and most of their comrades and relatives executed. The children were spared from the massacre but banished to the deathworld of Xarrack to survive or perish... mostly to perish of course.
Xarrack was a nightmare, on the first day their numbers plummeted by a quarter. The second day found Acala standing in the middle of an endless plain, the grass swaying gently in the wind, and a rabbit munching on her tail,
"Not again!"
EchoingDusk · Cómic
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