
In BNHA with Gallade's Powers

Kirito was reincarnated with a quirk named 'Gallade' and he could use Gallade's Powers in My Hero Academia. Versatile Abilities Mirko as FMC . . . . . . Schedule - 1 chapter every day The extra chapter will be available on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Cómic
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36 Chs

Fighting All for One

"Looks like the time's up." All for One said.

It was because All Might had defeated the last Nomu and was coming towards Kirito.

As All Might arrived, he was Kirito with Blades and All for One looking at him, while Tomura was standing at the side like a side character and glaring at Kirito. His hands were cut off, but he wasn't paying attention to that.

"You are finally here. You have got a lot slower and it shows that the injury I dealt was quite heavy." All for One said in a mocking tone, to which All Might didn't reply. He was standing near Kirito and he could feel his wounds healing. Looking at Kirito, he nodded and then he said to All for One, "All for One, last time I let you leave because of my negligence, but today, I won't let you escape."

"Oh~ With your broken body? Or you are confident in this boy? Hmm~ He is good but what can he do with one quirk?" All for One spoke like he was singing a song.

'Huh! What the fuck is wrong with him? Did he experiment on himself? He is acting like a child.'

All Might also had a weird expression, the way All for One spoke was like he was a child.

"All Might, Let's kill him," Kirito spoke in a cold tone and rushed at All for One.

"Huh!" All Might, who heard Kirito's cold tone blanked for a second and then he nodded and jumped at him.

The 1v2 fight started and Tomura was thrown at the side.

As Kirito fought with All for One with All Might's help, he noticed that All for One was getting bigger and his attacks were getting more and more destructive. Seeing this, he knew that he had to finish him as soon as possible or the duo would die when the area will get collapsed.

As he was sitting, he got the signal he was waiting for. Kaina had arrived at the place and was ready to snipe at All for One.

From the start, all Kirito wanted to do was tire and weaken All for One and was waiting for Kaina to arrive and snipe at him.

No one had noticed her existence and she was ready to fire on the signal.

Without telling anything to All Might, Kirito readied his most powerful attack, which was a mixture of a Giant Shuriken, with Psychic and using Blade Dance on him.

As Kirito created new blades of water, he started to get aggressive, and while he was fighting with All for One, who was deflecting attacks using a barrier quirk and then attacking with elemental quirks, a large amount of water was being gathered in a place and it was starting to take the shape of a Shuriken.

The shuriken was noticed by Tomura and he was about to shout, but he was kicked on the neck by Mirko, who had arrived at the place. Noticing the shuriken, she started to move all the criminals and villains at the place and threw them outside the area.

She looked at the fight and saw it was All for One who was overwhelming All Might while deflecting the attacks of Kirito.

Then, all of a sudden, All of One stopped for a few seconds, which gave All Might the opportunity to attack.

It was Kirito, who had used Psychic and Mean Look on him with Calm Mind and Fury Cutter, mixed with Blademanship.

All Might attacked him with his ultimate Move.

"United States of Smash!!!!" All Might shouted and attacked All for One, while Kirito was readying his attack and was holding the blade and charging it up with 4x Fury Cutter and Aerial Ace, an attack that can't be evaded.

Even after the damage caused by All Might, All for One, whose clothes were torn, for the first time showed his body.

His body was like that of Nomu, but it was a bit humane.

"Heh! That did hurt." All for One spoke as he looked at All Might, who was now out of gas...Ahm!

"Heh! That did hurt." All for One spoke as he looked at All Might, who was now in his shriveled form.

"Now It would be over!" He spoke but then, he heard...

"Kuuwokiru ha!!!!!" A slash appeared as Kirito swung his blade which hit All for One.

All for One, who had heard the name turned around and saw a slash coming towards him. He had tried to move from his place, but it was like he couldn't control his body and move, though he could still use his quirks and tried to defend against the attack.

As the attack hit him, All for One felt immense pressure and pain in his body. Even after having a pain nullification quirk, he could still feel the pain, meaning the pain was outside the quirk's limit.

After using all the means to defend against the attack, All for One felt that his defense would still be weaker. So instead of reinforcing the defense, he shifted the trajectory and the slash passed through his stomach and tore the piece of flesh around it and destroyed the whole area.

Gritting his teeth, All for One looked at Kirito who was panting while clinging to his blade.

"Heh! Boy! The attack was strong, strong enough to kill but it looks like luck is on my side."

"Heh! It isn't. WateBurst Shuriken." Kirito said.

All for One felt a shadow on him and saw a Giant Water Shuriken coming towards him. He tried to use his quirk, but before he could speak, he heard,

"Destiny Bond."

Kirito send his final move and made himself unconscious. As per the attack's instructions, All for One, who was about using his quirk, also became Unconscious, and then


6 Bangs were heard and Kaina, who was sniping shot 6 bullets at All for One.

2 at his skull.

2 bullets on both sides of his body, where Heart exists.

1 at his navel, and 1 at his Groin.


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