
In A Noble Magic Academy, The Only Spell I Know Is Scan

After dying under mysterious circumstances, Roko finds himself isekai'd into a magical academy aimed to educate and teach magic to princesses. Surrounded by these elite nobles, Roko discovers a spell only he can use, Scan. Why does he have this power? What can he use it for?

Rulerofruins · Fantasía
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169 Chs

Mad Rouge

 "What's going on?!" Helena cried as she looked around at the chaotic melee that erupted around them.

 "Everyone's fighting..." Kaguya frowned, "But...they're not trying to defend themselves at all. They're just trying to kill each other..."

 "And the monsters." Mikado noted, "They've stopped moving. Stopped doing anything and just staring at the sky."

 Like Mikado said, the magic eating monsters had stopped to stare up at the eye in the sky, their jaws warped in a sort of smug, all knowing smirk. Even as their brethren stopped falling from the sky, even as they began get killed off by the frenzied armies, they remained still as if in prayer to the eye above.

 "What have we awakened?" Ohm cried, "What have we awakened?!"

 "Calm down, Ohm!" Roko yelled, "Get the elves to stop fighting each other! Move them out of the camp if you have to!"

 "O-Okay!" Drift nodded, "Come on, let's try to stop some of them!"

 As if in response, the eye's light pulsated intensely for a brief second and suddenly the sky darkened and a sort of ankle high fog rolled in out of nowhere.

 "What's going on?" Reaumur yelped as she pulled two elf soldiers away from each other.

 All of a sudden Klaus and Penny began barking in a panicked manner.

 "W-What is it, boys?" Reaumur cried, "...What?!"

 "What's going on, Reaumur?" Roko called, already dreading the next new setback.

 "The dogs are saying they can't teleport to the outside of the camp anymore!"

 "WHAT?!" Roko cried, taken fully aback, "Wh...how?! Why?!"

 "I-I don't know!" Reaumur whimpered, "This has never happened before!"

 "W-What the..."

 Drift's voice drew Roko's attention next to the camp's broken gate where he seemed to be dragging an unconscious elf's body back inside, "I keep ending up back here every time I try to leave!"

 "Spatial distortion? Isolation?" Roko muttered, "What the hell kind of power is that?! Is that even magic?"


 In unexpected relief, Roko heard Momo's voice echoing out of of the cave as the princess burst out of the entrance with the even more unexpected addition of the masked Brook in her arms.

 "I saw that giant blast and got worried." Momo said as the two ran up to him, "What's going on?"

 "Look up."

 "What the hell is that?!" Momo cried as the two finally noticed the eye in the sky, "How'd I miss that?!"

 "Roko, what's going on?" Brook asked, "Why does everyone seem to have lost their minds?"

 "Wish I could tell you." Roko scowled, "I'm not sure what's going on but things aren't looking good."

 "Roko, we've got a problem!"

 Helena's warning directed Roko towards the side of the camp where he saw Romer plowing through elves and orc alike in a mad hysteria.

 "Dad, what are you doing?!" Reaumur cried.

 "We have to stop the general!" Drift called as he placed the elf he was carrying down, "Ohm, with us!"

 "Oh! Uhh...a-alright!" Ohm said as he seemed to snap out of a stupor.

 "I'll go help out." Brooke nodded.

 "Don't kill the man." Roko said.

 "Now's not the time to doubt allegiances like that."

 And with that Brook drew her daggers and moved off to intercept the raging elf.

 "Guess I could've worded that better." Roko sighed.

 "Roko, what do we do?" Momo asked, "Can I help?"

 "We can kill all the orcs but the monsters will keep coming." Roko sighed, "Like it or not, we have to deal with the god-like eye in the sky."

 "So we killing god?"

 "Get them to leave at least."

 "Cool. How we doing that?"

 "We could try blasting it."

 "Didn't you already try that?"

 "We could try doing it even harder."

 "How?" Momo asked before she began to realize where Roko was going and began to get excited, "Wait!"

 "How do you feel about using amp again?" Roko smirked.

 "OH HELL YES!" Momo cheered, "I've been waiting for you to give me the go ahead again!"

 "Honestly, I would've been fine if we never had to use it again." Roko sighed, "But desperate situations call for desperate solutions."

 "Is it really that desperate?"

 "It seems we've been cut out from the outside world spatially."

 "Really? I came in through the cave just fine."

 "That's interesting but I doubt it'll work again. Even if it did, the path is too long and entering the cave again is just asking to be cornered."

 "Fair point." Momo stretched, "So we shooting a bolt of lightning at it?"

 "As big as you can." Roko nodded, "I'm going to be honest, I don't think it'll accomplish much but I need to figure out what works and what doesn't."

 "In for a penny, in for a pound." Momo smiled, "Right. Wish me luck."

 "Good luck." Roko said as he took a few cautious steps back.

 Momo took a deep breath, inhaling and exhaling an evenly long breath.


 Power burst out of Momo in an extremely ferocious aura of swirling colors. In this vortex of magic, Roko could even see the armament magic the cursed necklace was creating over her body as Momo's magic ran over them. And then, without ever even seeing her bend her knees, Momo rocketed upwards towards the eye with lighting flowing out from her hands. With the eye seeming to take no notice of the small figure flying up to him, Momo thrust her hands forward and shouted, "Lightning!"

 The entire camp was suddenly lit with a blinding white light brighter than any sun. Those wise enough shielded their eyes from the light though even that seemed to do little to help. The roaring of a hundred, no thousands of lightning strikes all exploding forth in the same singular instant was so loud and consuming that it all just registered as a particularly sharp white noise to those below. The blast itself blew away the clouds and covered the sky in ascending light with no destination but up. As quickly as the thunder and lightning came it disappeared and the sky darkened again. Momo fell to the ground, exhausted but her role fulfilled. Her friends rushed over to check up on her but their concerns were drowned out by the screeching that was filling the air more than their ears. But with a simple grin and a thumbs up, Momo reassured everyone that she was okay. All that was left was to look up at the sky...and watch as the eye slowly beginning to close. With everyone in the encampment, monsters, elves and humans alike, left still by the sky shock, everyone watched the sky with their own mixture of emotions holding their breaths hostage. The heavenly eye continued to close, almost as if squinting at them. And in an instant faster than any of them was prepared for...the eye blinked.

 As the eye opened again, it pulsated once more and the sky broke. More magic eating monsters began falling down on them, more than ever before. Life restarted around them, the monsters that were still on the ground and had been still since the eyes were uncovered began moving once more. Attacking all living things in the camp, the soldiers and the orcs could only remain still as the monsters began biting them all at once.

 The more reactive of Roko's group quickly moved to fight as many monsters as they could. The more observant of them kept looking at the skies as they witnessed something horrifying. As the giant eye continued to stare down at them, from behind the clouds and behind the cracking skies, giant, titanic sized tentacles reached out from the heavens. Tendrils so big that they could pick up the mountain that the orcs had built their base into as if it was a scale model. These giant appendages reached slowly down from the sky as if to crush them like ants.

 "MOMO!" Helena yelped.

 "Varis, with me!" Momo called.

 Having already sensed the quite obvious looming threat, Momo and Varis jumped back into the air to intercept the tentacles, blasting them with powerful magic that severed the tentacles tips. Now functionally disabled, the tentacles just began to disappear on their own. However even with two felled four more were already coming down from the clouds once again. Slowly descending down to the absolute chaos happening below.

 Reaumur, Drift and Ohm all cried out in shock as monsters began to swarm them, quickly trying to drop the people they were trying to move to fight back. But with no time to prepare themselves, the monsters had already begun to descend upon them.


 A force seemed to burst out from behind the monsters that disintegrated every monster in front of them. A dozen more came to fill their roles but the instant was enough for the dark elves to arm themselves. From across the field, they looked for someone to direct their thanks and found Corissa who was hiding behind the knights protecting her. She just gave a nod before the monsters invaded their view once again.

 In the distance, Brook was left alone as monsters swarmed around her and the motionless Romer. She swung her daggers efficiently, cutting down wave after wave of the monsters. These things weren't particularly sturdy, Brook had quickly caught onto the ideal points in their bodies to cut, but their numbers were insane. It was only a matter of time until her concentration wanes and-

 Just as her concerns came to a head, Brook felt her guard open up behind her. A blind spot she incidentally made when she made an attack that was right in front of a leaping monster. She turned to try and fend off the monster but she wasn't nearly fast enough to be able to save herself. In that moment, Brook heard a bark and Klaus suddenly teleported in front of her and bit into one of the monster's tentacles, swinging it around and away from her as he tore the appendage off the monster, flinging it into a couple more monsters.

 "Klaus?!" Brook gasped, "You're here to help me?"

 Klaus barked affirmatively as he dropped the tentacle in his mouth and growled at the surrounding monsters.

 "...Then we'll die together then." Brook said, "Unless those humans manage to think of something up."

 Roko's thoughts were racing. His brain was working overtime trying to comprehend all the myriad of problems he had to deal with now. With the sudden reactivation of the monsters, the flooding of even more monsters to the now still orcs and elves, the still present eye and now these giant tentacles. Not to mention they've been cut out from the outside world spatially. Things might be getting out of hand but they had one final weapon. Holy was their last and ultimate option. Roko wasn't sure how it would interact with spatial isolation but at the very least, he knew it could delete the monsters. Roko was even sure it could counter the giant tentacles reaching down towards them. There was a chance it could repel or destroy the eye too but how high would they have to go in order for it to have an effect? Their stamina had already run thin and couldn't possibly hold out for much longer. Which option do they pour their efforts into? Do they try to leave? How many of their forces would they end up having to abandon to do so? Was he even sure these monsters would leave them alone if they just escaped the camp? How could he-

 Roko's thoughts were suddenly cut short when he felt a raindrop fall on his hand. It was an utterly mundane event. Something that his mind registered briefly and was already moving on from noticing when he felt his hand lurching down as if suddenly hit by something incredibly dense. As confusion racked Roko's brain, he felt more and more rain beginning to fall. Each of them pounding on his back with such force and intensity that Roko was being forced down to his knees. He felt Momo's magic quickly flow into him in response but even then it was a struggle to push himself back onto his feet. He could see his allies around him, infused with the same magic and even they were struggling to remain standing. Their movements grew heavy, fighting the water that continued to push them down. Their defenses were quickly beginning to crumple with monsters starting to latch onto Roko's less armored allies and dragging them away from the group. Trying to save them ended up breaking their formation even more. Roko pulled himself up to combat the monsters charging at him. He stabbed and swiped, just barely able to keep the monsters off him all alone. But his fatigue was nothing compared to his mental state. Every problem has only gotten worse without even giving Roko a chance to address any of them. Everything was endless. The monsters, the water, the tendrils coming down from the sky. It was like they were fighting an infinitely numerous being. Like fighting a god with infinite power or of incomprehensible size. All Roko's efforts had only managed to make this being blink and this god's response was eternity. An eternity that they could never escape. Eventually they will tire and they will die and their corpses will be taken by these monsters, by this god and converted into even more countless monsters. He may have combated monsters like this before but for the first time, Roko felt like he was fighting a true, unequaled god. And how was he supposed to defeat a god?! Even now, the rain was starting to pool up over the ground. The entire camp was being flooded and it wasn't just a small layer of rain. The water was rising to consume their shoes and soon they'd be knee deep in water. Not just normal water either, moving through this water was like moving in a much cleaner swamp. If fighting the rain pushing them down wasn't enough, now their movements were getting sealed off entirely and the monsters wouldn't even need to do any fighting as they waited for them to drown. Without Roko's direction, Momo and Varis had taken to rescuing all the lifeless elven soldiers to the top of the orcs' huts where the monsters and water couldn't reach them but only just yet. It was only a matter of time. It was only a matter of time before they're completely overtaken and that time is coming so-

 Roko bit into his hand, the sharp pain cutting into his thoughts and cutting off his piling dread. Roko bit deep into his hand, enough to draw blood. Even as his senses returned to him, he ground his teeth in sheer anger and frustration. Sheer irritation that he would harbor such pessimistic thoughts. No matter how hopeless the situation, no matter how unlikely salvation was, Roko fought to the bitter end. No hesitation and no mercy. He always plays to his outs. 

 With his attention refocused, Roko dragged his way through waist high waters now towards Corissa who was trying to pull an elven soldier out from under the water.


 "Roko! Varis, we need you!"

 Roko reached out with his hand as Corissa reached out with hers, each struggling to make their way forward through the dense water that swirled around their body. Perhaps it was Roko's mounting paranoia but he could swear even the tides were working against him. But with some effort, Roko managed to grab onto Corissa's hand just as Varis arrived and pulled both him, Corissa and even the elven solider out of the water and onto a rooftop. Varis quickly left not long after rescuing them, leaving them to cough out the little bit of water that they had incidentally inhaled.

 "Are you okay?" Corissa asked as she looked up at Roko, "Oh no, your hand! Did you get bitten?! Let me see tha-"


 The princess jolted as Roko suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders as he coughed up the last bits of water in his lungs.

 "Y-Yes?" Corissa gulped.



 "All human magic originated from gods. If the gods truly haven't abandoned humanity then we're going to need their power to escape this situation. This is the only way I can see to power up holy enough to reject the power of the eye."

 "But..." Corissa blinked, a bit stunned to hear something as...pious as this coming from Roko of all people.

 "I know." Roko scowled, "It's not an ideal solution but we need all the help we can get to win now. I'm sorry but this all relies on you now."


 Roko jolted as he suddenly felt a tentacle wrap around him. One of the giant ones reaching down from the sky had managed to reach him and began to pick him up.

 "Roko!" Corissa cried as her friend began to get carried away from her, "He-"

 "Forget about me!" Roko cried as he drew his sword and began to try stabbing at the impossibly immense appendage, "Focus on your spell! You're our only hope!"

 Corissa whimpered as Roko was dragged up into the sky. She could see Varis and Momo react to the kidnapping and quickly move to try and rescue him but multiple more tentacles blocked them from even approaching it. With nothing else left she could do, Corissa shut her eyes, bowed her head and clasped her hands together, trying to forget the chaos around her and do as Roko said. Pray.

 Roko stabbed again and again at the arm that was stealing him but it was hopeless. His sword may as well be a thin hair compared to the size of the tentacle. He didn't know why he was being accosted instead of killed but the closer he came to that eye the more he understood it wasn't anything good. Everyone was trying so hard to save him and he tried screaming at them to forget him but he didn't think they heard him. Or maybe they did and refused to stop anyway. He didn't understand why they were trying so hard to save him when there were so many others in danger but that was hardly going to matter. He turned his body to look up at the immense alien eye in the sky with a scowl,

 "Come on then, you eldritch god. I'll show you the depths of my defiance."

 "Thanks Momo!" Helena gasped as Momo dropped her off at the roof where Corissa was before disappearing again, "Corissa! Corissa we need to do something!"

 But no matter how much Helena shouted and shook Corissa, she seemed to keep praying for some reason.

 "Corissa? Hey, Cori-"

 "Shut up!" Corissa yelled, startling Helena away from her. Ignoring the desperate pleas of her fellow royalty, Corissa focused on her own desperate pleas.

 "Oh gods, I come to you for your guidance. Please awaken and heed my prayers. Humanity faces a foe we cannot comprehend. With powers far greater than we have seen. Only with your treasured guidance can we-"

 Roko's vision was nearly taken up by the giant eye now. It's ethereal light casting a sickly green light over him. The nausea that Roko had suppressed was back in sickening force. There was a ringing in his ears that seemed to come from nowhere so he was certain it was some sort of phantom tinnitus. Pushing back all the discomfort he was feeling, Roko pointed his sword at the eye of what seemed like a god like creature. In response, the tentacle began to tighten around him, cracking his ribs and squishing his organs together, Roko spat out something. Bile or blood he was no longer sure with the pain racking his brain. For a moment he almost felt his grip on his sword fail but Roko managed to re-tighten his grip and point it weakly at the eye. Even as his sense began to fail him one by one, Roko pushed himself to remain conscious even if all he could do is point his sword and glare at god.

 Something was wrong. Corissa knew it. Not in that fact that her prayers weren't working but because she knew...she felt like...Roko was wrong. Magic was a gift from god to humans, yes, but holy...holy didn't feel like that. She didn't know why she felt that way, she just...felt it. Intrinsically. Instinctually. She had no proof for her ideas and she honestly could be wrong but could they afford for her to be wrong? Right now? She's always trusted Roko. Roko had never let them down before and she wanted to listen to him. To trust him. It was hard for her to think that he might be wrong but...could he be? Everyone's lives is in her hands. It all...depended...on her…

 Corissa bit her lip in frustration and cried out in frustration, startling Helena as she dove into the rising water below them. The viscous water dragged at her, fighting her attempts to swim down but it didn't matter so long as she was making headway. Her body's movements became automatic. She didn't even feel the need to rise again for another breath. Everything fell away from her as she dove down, deeper into the water and deeper into her mind.

 "I reject you now. God of a foreign realm. Your creatures will shatter, your arms repelled and your sight blinded. No longer will you threaten the realm of reality. Here and now, I reject you from this space and time. I give blessings to humanity and will to the earth. So that all of that which you threaten can reject you."

 In the last moments of her thoughts, Corissa thought to cast holy but a different word flickered into her mind. One that she read with equal fervor as she finally touched the ground at the bottom of the wicked sea.


 All at once, light grew out from her fingertips, lighting up the earth and in an instant, the water dispersed into a cloud of bubbles. As Corissa quickly gasped for the breath that she long needed, the bubbles began rising with the light. This show of light and water disintegrating every monster in the seas and skies, piercing holes in the giant tentacles reaching down from the heavens and stilled the winds and rains and clouds. And finally they reached the eye as it squinted in pain from the brilliance, finally disappearing from the skies as the late noon sun returned to the heavens in its place. And in the midst of this picturesque peace, an unconscious Roko began falling back down to earth.