
Immortality: Primordial Vampire

In the mysterious world of Yahrnam, where ancient secrets lie buried beneath layers of history and myth, Noir Origin awakens to a new existence. Reborn into this enigmatic realm as a Primordial Vampire, Noir finds himself thrust into a struggle for survival and supremacy amidst warring races and looming powers. Determined to carve out a place for his kind in this tumultuous world, Noir sets out to rally his fellow vampires and establish their presence in the face of opposition from rival races and ancient powers. In this novel, MC will build his Empire and Develop the vampire race from scratch. --------------------------------------- Thank you for checking my work.

Primordial_Evil · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Chapter 14: Alexa's Past

After Elena and Violet finished conversing, they turned their attention to Clair and Alexa, their trusted maids who had been with them through thick and thin. As they explained the concept of immortality and the process of becoming a vampire, Clair's eyes lit up with excitement while Alexa remained stoic, her emotions masked behind a facade of coldness.

Clair, ever the optimist, eagerly embraced the idea of eternal companionship with Lady Violet, expressing her willingness to accept the transformation without hesitation. Her cheerful demeanor provided a stark contrast to Alexa's reserved nature, but both maids listened intently to the proposal, their curiosity piqued by the possibility of transcending the bounds of mortality.

Meanwhile, Noir's attention was fixated on Alexa, his crimson eyes penetrating her stoic facade as he delved into the depths of her soul. He could sense the tumultuous emotions swirling within her—hatred, longing, and a burning desire for revenge. But beneath the surface, he detected a profound sorrow that tugged at his immortal heartstrings, compelling him to unravel the mysteries of her past.

In a bold move, Noir approached Alexa with deliberate steps, his gaze unwavering as he posed a simple yet profound question: "Do you want Power? Do you want Revenge?" Her response was immediate and unwavering—she wanted both, and she wanted them with a fervor that resonated deep within her being.

With a wicked grin, Noir accepted her desires and proceeded to initiate the transformation, his vampiric fangs piercing her skin and unleashing a torrent of power and darkness into her veins. As he drank deeply from her essence, he glimpsed fragments of her memories, piecing together the fragments of her turbulent past and the events that had shaped her into the woman she had become.

As Noir delved into Alexa's memories, he witnessed the tumultuous journey that had shaped her into the woman she was today. He saw the pain and suffering she had endured, the betrayals she had faced, and the deep-seated desire for vengeance that burned within her soul.

Alexa entered this world in the embrace of a modest family in a small, unassuming city. Her early years unfolded much like those of any other child, filled with the simple joys and innocence of youth. 

However, it was at the tender age of fifteen that Alexa's life took an unexpected turn. Accompanying her family to the Church of Light, a place typically associated with solace and sanctity, she encountered a priest whose presence seemed to cast a shadow over the purity of the surroundings.

Draped in opulent attire that spoke of wealth and privilege, the man exuded an aura that was both noble and sinister. Despite the facade of affluence, there was an underlying malevolence that sent a chill down Alexa's spine.

In the presence of this mysterious Priest, the air grew heavy with an unsettling tension. Alexa couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as she observed the man, his demeanor betraying a darkness that belied the supposed holiness of the church.

This Priest took a liking to Alex's body. He wanted to buy Alexa from his parent.

This encounter at the Church of Light marked not only a turning point in Alexa's life but also a profound betrayal by those she trusted most—her parents. Overwhelmed by the allure of wealth and material gain, they made a fateful decision that would forever alter the course of their daughter's fate.

In their desperate pursuit of financial security, Alexa's parents succumbed to the temptations laid before them by the enigmatic man with the noble yet sinister aura. Despite their initial reluctance, the promise of untold riches proved too enticing to resist, leading them to forsake their flesh and blood in exchange for material wealth.

For Alexa, this revelation was a crushing blow, shattering the foundation of trust and security she had once found in her family. The realization that her parents had prioritized money over her well-being left her feeling abandoned and betrayed, her innocence tarnished by the harsh realities of greed and deceit.

Afterward, this priest ordered the nuns to wash Alexa give her expensive clothes, and then bring her to his room.

The Nuns did all of it without asking questions or pitying the Poor Alexa.

When they gave Clothes to Alexa. She could hear the talk of the Nuns.

"Tch, This little slut is going to sleep with him. If I only was in her place."

"Yeah, One could easily get promoted to higher ranks."

"I want to beat her up but can't lay a hand on her for now."

"I try to seduce him but this little whore took everything away."

After a while, the Nuns brought her to the biggest and most luxurious room in the church.

And left Alexa there after Knocking on the door.

The Priest brought Alexa inside but Alexa bit him and kicked his rod then she ran away. The priest became angry and ordered to capture her and after capturing her he ordered Paladins to bring her family to church and he declared that her family had practiced Dark arts.

As the weight of their betrayal bore down upon them, Alexa's parents faced the grim consequences of their actions in their final moments. With their lives hanging in the balance, consumed by the guilt and remorse of their treachery, they uttered curses upon their daughter, sealing their tragic fate with bitter words of condemnation.

In the throes of anguish and despair, Alexa bore witness to the harrowing spectacle of her family's demise, forced to confront the stark reality of their betrayal and the irreversible consequences it had wrought. The curses that spilled from their lips served as a chilling reminder of the depths of their betrayal, staining the air with bitterness and resentment as their lives slipped away before Alexa's eyes.

Haunted by the echoes of their curses, Alexa stood as a silent witness to the tragic end of her family, her heart heavy with grief and sorrow for the loss of the familial bonds that had once bound them together. In that moment of profound despair, she found herself grappling with the weight of their curses, grappling with the notion that she had been forsaken not only by those she loved but also by the very blood that flowed through her veins.

Afterwards, Alexa Was sold to a Slave Trader.

In the depths of her despair, a glimmer of hope emerged when a kind-hearted young girl crossed paths with Alexa. Drawn by compassion and empathy, this girl approached Alexa's cage, offering a ray of light in her darkened world. With gentle words and a warm smile, she extended a hand of friendship to Alexa, setting her free.

Determined to repay the girl's kindness and to honor the bond that had formed between them, Alexa pledged herself to her new mistress, vowing to stand by her side through thick and thin. In Elena, she found not only a benefactor but also a kindred spirit, a beacon of light in the darkness who offered her hope and refuge in a world plagued by cruelty and betrayal.


As Alexa's transformation reached its culmination, a profound metamorphosis swept through her being, leaving an indelible mark upon her form and spirit. Her once-ordinary appearance underwent a remarkable evolution, emerging as a vision of ethereal beauty and otherworldly allure.

Her hair, once a muted hue, now blazed with a vibrant shade of dark red, cascading in luxurious waves around her slender frame. With each passing moment, her stature grew taller, her physique imbued with a newfound grace and elegance that captivated all who beheld her. Every curve of her body became a testament to her immortal nature, sculpted with an exquisite refinement that seemed to transcend mortal limitations.

But it was her eyes that bore the most striking transformation, their once-ordinary gaze now aglow with a mesmerizing hue of crimson red. Within their depths, a potent energy pulsed, emanating an aura of power and strength that spoke of her newfound status as an immortal being.

With her transformation complete, Alexa approached Noir with a sense of purpose and determination, her crimson eyes locking onto his with an intensity that belied her immortal nature. With a swift yet graceful motion, she enveloped him in a fervent embrace, drawing him close as she pressed her lips to his skin.

With the final act of the ritual complete, Alexa withdrew from Noir's embrace, her crimson eyes shimmering with a newfound sense of purpose and determination. As she stood before him, resplendent in her immortal beauty, she knew that she had been reborn into a realm of endless possibility and boundless potential.