
Immortality: Primordial Vampire

In the mysterious world of Yahrnam, where ancient secrets lie buried beneath layers of history and myth, Noir Origin awakens to a new existence. Reborn into this enigmatic realm as a Primordial Vampire, Noir finds himself thrust into a struggle for survival and supremacy amidst warring races and looming powers. Determined to carve out a place for his kind in this tumultuous world, Noir sets out to rally his fellow vampires and establish their presence in the face of opposition from rival races and ancient powers. In this novel, MC will build his Empire and Develop the vampire race from scratch. --------------------------------------- Thank you for checking my work.

Primordial_Evil · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 13: Temptation of Immortality

In the grand tapestry of existence, death stands as an immutable truth, an inevitability that all beings born into this world must ultimately confront. From the moment of birth, the shadow of mortality looms over every living being, casting its somber veil over the passage of time. It is this fundamental truth that renders even the concept of a deity's demise an inconceivable notion, If you are not born how could you die? if one has come into existence, there must, by the very nature of existence, be an end.

The primal instinct to survive, to cling fervently to life, courses through the veins of humanity, an indomitable force that propels individuals to seek ways to extend their time in this world. Immortality, the tantalizing prospect of an existence unbounded by the shackles of time, holds an irresistible allure for mortals. Even amidst life's harshest trials and tribulations, the desire to persist, to endure, remains a steadfast beacon guiding humanity forward. Yet, for many, the specter of death remains a source of profound fear and uncertainty, a nagging question that haunts the deepest recesses of the human psyche: What lies beyond the threshold of mortality?

Violet Cinder knows this fear all too well. From the moment she witnessed her mother's passing, she grappled with the stark reality of mortality, with the knowledge that one day, death would inexorably claim her as well. Fuelled by a deep-seated dread of the unknown and a longing to defy the march of time, she dedicated herself tirelessly to the pursuit of power and longevity, harnessing every ounce of her strength and wealth in a desperate bid to stave off the inevitable.

Now, presented with the opportunity to transcend the limitations of mortal existence, offered by her dearest friend Elena, Violet finds herself standing at the precipice of a monumental decision. The allure of immortality, the promise of an eternity free from the specter of death, beckons to her with an irresistible pull. To embrace the life of an immortal, to become a vampire and walk the path of eternity alongside her cherished friend—this, Violet knows, is the most profound and tempting offer she has ever encountered. Temptation, in its purest form, beckons her to grasp hold of the forbidden fruit of immortality and cast off the shackles of mortality once and for all.

As time slipped away, Violet's breaths quickened, mirroring the fervent desire and longing stirring within her soul. With each passing moment, the allure of immortality beckoned to her with an irresistible pull. As she gazed into the serious eyes of her best friend, Elena, she sensed the gravity of the moment.


The pain was there. this was reality.

"Elena, I want this immortality," Violet declared without hesitation, her voice trembling with anticipation and resolve. Her dream of eternal life, once a distant fantasy, now lay within her grasp, tantalizingly close yet still veiled in uncertainty.

Elena's smile, warm and understanding, conveyed her unwavering support for her dear friend. Though she understood the weight of Violet's decision, she felt compelled to illuminate the path that lay ahead. A life in the pursuit of one desires. A life filled with nothing but blood.

"Violet, About being a vampire..." Elena began, her voice tinged with solemnity, yet Violet's fervor remained unyielding.

"I don't care, Elena," Violet interjected, her determination unwavering. "You know me better than anyone. I am willing to pay any price for this. Please, grant me the gift of immortality."

With a silent exchange of understanding, Elena nodded to Noir, signaling her trust in his ability to guide Violet on the path to immortality. As Noir approached with measured steps, his aura suffused with a transcendent power, Violet's excitement eclipsed any lingering traces of fear. With each step, she embraced the prospect of eternal life, ready to embark on a journey that would forever alter the course of her existence.

As Noir enveloped Violet in his embrace, the profound transformation began. His vampiric fangs, gleaming with otherworldly allure, descended upon her tender flesh, piercing through the softness of her skin. With each draw of her blood, Noir's vampiric essence infused her veins, imbuing her mortal form with the elixir of immortality.

For Violet, the experience was nothing short of divine ecstasy. Waves of pleasure washed over her, igniting every fiber of her being in a symphony of sensation. With each pulse of her heart, she could feel the very essence of her existence shifting, reshaping her into something beyond the confines of mortality.

As life slowly ebbed from her mortal vessel, Violet succumbed to the intoxicating embrace of eternity. Cradled in Noir's arms, she descended into a state of profound metamorphosis, shedding the limitations of her mortal shell to embrace a higher realm of existence.

With a gentle release, Noir lowered Violet onto the sofa, where her transformation continued to unfold. Her once-charming visage underwent a breathtaking metamorphosis, her features assuming an ethereal allure that surpassed mortal beauty.

With a languid flutter of her eyelids, Violet emerged from the depths of her transformation. Two crimson orbs, radiant with newfound vitality, met the gaze of Noir and Elena. As her fangs extended, hunger gnawed at her insides, driving her toward Noir with a primal urgency.

She drank Noir's Blood.

Seeing this scene Elena had a frown on her face as she angrily looked at Noir.

'Could it be, she is a Yandere?' Noir thought silently as he looked at Elena.

Elena embraced him from behind and she began to drink Noir's blood like Violet.

"You are mine, Mine for the rest of eternity"

'Yep, She is a Yandere'

[Name: Violet Cinder]

[Race: Immortal Arch Vampire] (Changed it from Arch Immortal Vampire to Immortal Arch Vampire)

[Cultivation [Mage]: 6 Star]

[Cultivation [Aura]: 0 Star]

With an unspoken understanding, Noir surrendered himself to the insatiable hunger of Violet and Elena. As they greedily drank from his veins, he felt the familiar rush of ecstasy coursing through his immortal being.

For Violet, the taste of Noir's blood was an intoxicating elixir, infusing her with vitality and power beyond measure. 

Elena, too, reveled in the divine nectar of Noir's blood, her senses ablaze with the raw intensity of their shared connection.