
Immortal monster

I’m a monster, immortal yet not like the others. Cover art and any character besides the oc does not belong too me.

Obito_Black · Película
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17 Chs

Chapter: 8 Questions/mutation..

(A.N the Mc is really really really old)

[flash back - 3000 BC, early Egyptian kingdoms]

"I will give you power if you wish it, poor flowers condemned too such a fate" the two women who had been imprisoned by the ruling class too be buried with there pharaoh.

"I do not wish too die here" one of the women say.

"Do not listen lela!, it is the spirits in this tomb, do not let it blur your mind, this is our duty" the other woman says, stepping in front of lela.

"I will not force you, you will starve and die but before that you will suffocate and thousands of years later someone will find your body" the man says, his voice echoing in the dark.

"I don't want too die like this sev please!, duty what duty they ripped us from our home and brought us here saying it was a honor. Too be buried alive!" Lela says to sev her only remaining family.

"How will he do so?!, can you not see it is your mind pl..pla...playing tricks" sev said until the man stepped infront of her caressing her cheek.

"I am very much real, so your choice is too stay very well" the man says, moving back into the dark.

"No we will not die here!, sev I'm sorry I have always trusted you but now you must trust me!" Lela says pulling sev arm.

"We don't know what it is we can't.." sev was going too say.

"It is better then this is it not?!" Lela says.

"Lela I know your scared but are you sure?!" Sev says, scared as well too die here.

"Yes, If it is a trick we die here anyway" lela says, holding sev hands.

"Very well we expect your offer!" Sev yells into the dark.

There was nothing but silence as the two girls waited here, until a women's voice was heard.

"Good now drink" the women in black said placing a gold challis on the floor as the few torches still lit started too die.

The girls looked at it there eyes focused looking at the dark substance, walking forward and picking it up. It smelled sweet but they guessed what it was.

"Blood?!, you would have us drink this?!" Sev said too the 3 figures standing in the dark.

"Yes and be reborn or die here" another women's voice was here in the dark.

"Lela!!" Sev screams as she sees lela drink from the cup.

"We have already made our choice did we not sev now drink!" Lela says handing the cup too her.

Sev hesitated for a while looking at the cup, bringing it too her lips and holding lela hand.

"Ok I trust you" sev says drinking it.

They both experience a flash of a giant being in a mountain it's black eyes flashed red as blood was seen on its fur around its mouth and a warm feelings spread in there heart as the being pulled them close as if protecting them and they felt safe truly safe for once.

"I feel amazing!" Lela says, hugging herself as the warm feeling came in waves.

"You are right Lela, I've never felt anything like this" sev says, looking too the beings.

"What now, lord" Lela says already feeling the connection too the man.

"Yes what comes next lord, ahhh!" Sev says they felt massive pain.

"Now" one of the women says.

"You die" the other women said in a sweet voice.

The two women in black come up and hold the two who did not fear it but felt the warm feeling grow as the two women hugged them. The man came over And the warm feel increased dramatically as he leaned down kissing there foreheads.

"Now you are mine" the man says, as the ring around his eyes turned a beautiful pale bluish purple color.

"Yes lord" Lela and sev say, reaching there hands too touch his handsome face.

Soon the women closed there eyes as they were laid down. Then there eyes shot open, sev having bright yellow eyes with a black ring around it. While lela had all black eyes with her pupil being a vibrant purple. They both breathed there last as there lower jaw elongated a little as there sharpe fangs grew.

"Lord, lothric" they both said, coming too him and bowing.

"I have given you what I promised now go, kill everything that you find and do not come back until it's done. Destroy all that they have and all that they have ever done too you" the man says going too the wall and hitting it as a door that sealed this place was broken. The two smiled as there dresses turned ethereal like becoming one with the wind and moved out.

"Yes lord, for your sake" lela and sev said giggling as they moved down to the large city below as the moon shined down.

"Go, help them they will need too feed once before it is locked away" the man in black fur says too the women beside him.

They both move forward at great speed, happy too be of use. There swords draw, moving into the city.

[end flash back]

Sev and lela sat on the high wall watching there lord brought back with the boy Lucian. Watching as the weak man viktor blamed him and watch as they whipped there lord. when they could not draw blood they made more whip him, seeing there lord lower his self so the whips would make some marks.

"Ahhhh" both lela and sev eyes change as they grew angry, they did not move and were not heard as there jaws elongated a little and there shaped teeth could be seen. Squeezing there fist while having too watch knowing it was part of there lords plan before disappearing in the wind.

"We will kill all of them when the time comes" both Lela and sev said, there words scattered in the wind.