
Immortal monster

I’m a monster, immortal yet not like the others. Cover art and any character besides the oc does not belong too me.

Obito_Black · Película
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17 Chs

Chapter 7: I Am No Lycan..

[viktors castle]

"Lucian, you have to try and keep lothric in check. I do not wish to see you both get hurt" Sonja says.

"I can not control him, no one can but I will try. He plans to take us away from here" Lucian says sitting looking at the arrows.

"We will talk about this later, for now he needs too keep his head down" Sonja says, giving Lucian a hug and leaving.

Walking into the room again I see Lucian in deep thought.

"Enough Lucian, I will not cause a stir" I say sitting beside him and patting his back.

"Thank you, yet Sonja has been so distant lately" Lucian says, getting up and going too the cell bars leaning.

"Give her time, the matters of the heart are complicated. Even for immortals" I say, laying back.

"You are right, I will not rush this head first like someone" Lucian says laughing.

"Sounds like you never been head first in to anything, a women of any kind would do" I say chuckling.

[days later]

Werewolf's could be heard howling at the castle, across the plane of death before them and Viktor held a party for the nobles.

"What is word of the death dealers camps that have been burned, is it not Marcus?" Viktor says too a man walking next too him.

"No lord, Marcus says he will sleep soon, his death dealers as well as Amelias have been hit, everytime there is nothing left, werewolf and our kind alike" the man says, walking with viktor.

"Tanis, your telling me there are rogues killing us and there is nothing too be done about it?" Viktor says.

"No lord, we have sent more death dealers forward too a few large camps, if they come one will be captured my lord" tanis says.

"Make it so tanis, the others in the council grow worried as well as the humans" viktor says walking away and going back too the party.

"Yes, my lord" tanis says, hoping to win favor.

[forest beon the death Valley]

A large metal coach could be seen moving towards another more elegant looking coach, behind it were slaves were chained, bags over there heads as they walked forward. The human noble had come bearing gifts. The vampires fired a arrow that burned. Signaling the castle they had received the nobles.

[mc POV]

I sat on the wall with while Lucian ready sonjas sword. I sniffed the air smelling all kinds of werewolves, a figure came to me in death dealer armor and bowed.

"Lord" the women spoke.

"I already know, I will move..make sure too deal with tanis" I say with out looking.

"You should not have to dirty your hands with there blood lord" the women said too my back.

"The only reason you were allowed too come here was I fought you had not touched the boy, but do not question me again lela" i said as the women removed her helm.

(A.N lela -image here)

"Forgive me my lord, I will do as you commanded" lela says, glad her lord called her by name and bowed.

"Good do not fail me again" I turn too her, my eyes turning black.

"Yes, my love" lela says, putting her helm on and walking away.

I watch as Sonja and a team of death dealers move out of the castle walls, at great speed.

"Finally" I say, moving from the wall too Lucian.

"Brother I fear.." Lucian try's to say.

"I already know, there are many werewolves that lurk" I say too him.


"Brother!" Lucian screams at me.

"Shut up let's go" I say, already on a horse, holding a death dealers neck.

Watching as Lucian pushes a death dealer off a horse riding out of the gate with me.

"Get them, bring them down, stop them" death dealers said shooting bolts at us.

Riding as fast as we can through the forest. I jump from the horse running faster then it could seeing a werewolf and smashing my body into it sending it flying, moving as I needed no weapon ripped heads off and breaking bones like nothing. Watching the death dealers get slaughtered as Lucian jumped into the fight picking up a sword. Sonja saw us and screamed.

"Lothric, Lucian!" Being dragged under ground, a werewolf ran toward her as my head broke through the ground and it's head ripping it out of the ground and grabbing her.

"Why have you come" Sonja said caressing my face.

"Too save you" I say, reaching behind me as I stand grabbing a werewolf throat crushing it.

Watching as Sonja smilies getting up there were to many more as they came In droves. From the trees as the slaves tried too fight back.

"Brother there are too many!" Lucian says, backing to us.

"I know, very well then" I say nodding my head too him as he takes a key out and takes he's collar off, dropping it too the ground.

"Lucian?!" Sonja screams.

He changes he clothes tear as he morphs into a lycan.

"Rrawwwhhhhh!" Lucian roars at them, the werewolves stop for a second looking at him as 3 bigger ones move towards us, roaring back.

Lucian moves to defend us, i look and see that only the lesser ones had stopped moving, as the elder ones moved too Lucian, ready too attack.

"We must leave now lothric...lothric?" Sonja Sonja says, looking at me pickup the collar and take the key.

"Do not be afraid Sonja, I will protect both of you" I say stepping forward taking off my collar as everyone watched.

(A.N has a collar in case he ever changed)

I move infront of Lucian who looked at me as I pushed him back. Soon my body made cracking sounds as my body broke and bent in different ways as my skin fell off as pitch black fur could be seen, I grew larger then any of them as I stood on two legs massive muscles, my eyes fully black as steam came from my nose, I breathed looking down at the wolves and other.

(A.N the humanoid bear look from the need help chapter but black)

"Lothric?!" Sonja says then.

"Rawaaawwwwahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I hit the ground and roared that echoed through the forest as far as the castle as vapor blew from my nose. The werewolves stood still lowering themselves too the ground I stepped forward as they tried too make themselves even smaller, picking one up by its neck it didn't even struggle as I tore its head from its body. The other wolfs backed away still lowered too the ground, moving into the forest.

"Brother what are you?" Lucian said, changing back.

My body broke again as I changed back, my skin growing as the body got smaller.

"Your not a lycan?" Sonja says, getting up seeing the tattoos alll over my body for the first time.

"No, I am no lycan"