
Immortal monster

I’m a monster, immortal yet not like the others. Cover art and any character besides the oc does not belong too me.

Obito_Black · Película
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17 Chs

Chapter 10: Do Not Speak..

(A.N the flash backs will continue but I will rush this movie a little too get too present time so maybe like 5 more chapters idk)

"It was not only your blame too take brother" Lucian says, looking me as I was leaning on the rails my back too him as it healed in no time.

"It does not matter Lucian" I say turning around.

"Brother what are you exactly?" Lucian says too me.

"Do not speak of it, just know I am not like any of you" I say to him watching the slaves be brought in.

"Why do you stare so?" Lucian asked the bulky slave that was next to our cell.

"I did not think the stories were tru.." the man was going to say.

"He fears you Lucian , he stinks of it" I say.

"It is not him we fear but you" the man says. While I the others push themselves up against the opposite side of the cell.

"Do not, my brother is not all that scary" Lucian says laughing.

"Brother? How he is something far different then you" the man says, leaning against the wall close to us.

"He is more like my son then a brother" I say, chuckling.

"Actually he is right, what is your name?" Lucian asks the man while laughing.

"I am Raze, will they turn us like you?" Raze asks.

"Like him yes, there are none like me" I say leaning back closing my eyes.

"What fate is in store for us?" Raze asked.

"Too be forever slaves to them, Made too watch over them" Lucian says too raze.

"To be dod that does as there master asks" I say, thinking.

"I will not be there slave" raze says.

"Good, when you obtain power, we will talk" I say letting myself sleep.

Meanwhile, with viktor and Sonja

"So you will not tell me what happened?!" Victor says to Sonja.

"There is nothing too tell" Sonja says going around his questioning.

"He removed his coat for what reason then, if not to change!, you are protecting him?" Viktor says, questions.

"Father he is a lycan, like Lucian just bigger" Sonja lies.

"So he can change, I had only thought his strength was because Williams blood moves in his veins, knowing this would other be able too...no, no it is far too risky if just one of him is trouble" viktor talks to himself.

"What will you do?" Sonja asked.

"I have had enough of his disobedience, he will be executed, the only reason he still lives is the fact he saved you!" Viktor says.

"Father you would have him killed?" Sonja says.

"You worry too much for it, he is a beast!" Victor says.

"Father!" Sonja says turning too him.

"I have spoken, Sonja I know he saved your life but it can not go unpunished!" Victor says walking away from her.

Sonja holds her heart not knowing the full monster that lothric was, looking down too the cells as she whispers.


[mc POV]

"Are you like the ones who attacked us" Raze asks Lucian.

"Nothing like them, they are mindless beast created by William, pure bloods you can say" Lucian says.

"You say that, yet they bowed down too him" raze says, nodding to me.

"Yes they did, too something far more dangerous then them" I say getting up going too the cell door as I smell Sonja.

"Lothric!" Sonja says in a small yell.

"Sonja why.." I tried to say, seeing her cry.

"I have made up my mind, yet my heart still longs for you I know we could never be together. I have some thing to tell you, my father plans on executing you" Sonja says the first part very low.

"They said what?!" Lucian gets up and comes too my side.

"He fears you are too dangerous" Sonja says.

"He can try" I say.

"No lothric you must leave this place!" Sonja says.

"Not yet, either way if I go you and all the rest do" I say, smiling at her.

"How lothric?" Lucian says.

"You will see now go Sonja, remember when I tell you come too this place" I say to her.

"Very well, only if you are sure you can do so" Sonja says.

"Has he ever went back on his word?" Lucian says.

"You finally say something smart Lucian" I say as Sonja and I laugh.

"Really lothric" Lucian fakes anger.

"Very well, I will come I can no longer deal with my father, his selfishness and the way demands loyal yet does not know how it is Obtained" Sonja says.

"At least you are far smarter then the likes of your father, now go and be ready" I say too her.

"Do not be seen leaving here nor say anything that would make viktor suspicious" Lucian says

"I will not, we must move fast, after the nobles leave he plans to execute you infront of all" Sonja grabbing my hand then leaving.

"What is to be done?" Lucian asks me.

"You will know when it is time Lucian for now we wait, the night is long" I say laying back on the floor.

Soon raze and the others were taken to be bitten, coming back with bleeding necks and breathing heavy. Watching the death dealers shove them into the cell and collars put on them.

[future glimpse- the new world-mystic falls - 10 century]