
Immortal In The Magic World

Eli was transmigrated to a world of magic and became immortal. He had endless life and could never die. “Huh? I’m talentless? Then, I’ll just train for as long as I need, even if it takes 1000 years. That should be enough for me to become strong.” “The skill is hard to learn? Then, I’ll take a few dozens of years to research it. There’s no way it’s that hard, right?” “What? I can sacrifice my life force to gain spirit power? That’s a bargain!” “The enemy is here? Hell, I’ll just hide for 10000 years. Let’s see if he can outlive me. I’ll come out once he’s dead.” This is the story of an immortal who first struggled to live in the world of magic until he became strong enough to slaughter endless worlds.

Blue And White Ocean · Oriental
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580 Chs

New Changes

Traductor: Lonelytree

Ten years later.

Eli's elemental compatibility had already reached 87%, and his mental power had also reached 86 points with the help of the potion. He was getting closer and closer to the second circle, and his bloodline had already reached the limit of the second circle.

At this point, Eli even thought of breaking through to his third circle bloodline in advance.

It was not easy to break through to become a third-circle warlock. Not only did it require a lot of materials, but there was also an important step, which was the fusion of bloodline and mental power. This made Eli a little hesitant.

If he fused his bloodline, what about his magic power?

After all, he was a mage. Of course, he didn't completely give up on his bloodline, but he felt that he needed to study it carefully.

And in other aspects, everything was normal for him.