
Idle login system

Experience one of odins vacation lives This Odin won't be like the future Odin well actually yes he will just less depressed and more hopeful. The system this time will actually matter so you will see it this time I'm a beginner writer so please point out mistakes I do not own any artwork or any other ideas except my charter and other works Slow updates

Endlessdragon · Ciudad
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53 Chs


Odin was subjected to a strong killing intent for hours each time it rose and got stronger. His will was strong but his body wasn't he had to deal with many times where his body tried to give up and kill itself only from him to stop it.

Odin only reached the 15% mark before future Odin stopped. Odin collapsed in exhaustion and fell into a deep sleep.

"You lasted longer than when I had to deal with it that's good that means I'll gain more strength."

Slowly red mist floated above odins back and slowly penetrated his shoulders. The mist integrated with his body and formed into a new limb. The mist altered his bone structure and made it hollow and fastened the cell division process to create more skin.

Slowly odins shoulders bulged out and bone tore out of the skin. The bones kept growing and made the frame for wings. Slowly muscle and veins started to cover the bones.

"So this is how the actual gore wings looked before the other me changed it no wonder he hated it." future Odin said as he looked at the wing formation process.

"Here rub this powder on your wings it'll change them." future Odin threw a small bottle with a white powder in it.

Odin didn't react as he was unconscious seeing that future Odin facepalmed and soon operated near Odin. He bent over and grabbed the bottle with his three claw like fingers his entire body and was covered with black muscles that imitated armor.

The only thing not covered by the muscle was the upper half of his face. But a black thin veil obscured any visible features. He poured the powder onto the right-wing and slowly massaged the powder in. The wing started to change from it's Gorey look and become a simple white wing.

Future Odin looks at the other wing and took a careful look for something.

"There you are." future Odin said as he looked at a lump of flesh that was forming near the base of his wing.

The lump was small but it was rapidly growing into a tumor. Future Odin grabbed the wing with his left hand and used his right to cut it with his claw like finger.

The amputation awoke Odin from his slumber and he tried to move but felt something heavy pressing him down.

"Don't struggle I'm trying to take care of these little imperfections." future Odin said as he used his claws to open up odins body.

As Odin couldn't move he didn't try to struggle and just let future Odin do his surgery.

"This is just my soul body so I don't know why this matters?" Odin asked as he felt the claws cutting his flesh.

"Yes but anything you retain from the death realm will be translated into the living realm after you return."

"I'm treating the early stage of the disease you have to remember this for the far future don't and I mean don't underestimate decayed reality." future Odin said sternly.

Soon future Odin finished and took out a huge clump of what looked like static. The clump started to melt Odin could barely see the outline of fire that was consuming the mass. The invisible fire slowly consumed the decayed mass and future Odin disappeared without him realizing it.

He blinked and found himself in the forest again he felt a small bump on his shoulder and he felt around it. The wing future Odin had cut off was trying to regrow but it was healing very slowly even with his regeneration he estimated it would take a few months or maybe a year to heal.

He soon felt a tug from his soul he had forgotten why he was being flooded in killing intent until now. He quickly started to move the energy in his body the black hole in his navel region started to be filled up by the abundant energy. The core started to turn a deep red as he broke through his realm into the next.

The process of him gaining a low-level dao at this low of a level had caused the realm of death to react. The realm started to tremble as a red mist escaped from every being's body.

Since everyone in the realm of death had killed one thing or another they produced a red mist that covered the realm. From odins body, the red mist started to escape and it spread far. As the mist covered the realm it started to break through the barrier that the realm had around it.

From all over the realm the sound of explosions sounded as the mist attacked the barrier. As Odin made the final push into the nascent soul realm the mist retreated back into his body. the realm returned to normal the faint sound of a baby crying was heard as the last wisp of mist disappeared.

Odin let out a breath of turbulent air and soon got up. The wing he had was now stained in red it looked as if he had dipped his wing into blood. The wing slowly disappeared as it entered his body odin felt that he could breakthrough again but he felt exhausted.

The nascent soul realm was the realm of the mind. At this stage, progress was made through self-reflection and the attainment of knowledge. With odins multiple lives this realm was more of just a name than an actual realm he would break through after he regained his energy and enter the soul formation realm.