
Ideas of a Psycho

[TW// Blood | Murder | Mature Content | Assault | Kidnapping | Harassment ] A long... time ago, back when the CECT war had come to a stalemate many rebel groups remained occupying and oppressing countries and their civilians. After Operation 4/5ths failed NBL a prized soldier of the New World Army found himself switching sides. Becoming more Psychotic as the times passed on. General's Family, split across the world, suffers at the hands of NBL. Or is it his fate. His young daughters, kidnapped and split across two lands of a peninsula, his wife- yet to be found. And his eldest son cut out of contact. And now with NBL's growing rebel forces it seems a war will be inevitable. Due to a lack of soldiers because of the Armies inactivity a draft was imposed on all able bodied people from the ages of 16 to 38. How will fate dictate the direction of this war. But it doesn't start. For now its just a bunch of rich kids at high school.

Yui_Ichi · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
27 Chs



I was awoken by the loud sound of hoovering and multiple footsteps rushing about the place. Coming to a sudden realisation I shot up immediately. Placing myself upright against the backboard of my bed. My memories from last night seem to be missing the part as to when I ended up here. All I could recall was entering a taxi with someone and that was it.

White curtains sailed elegantly in the wind and danced rhythmically across my face. Almost like a veil, revealing a world beyond dreams. Completely infatuated with the euphoric setting, I did not realise a tall pair of legs were stationed at the end of my bed. "You're awake now?" it spoke. Instantly I recognised the voice. It belonged to no one other than my best friend.

"Leo!" I leapt out of my bed, jumping onto him like a monkey climbing up a tree. Seeing a face that I recognised on this lonely peninsula brought a newfound joy within me. "You miss me?" he patted my back gently. "No," I rolled my eyes sarcastically, "but anyways how did I get here-"

"No time for questions," Leo spoke cutting me off abruptly, "get in the shower and get dressed, we have to go to school and it's already 07:30 AM, and the bus leaves at 08:30 and knowing you, you wouldn't be ready until 08:30."

"Wait what-" but before I could continue Leo removed me from his embrace and placed me carefully on the floor like a glass nutcracker. With a swift movement, a tall brown-haired lady replaced Leo, quickly urging me in the direction of what I assumed would be the bathroom.

"My name is Jessica and I will be serving you this morning miss, I have already prepared your bath. I used the RecLuse Jasmine and Honey Bath Soak and have prepared a Cinnamon and Orange Body wash. Once you are done upon the 2nd floor of your room lies an Ares Honey Choco scented body lotion and an SOI Orange Day Body Mist. I was informed that you do not use makeup so I did not prepare any. I simply went along what I thought would suit you, Miss Stone," she bowed before walking back into the direction of the main room.

I slowly opened the large double oak door as if I was opening a door to a magical passageway that would lead me into a whole nother world. I could feel the instant rush of heat hitting me the condensation filling up my glasses. The fresh smell of jasmine filled the room accompanied by the warm chocolaty scent wafting over from an incense placed on the window ledge surrounded by candles.

The bathroom was dimly lit by candles and fairy lights that trailed around the room. I had never felt so excited to take a bath. The aroma instantly relaxed my brain making my body feel less tense.

I got undressed and hung my clothes on the rack beside the window. Almost as if to entice me, I stepped into the large wooden bathtub. Petals and various leaves decorated the surface of the water. A wooden bucket and bath scoop sat perched on a small table. The bathtub was made of beautiful dark oak wood with white marble faucets. White curtains draped throughout the wooden themed room, bonsai plants added a refreshing feeling and rush of nature to the room. The interior design and structure of the room almost had a chokehold on me. Ornate Orientalism, Zen styled interior, Regency Interior and Georgian Architecture were amongst my favourite architectural styles. The bath was long and relaxing

When I stepped out Jessica was already at the door with a pair of clothes that I assumed was uniform? "Uh thank you, Jessica?" I spoke slightly confused. Was I supposed to wear this? 

The car ride to the bus stop was quick and silent. No one had anything to say to each other since this lifestyle was quite new to us and there was nothing really to talk about.

The driver pulled up by the side of the road and silently handed us cards and a small envelope it had three bus cards in it, Leo took the envelope and was first to exit the car, followed by Cherry and then me. "Wait, first," Leo spoke waving the envelope, "you guys need these." 

"Cherry Witherwick, collect your card," he spoke in a loud voice similar to that of an exam invigilator. "Silvia seo-ri Stone, please collect your card," Leo looked down at me with my bus card in his hand. "No thanks," I said snatching the card out of his hand. I wasn't up to put up with his bullshit early this morning. 

"Oh and lastly, the most important, handsome and sexy, me!" he yelled attracting the attention of everyone at the bus stop. 

Following Cherry, I walked far ahead of Leo, being seen with him was already embarrassing as it could get.

"The sticky note says to get bus N45a and get off on the eleventh stop," Cherry spoke ripping the envelope from Leo's clutch. 

"Isn't that it right there," I pointed to the long purple and green bus.

"Oh yeah... it is," Cherry responded, "I mean if we don't walk over there I think the bus may leave without us. 

"Shit that's true-" Leo started speed walking towards the bus. I followed Leo to the purple and green bus. This wasn't like what buses in America looked like. It was so low on the floor, and there were two entrances? I started heading towards the second set of doors further down the bus, I didn't understand why everyone was pushing to get to the first set of doors when there was a second entrance.

"Where are you going-" I felt a tugging on my backpack. I turned around. A tall girl with dark long braids turned around. A golden thread wrapped itself around her braids, like a long, golden painted snake. She looked roughly my height although I couldn't tell because the shoes I was wearing were slightly healed. Her skin was a beautiful, dark brown and I soon found myself completely enticed and entrapped in her beauty. Her eyes glowed like a jewel as they reflected the golden glow from the morning sun. I looked her up and down and she seemed to be wearing the same uniform as me.

"That isn't the entrance you knobhead," the girl looked at me intensely. Just by standing there staring into her eyes felt like I was melting away in a bowl of warm honey.

"Silvia! Why are you down there that door isn't to enter from," Cherry yelled at me from the front of the bus, bringing my attention back to the current situation at hand.

Oh- I instantly turned around to enter through the front doors tapping my card on the reader.

"Over here Silvia, I saved you a seat," Leo waved to me from the back of the bus. "Silvia you're so silly," Leo looked at me as if he was about to break down laughing. "Sorry Mr crumpets and tea, I didn't know that's how buses work here okay?"

"First of all, I don't even like crumpets, and secondly, it's just common sense, no one is going through that door and it is not even open for a reason," he rolled his eyes at me before sitting back down in his seat.

I stared out of the window sternly. New life, new me... or really? I didn't even know what to do with myself at this point. All I had was Leo and my father. Well did I even really have him? We moved here for work and safety which I guess means I'll rarely be seeing him again.

It's been already half an hour and we've only passed by five stops. "L, are we going to be late," I shook him repeatedly waking him from his sleep.

"Look Silv," he said turning to face me, "most people on this bus is are students wearing the same uniform as us, if we were going to be late, I'm sure they'd look a lot more troubled than they do right now," he sighed then returned to his sleeping position his cap pulled over his face.

"Leo," I said as we approached the school, "why are you wearing a cap? " I stepped in front of him stopping him from walking any further.

"Ah, do I have to say why?" he sighed his eyes looking down at me from beneath his hat.

"It's because I'm just so beautiful I don't want to attract the attention of several squealing girls. So I have to protect these gorgeous features of mine," he exclaimed spreading his arms out.

"Pfft. You, attract girls, my life must be a lie. If you could attract girls, how come you haven't been asked out by a single girl."

Leo looked down at his feet his hands fumbling awkwardly. Perhaps I asked a sensitive question.

"Uhm, never mind that. Let's just go inside," I dragged him by the arm but he refused to move standing stationery.

"Silvia, I have something to tell you," he looked down at the floor nervously, fumbling with his fingers as if he was about to break out into a sweat. For a moment he seemed to struggle to bring himself to form words. Then after a few moments, noises started coming out of his. It sounded like he was trying to formulate a sentence but he couldn't find the correct words to do so.

He muttered something very quietly under his breath, too quiet for me to even make out what he was trying to say. "Leo, you're going to have to speak up I can't hear you," I got on my very tip toes tryna make sense of what he was telling me,"

What he told me next didn't shock me yet at the same time I wasn't expecting it. It made sense yet at the same time it didn't make sense.