
Ideas of a Psycho

Autor: Yui_Ichi
Fantasy Romance
En Curso · 38.4K Visitas
  • 27 Caps
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  • NO.200+

What is Ideas of a Psycho

Lee la novela Ideas of a Psycho escrita por el autor Yui_Ichi publicada en WebNovel. [TW// Blood | Murder | Mature Content | Assault |Kidnapping | Harassment ] A long... time ago, back when the CECT war had come to a stalemate many rebel groups remained occupying and oppressing countr...


[TW// Blood | Murder | Mature Content | Assault | Kidnapping | Harassment ] A long... time ago, back when the CECT war had come to a stalemate many rebel groups remained occupying and oppressing countries and their civilians. After Operation 4/5ths failed NBL a prized soldier of the New World Army found himself switching sides. Becoming more Psychotic as the times passed on. General's Family, split across the world, suffers at the hands of NBL. Or is it his fate. His young daughters, kidnapped and split across two lands of a peninsula, his wife- yet to be found. And his eldest son cut out of contact. And now with NBL's growing rebel forces it seems a war will be inevitable. Due to a lack of soldiers because of the Armies inactivity a draft was imposed on all able bodied people from the ages of 16 to 38. How will fate dictate the direction of this war. But it doesn't start. For now its just a bunch of rich kids at high school.

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The author has a picture to portray through their words. And they do that well enough for the reader to understand the theme of it. The world created is admirable with an enjoyable storyline.


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