
1st set of ideas

The world goes through 2000 year natural cycles of magic and non magic. The non magic cycle will end anyday now.

After gaining the ability to see everyone's red string of fate tying soul mates together you realise that yours extends past the sky.

You accidentally get sent to Hell instead of Heaven, and Satan says you can just hang out with him while God gets things sorted out. Meanwhile, you grow more and more accustomed to the place your in.

Your dying and The Grim Reaper appears next to your death bed. You close your eyes waiting for him to swing his scythe down and finish the job. But to your surprise he simply takes you by the hand. You now realise the real reason he carries the scythe. It isn't to kill you its to protect you on your way to the afterlife.

"Wait there's no gold?" "of course not im a huge freaking dragon; why would I need to buy anything? I live in a cave, for fucks sake why do you humans always think I have gold."

You die with your cellphone in your hands, and the afterlife agents miss it when letting you in. You find that it still works, and you can contact people in the living world.

Your in a typical awkward elevator ride with a group of other people, when suddenly someone says "your probably wandering why I gathered you all here." as he presses the emergency stop button.

At the age of 16 everyone is teleported to a small room. Infront of you is a table with all types of meals from apples to gourmet meals. Whatever you take a bite out of determines your superpower. You are the first to take a bite of the table itself.

When your friend was drunk he told you he was a wizard. So you jokingly asked him to make you immortal, that was 200 years ago.