
I Woke Up As Uchiha Sasuke

One day, I suddenly woke up as the edge lord of the Naruto world, Uchiha Sasuke.

TrueStrike · Fantasía
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12 Chs


After a bright flash of light, Sasuke found himself sitting on a hard rocky floor. Clearly he's no longer in his room and wherever here was, he had no ideas.

After letting his eyes adjust for a couple of minute, Sasuke finally looks around. He seem to be in the middle of a large cavern. This cavern was easily a hundred meters across or more. The ceiling, 15 meters high no problems. Surprisingly though, it's not completely dark in here. There appears to be some kind of luminescent crystals dotted about up in the ceiling. Like stars in the night sky.

'I wonder what happened? According to novels, a beautiful princess is suppose to be here to ask me to defeat the Demon King or something like that. Did something go wrong with the summoning?'

With a slight panic, Sasuke starts frantically looking around.


"Anybody here!?"

Nothing. Nothing but the echoes of his voice bouncing back at him.

'I better get out of here. And then find out what's really going on. I'm not looking to die again. And I heard starvation is a horrible way to go'

After searching around the large chamber, Sasuke finally found what appears to be the entrance. however, it's dark on the other side. In fact, it's complete darkness beyond this large chamber.

With one final unwilling look at the luminescent crystals up in the ceiling too high for his child body, Sasuke reaffirms his resolves. With both hands on the right wall, he begin walking.

"Hello darkness my old friend." Sasuke sings to himself, a verse from another life. Trying to keep his morale up as he fumble through this dark tunnel.

It's unknown how long he walked through this pitch black darkness. His legs was starting to tire. His bare feet, growing sore. With the only sense of direction he knows being forward or back along the wall the way he came. Sasuke was afraid to even take his hands off of the wall lest he truly lose his way.

"Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me." Never being the most religious person in his past life. Sasuke feels that maybe a little faith now would help him. Or perhaps he's just rambling to himself in this darkness. Trying to keep the insanity at bay.

Finally, what must've felt like hours of walking, he can see something in the distant.

'What is that? Is that a light?' Hope flared up within him as he quicken his pace. Disregarding his protesting muscles.

"Hello!? Is anybody there!?" Sasuke yell toward the light in the distant.

As he gets closer, Sasuke noticed that the light is not what he was expecting. Surely it definitely isn't sunlight shining into this dark cave. He must be approaching yet another chamber. But the light also isn't like those luminescent crystals in the first chamber. The light is dimmer. It has a orange glow to it. It flickers here and there.

'A camp fire! Maybe there are people!' Finally He is about reach it. So close now.

With a final sprint, Sasuke stumbles into the next chamber.

"Hello? Hello!?" Sasuke yell while frantically looking around. Searching for any signs of people.

The chamber that he ran into was not as large as the previous one. Much smaller. About the size of a regular living room in a modest house.

Looking around, Sasuke noticed that what he thought to be a camp fire were actually just candles. Lots of candles, floating about along the walls of the room. In the center of the room, he could see a chandelier with candles arrayed on it. Like the other candles, the chandelier was also not attached to anything.

Beneath the floating chandelier stood a shrouded figure. With the flickering of light, Sasuke could see pale white skins peaking from beneath the thick shroud. This figure was standing behind a large ornate table.

On the table, Sasuke could see a large variety of bottles. They were in all sorts of shapes and sizes. As well as materials. There were glass bottles, wooden bottles, and some clay like jars. Some bottles were more decorative while others were more simple in designs. Some were inlays with gold, silvers and precious jewels. Others had fancy carvings depicting greats mythical beasts and demons.

"Hello? Could you tell me where we are? And how can I get back home?" Sasuke asks as he approach closer to the shrouded figure.

"To returns home, you merely need to step upon the circle over there." The shrouded figure said as he point toward the left side of the room.

Looking toward where he pointed, Sasuke could now see a glowing circle. Within the circle lies a pentagram. Also glowing with a candle at each points of the star. 'Well that don't look suspicious at all.' Thought Sasuke sarcastically.

"However, before going home, perhaps I could interest you in some of my potions?" The shrouded figure spoke. Drawing Sasuke's attention back to the table.

'Definitely not suspicious' Sasuke thought as he eyes the assortment of potions warily.

"What are these potions and what do they do?" Sasuke questioned.

"Ah yes of course. These potions are quite magical you see." The shrouded figure leans forward. "Each potions would grant a variety of permanent powers and abilities."

"Really? What's the catch?" Sasuke asked. Thinking these 'potions' sounded too good to be true.

"Ah but you see. There is no catch. I will allow you to take up to three bottles home with you. On the house." With a casual shrugg, "...or you could take none. Up to you."

'Man, this reminds me of that scene from the Indiana Jones movie when they're trying to pick which cup is the Holy Grail.' Sasuke thought as he tries to decide if it's a good idea to take this guy up on his offer.

Reaching forward, Sasuke picked up one of the more ornately designed bottle. It was a crystal bottle carves with wing like shapes upon it. Looking closer, the inside looks like vibrant flames rather than liquid potions. And not just some regular flame. He knew it was special. The flame was constantly changing in colors and temperaments. It was the best he could think of to describe what he felt about the flames.

'Essense of the Phoenix.' He immediately knew. Not sure how, but he just knew. This potion contains the power of the mythical bird of Fire and Rebirth. The immortal Phoenix. He also knew that drinking this potion would grant him all of the powers of a Phoenix. No, he would become a Phoenix.

'Is that what I think it is?' Sasuke thought as he puts down the Essense of the Phoenix while reaching for another bottle.

This bottle was again, differently designed from the previous. It was a taller bottle with what looks like nine flowing tails curling around it. Within the bottle was also a flame. But very much different from the Phoenix's bottle, this one had only one kind of flame. Flickering about almost illusory.

'Essense of the Kyuubi. Wow, I wonder how the world would reacts if I showed back up as a second Nine Tailed Fox.' Like the last, Sasuke somehow knew that drinking this would grant him all of the power of the Mythical Nine Tailed Fox. Including it's full form.

While browsing through the stock of potions. Sasuke found one that he find quite amusing. This bottle was one of the more simpler designed bottle. But what he found amusing though was what it grants.

'Essense of the Immortal. Heh, how jealous would Orichimaru feels if he were to know that here, in my hand, lies what he has done so much to acquire. Immortality in a bottle!' With a final smirk, Sasuke put the potion containing Immortality back on the table.

"Alright! I've made my choices. I will take these three bottles." Sasuke said as he points to three bottle that has been set aside from the rest.

"Good. Very good. I wish you luck young man." The shrouded figure answered.

"Is that it? I can just take these and go?" Sasuke asked. Still skeptical.

"Yes, there is nothing else."

'Alright I guess. Time to go before he changes his mind.' Sasuke thought while putting the three bottle of potions into his pocket and walking towards the glowing magic circle.

With a final wary look. Sasuke steps on the pentagram.


"ARG! Again with the goddamn flash of light!"

And the boy was gone. The glowing pentagram slowly loses its light. The candles extinguishing one by one. While back at the shrouded figure. All of the potion bottles starts to dissappear one after the others. Finally, so too the figure dissappeared into the darkness.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading.

For those who haven't guessed it yet. I am using the Meta Essense CYOA Ver. 2.2 for this story.

I think the Meta Essense CYOA is awesome and has tons of potential.

Anyway, see you guys next chapter.

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