
I was transmitted to another world as renekton from league of legends

Ana a normal woman become's the powerful shuriman warrior renekton in the world of legends of the champions Note : for the overlord tag nazarick currently exists in the world but will appear later on the story.

eondreamsi · Otras
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11 Chs

After 2 weeks

"Two weeks have passed since I became this giant monster now... I think?"

"I'm not sure anymore; I stopped counting after twelve nights, so maybe two weeks, maybe less.

What? What do I do with my time?

I am walking and exploring!

This world is indeed very different from my own."

"The first thing I realized is that there are a lot of strange creatures here."

" Like the red bear or the red raptors."

" I mean, raptors! Where on earth am I? Am I in the Age of the Dinosaurs?!"

"There were some strange rocky creatures too, those were the ones that caught my eyes the most."

"What? I only discovered that in two weeks? Well, sorry for being lazy, but why the hurry?! Excuse me!?"

Ana continued to walk in her path towards one specific direction.

She didn't know where she was going to but it was better than doing nothing and staying bored right ?

In the heart of the forest, a peculiar sound reached Ana's ears. Though distant, her monstrous senses grasped it keenly. Intrigued, she set off in its direction. With every step, the enigmatic noises growing in volume

As Ana approached the source of the commotion, an unusual sight met her eyes. Two figures clashed in a fierce struggle. One resembled a creature straight out of fairytales, a minotaur towering in the midst of battle. The other, a petite woman, brandished a gleaming blade, enveloped in a radiant, yellow aura.

The minotaur, in the throes of pain, clutched its head, as if beset by a relentless headache. Nearby, a man stood, hands bound in broken chains. The woman engaged in a heated exchange with him, her words charged with anger, before she turned on her heel and stormed away.

As the approaching woman drew nearer, Ana's mind raced with uncertainty. She stumbled upon a newfound ability during her recent experiments—an astonishing power to manipulate her own size. She marveled at this revelation.

In moments, she could tower to a staggering height of over 20 meters, a formidable presence. In her relaxed state, she stood at a formidable 5 meters. Yet, with a concerted effort of will, she could shrink herself down. At this very moment, she stood as a sturdy, muscular man -or lizard?- of about 1.8 meters in stature, her newfound skill lending her a surprising advantage.

To Ana's astonishment, not only herself but also her two-edged blade and even her clothes seemed subject to this mysterious shift in size, adapting seamlessly to her changing stature. It was a phenomenon that held an air of wonder and intrigue, leaving her both amazed and curious.