
I was transmitted to another world as renekton from league of legends

Ana a normal woman become's the powerful shuriman warrior renekton in the world of legends of the champions Note : for the overlord tag nazarick currently exists in the world but will appear later on the story.

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11 Chs

Running from fiora 1

Fiora, the woman who was arguing with the chained man, sensed a peculiar presence in the woods. Intrigued, she followed the feeling, leading her to a clearing. There, she beheld , lizard-like footprints etched into the earth, a testament to some strange creature's recent passing.

She started following the footprints


Ana dashed through the woods with all the speed her lizard-like legs could muster.

Their powerful strides propelled her forward, outpacing even the swiftest racing cars. With each passing moment, the enormity of her transformation into a true monster became increasingly apparent

"That woman... I don't know why, but I sense danger emanating from her.

It surpasses by far the bear from earlier.

She possesses a formidable power, I'm certain of it," Ana mused inwardly, her thoughts racing as she maintained her monstrous speed, retracing her steps in the direction she had come from.

For the first time since arriving in this strange world, Ana felt a surge of unease. As she raced through the terrain, an unmistakable presence lurked at her heels. It was her, that formidable woman. Ana couldn't fathom how far she'd sprinted, but it had to be over 10 kilometers, and still, the woman effortlessly matched her pace, even surpassing it.

The woman's voice rang out in an unfamiliar tongue, sharp and urgent. "I don't understand your words, but I'm not stopping!" Ana retorted.

Her response, however, emerged as a thunderous roar from her monstrous, crocodile-like maw, reverberating through the forest. The clash of languages emphasized the vast divide between them, heightening the tension of the chase.


Without warning, Ana felt a sudden jolt of surprise as the woman vanished from her view, only to reappear behind her with a swift teleportation. Before Ana could react, the woman thrust her blade into Ana's scaly lizard-like skin, sending a shock of pain through her.

"Kyaaaaaaa!" Ana's scream transformed into a monstrous "roaaaaaar," a howl of pain erupting from her immense, reptilian maw.

Pain. That's what she had anticipated, but...

Ana's eyes widened in astonishment as she inspected her skin. There was no wound. Confusion clouded her features.

The woman pursuing her wore a matching expression of surprise, a sly smile playing at her lips. She uttered incomprehensible words that Ana couldn't decipher.

The air crackled with an eerie tension, leaving Ana to grapple with the inexplicable turn of events.

What was that? I'm certain the blade struck me, causing a wound, but... this doesn't make sense.

As Ana pondered over the perplexing turn of events, she instinctively tilted her monstrous head, attempting to convey a semblance of innocence or charm. However, with her monsterus form, any notion of "cute" seemed far from the truth.

Fiora, the swordswoman, gazed at Ana, speaking in a rapid stream of words. Ana, in response, made a valiant effort to communicate with her lizard-like limbs, gesturing emphatically. The sight was rather comical—a colossal monster flailing its limbs in a desperate attempt to convey meaning.