
I was reborn as an imp. So what?

In 2087, a new game has been released called Haven. It is a fantasy world nearly akin to reality, around 100 times the size of earth many believe it to become the new world of humanity. People will flock to this game like moths to a flame and attempt to become the strongest in the world. Luke is a normal teenager, goes to class and plays games. After finding a Haven VR system on his way back from school, he rushes home, but before he could get there, a rip in space opens and instantly kills him. He gets reincarnated as an imp in the Strata, a huge dungeon that spans most of the new world Luke finds himself in. He’s in Haven Armed with an op system and all of his gaming knowledge, Luke fights his way to the top and becomes the strongest player in the game. // hi there this is the author. English is not my first language so please excuse me if I make any errors. Please vote and comment to see more chapter. :) Not my artwork, if it is yours please tell me and I will change it//

Twin_Moons_ · Fantasía
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24 Chs

Chapter 22

[S-Class Legacy Quest]

Your minion has stumbled across the beginning of a legacy quest. Conquer the Prisoner mountain range to carry on this quest.

Reward: +10% all stats + 100000 XP Continuation of Quest

Failure: Unknown

Time Limit: 60 days

Holy crap. It is literally the first or second day in real life that this game has been out and I already have a quest for an S tier Legacy. I'm gonna wait until I'm stronger until I attempt this, although it sounds simple, my minions only conquered this mountain by luck. I'll wait thirty days and if I feel strong enough I'll try it. I may be dumb but I'm not gonna attempt this just cause it's showing me something shiny.

For now I can just put that at the back of my mind and focus on the situation right now.

"Ok, that's fantastic. Let's see that armour!" I exclaimed as I followed my new demon to the skeleton's armour. It was huge. Like I am not joking in the slightest, it was massive. Heh, that's what she said.

No, okay? It's massive, just one arm piece is probably the size of two imps on top of each other. So like 2 metres long, this armour was meant for a giant and I would never be able to wear it. Unless I magically got some skill that let me grow 10 metres, well by the way my luck is going I just might. Nahhh that's not going to happen.

The only way this will be useful is if I have someone under my control who can either smelt this and make it into something useful, or if I own a giant. That would be nice, imagine me just sitting on top of a giant as it runs through a horde of enemies. Ahhhh I can already hear their screams.

Down evil Luke, down.

Well anyway I should keep the armour just in case I find a use for it later, what should I do now? Oooo I could kill the rest of the beasts in my territory, that would be fun!

"My Lord, I have the status of the mountain for you." A voice sounded out behind me.

Uugggghhhh I forgot about this guy.

"Fine, what's the status of the mountain" I replied.

"Well Lord, we have found some interesting things. For example, we found four iron veins on the eastern side of the mountain and on the western we have found a gem mine which could be extremely helpful for future growth. I don't know how but I can remember that gems can be used for magic and enchantments. There is nothing of value in the northern sector except a few veins of coal, but the really amazing thing we found was a Rock Worm Queen. It was in the southern most section of the mountain and extremely hard to find, they are very small." The blood minion said with glee.

"Ok that's nice, get some blood minions to mine the iron and coal and make a separate room to store it." I said attempting to walk away.

"Lord I think you are underestimating my enthusiasm about the Rock Worm Queen, they are a great asset. Though tiny and weak, that is just the queen. The offspring of the queen are extremely big and strong, each one has the power to crush a mountain once fully grown and evolved. As well as this, if we can tame the queen then all of her subjects will be ours. The only problem is, the queen is still juvenile and will only start laying eggs in 2 months." The imp said with eagerness in his eyes.

"Holy crap, that's great. We need to make that happen quick as hell, I will get a beast tamer unit and then we can make it ours. But first, help me explore the mountain so I can add stuff here." I stated

"Yes my Lord, I will order a rogue type minion to run you around here."

"Oh gre——-"

As soon as I started my body started flying through the tunnels, a bloody figure pulled me through each and every one and ten minutes later the entire mountain was added to my territory properly.

"Holy crap that was a ride" I said as soon as my body was released outside my cave. It was 11:30 AM on my timer but you wouldn't be able to tell, this home of mine had a constant red glow that never changed for day or night. It was kind of reassuring.

I instantly opened up my domain menu and decided to place my stuff. First the beast tamer unit, I searched through my mountain for a suitable place for it. There was a huge cavern that had a high ceiling, a flat ground and an iron vein coming out the side of it. The cavern was big enough to fit a small village, and that was what it would do.

I instantly placed my beast tamer unit, it was a stone square shaped building with demonic trees growing out the side, there even was a small river of lava that flowed out the side of it and formed a pond. Demonic grass even grew around it despite the lack of seeds and light, then again how do plants down here even work? There is no proper light for photosynthesis and the soil is pretty packed leaving no room for oxygen pockets. Huh, maybe I could ask someone in the future.

Now that I had placed my beast tamer unit, I was ready to do something special. I placed the barracks far away from the other building and moved my Lava Pit along with it. As the building grew and a field grew with it, the lava pit emerged in the middle of the field, ready to spit out imps for Singwoo to train. Oh yeah, it's all coming together.

After moving the lava pit I could see a mass of imps charge into the cavern with Singwoo at the front. As soon as they spotted the Pit they realised where it was and were shocked. Like magic they watched the barracks rise out of the ground ready to house an army of imps. I'm not joking, the barracks was huge. Easily 100 metres long and had two stories, I reckon it could hold about 2,000 imps at max capacity.

And that's what I needed, a good place for my imps to train and sleep so that an army of professionals could form and take over the world! MWAHAHAHA

Sorry about that, evil Luke has been showing up quite a bit recently. Maybe I am being affected by my conscious being inside the body of a literal demon. Nah that's not it.

Either way my imps were delighted by the addition of the barracks and rushed over to check it out. After they were safely in the barracks, I began placing the forge. I needed it to be not too far from the centre of the cavern and not too close to the barracks. Once I had found the perfect place I placed it.

Not gonna lie, I was a bit underwhelmed. I expected a grand building housing multiple furnaces and anvils but it only had one of both. It was a simple square building with one furnace, one chimney, one anvil, one hammer and only one door. That was poop.

But now I could place my Wyvern nest! Using Geoshaping I made a rather large platform above the beast tamer unit and created a little pedestal on it where the nest would be placed. By little I mean the size of a house. Around the pedestal was a moat of lava that exuded the perfect temperature for egg hatching and after it showed me the price I payed it. I think Geoshaping always costs 50,000 gold no matter what you do. Unless it's a massive change like creating a ravine of course.

I quickly placed the Wyvern nest on top of the pedestal and a birds nest appeared. It was a massive birds nest, but it was a birds nest.

There were two Wyvern eggs in the nest, one black and one red; both vibrated with warmth. The nest was made of sticks straw and wool, much like a birds nest, but it was slightly different. There was a large stone that sat in the middle of the nest and every time it vibrated, so did the eggs. Just a few seconds after the fifth vibration of the stone, the black egg hatched. Instantly, I ordered Singwoo to meet the creature before it imprinted on something else and he rushed up to the nest.

The Wyvern looked up at him and saw a mother, that was the day that all of Singwoo's troubles began. The Wyvern giggled and laughed at Singwoo as it but at his hands and flapped it's tiny wings, the lizard like creature was a matte black and had a few golden streaks along the side of it.

[Congratulations! Your Servant Singwoo has successfully bonded with the Wyvern (Nameless). It will follow him forever]

Just as the message appeared before me in my astral state, Singwoo whispered into the beast's ear

"I'm going to name you Azuli"

Singwoo looked down at the creature lovingly and knew that he would make sure no harm would come to it. Him on the other hand, a lot of harm would come to him.