
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Película
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29 Chs

The Bus!

It had only been two hours since Dutch fell a sleep. She opened her eyes slowly. Her face cold.


Hearing a twig snap not far from the tree Dutch sat up. She opened a small patch in the ground of the hut. Allowing her to see below. Past the branches and leaves, Dutch saw a tall slim woman with two bodyguards beside her.

Her attire not matching that of a expert camper. She looked up past the branches and stared at Dutch. 

"Well are you going to stand there or are you going to come and greet me?" Dutch smiled as she crawled out the hut and jumped down the tree. 

She landed in front of the woman. "Hey! Lady Bell!" Dutch laughed as a childish smile bloomed on her face.

"Hello Dutchess." Lady Bell spoke gracefully.

"How did you find me?" Dutch looked confused realizing Lady Bell shouldn't know where she is.

"I keep track of all my future operatives. Plus it's hard to not know. The new freelancer decided to go after One of the five fathers." Lady Bell grabbed Dutch hand. They walked and talked. 

"The who?" Lady Bell stopped and looked at Dutch, speechless.

"Lord girl, tell me the name of the people who put you up to this and I'll teach them a lesson later." Lady Bell walked smoothly through the forest with no hindrance from her heels.

"Oh, the letters. They came and grabbed all the girls from the red room, before making a deal with them to take me and Natasha temporarily. They used Natasha as leverage." Dutch didn't bite her tongue. 

"Is that so? So their goal was to let you take the backlash from this little stunt of yours." Dutch tiled her head in confusion.

"Did I do something wrong?" She didn't really care if she did. She just wanted to know more about the five fathers.

"Not it if you can't handle what they throw at you." Lady bell looked at Dutch. "You will be." She followed up with.


After walking for over three hours, Dutch saw a giant plane in the clearing. This plane was all to familiar to Dutch.

It was inspired by one of Mia's ex-boyfriends series. At least the first few seasons.

"The bus!" Dutch halted her steps as she looked at the giant plane in the distance. 

"So, you know the plane.... I didn't expect you to come across a low level organization like S.H.I.E.L.D" Lady bell looked at Dutch and nodded.

Dutch frowned, "Low level?" 

"You really are uneducated, let's settle down first then I'll tell you more." Dutch nodded at this. 


Sitting down in on of the booths of a small restaurant looking place inside the plane, Dutch looked around.

She noticed the interior design of the plane was different from in the show. 

Lady Bell sat across from Dutch. The place was empty other than them. Lady bell tapped on the table, a holographic screen appeared in front of her.

"What did they promise you?" Lady bell, looked at the screen. A list of names and pictures appeared. 

She tapped a few times and Dutch's pictures showed up, along with some information beside it. 


Name: Dutch 

Age: ?? 

Affiliates: Natasha Romanoff, Red room (Formerly), The Letters (former contractor), ??

Rank: 165 

Kills: 178 (Confirmed) 

Status: Alive, Freelancer, No active contracts

Rank: 654-High-IN


"What the.. What is this?" Dutch looked at Lady bell confused.

"This my dear, is your profile. Every assassin has one. This is how the Continental keeps track of everyone and their organization." Lady bell tapped on the table again.

A new screen came up. Dutch looked at it closely.


Name: Red Room 

Type: organization 

Head: Dreykov, Madame B 

Affiliates: Soviet Union, Leviathan

Rank: 586-Mid-OR


Dutch gave Lady Bell a questioning look. Seeing this Lady Bell started to speak, "It's very simple, the profile is meant to keep general information about people and organizations that specialize in assassinations.

This not only allows us to keep track of everyone, but also give people who are interested in our services more of an idea about your capabilities."

"There must be a lot." Dutch looked at the screen again dumbfounded.

"Of course, there are thousands, if not millions.... this universe is large. Many different races, and realms. Honestly it would be hard to keep them all in check, if it wasn't for the Continental." Lady bell, sighed with emotion.

"Realms? Races? What are you talking about?" Dutch leaned forward, she was more then happy to let Lady Bell talk.

Lady bell smiled seeing this. "Yes, what the red room teach you is a very shallow pool. What I will teach you is something that could swallow an ocean." 

"There are worlds far from our own." Lady bell tapped the table. A different image of space showed up.

"These worlds hold many different races, cultures, religions..." The screen zoomed in Dutch saw people with deep blue skin on a frozen ground. Everyone was kneeling before a throne with another blue guy on it. 

The screen changed, showed purple people wearing gold. They walked down a market place. The continued to change showing various different races and cultures. 

Dutch looked at this all in awe. Everything was real and lifelike. She couldn't believe any of it. 

"The continental, that I work for is just one of many branches. We specialize in assassinations, while there are other branches who keeps track of other things like the timeline, The TVA, for example. 

We can't exactly assassinate anyone we want. That could cause problems with the timeline,

which is where the TVA steps in. 

Anyone who you want to kill has to go through several branches of the Continental before it's approved." lady bell looked at Dutch.

"Pablo Ochoa, wasn't approved yet. His case was still pending...." Lady bell continued to speak.

"Oops..." Dutch avoided Lady bell's gaze. 

"In these situations, punishments are due, but since you did us a favor with that one, the board has decided to let this one go." Dutch looked up at Lady bell relieved.

"What do you mean did you a favor? Also what did you mean when you called S.H.I.E.L.D low level." Dutch used this opportunity to bring up S.H.I.E.L.D.

"we have known for a while there has been corruption in some of our branches. Like hindering the five fathers assassinations. 

We couldn't prove it until you killed Pablo. Their inside man... or woman panicked. Allowing us an opening." Lady bell smiled at Dutch.

"Also, S.H.I.E.L.D is low level. Hell they don't even know the remaining forces of Hydra have infiltrated their own base." Lady bell mocked. It was clear she had some dislike towards S.H.I.E.L.D.

"The ranks is what we refer to tell us, if a individual or organization has low level capabilities, meaning small jobs, like criminals or civilians mostly. People not so special like us. 

Mid-level, These ones require a little more work. You might get a sprinkle of enhanced personnel you need to deal with but not that much. Mostly likely crime lords and smaller organizations.

Now, High level, that's something you did right of the back. Impressive, and loud. I like it..." Lady bell lit a cigarette as she leaned back in her chair with a smile plastered on her face. 

She took a few puffs before continuing, "High level is most likely a mixture of both of Low and Mid level. More blood, sweat, and if your luck tears. Most stay at Mid-Level, bunch of cowards if you ask me." 

Dutch smiled slightly, she was finally seeing Lady bell's true colors. Her proper way of speaking no where to be seen, instead replaced by a Boston accent.

"Now, as you can guess. These categories come with their own perks and prizes. Your of course will be waiting for you at the New York, Continental." Lady bell walked out a door that lead straight to the entrance.

Dutch didn't know when, but they had arrived at the letters base. She turned to Lady bell who's Boston accent disappeared. 

"Handle your business with your sister, then come see me in the states." Dutch nodded, before walking out the plane. 

She saw A waiting on her with a forced smile on her face. It completely disappeared when, the plane left. 

"Who knew you could actually pull it off." 


(This chapter is to give an idea of how powerful the Continental is. Any questions please comment. I know I might not have explained things well. )

Thank You