
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Película
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29 Chs

Right to own

"What are you?" Dutch sat on in a booth in a private room. Lady bell sat across the table. She spoke with no care. 

Bucky tensed hearing Dutch speak so causally. Every fiber of his being told him to stay away from this woman and here was Dutch casual with her. 

Lady bell looked at Bucky who was standing at the door, like a guard. A small smile appeared on her lips. 

"The winter soldier..." Her eyes scanned his body. A chill ran down Bucky's spine.

"How much you want for him?" Her attention turned back to Dutch. Her expression serious.

Dutch shook her head, "He's not for sell." Dutch grabbed the menu. She couldn't pass up the chance even if Lady bell ruined her appetite.

"You want a cheese burger?" She turned to Bucky and asked. Glancing at Lady bell hesitantly, "Do you eat this kind of food?" 

Bucky exhaled, his face looked as if he had just lost a friend. Lady bell laughed seeing him. "I do if I'm in the mood, but I'm full now." Her eyes glanced at Bucky.

He glared at Dutch thinking she had brought him here to be sold as food.

Dutch ignored his gaze, she ordered two cheese burgers fries and two milkshakes. She put random on the shakes not being able to make up her mind.

"Ok, you want him to remember everything, along with his mind being his own." Lady bell waved her hand. Soon the woman from earlier came in. She sat next to Lady bell. 

"How did you know? Can you read minds?" Dutch grabbed her head. She was worried she wasn't from this world or worse she learns about Dutch knowing the future. 

"Not yours, it's a first to be honest. Even powerful telepaths, like Xavier, wouldn't be able to block me." Lady bell looked at her interestingly.

Dutch eyes sharpened for a second. It was only a second yet both Lady bell and Bucky saw this. 

"She wants to help piece together his memories along with making sure no one could take control over his mind again." The woman next to Lady bell typed on a calculator as Lady bell spoke.

Soon she stopped and showed Lady bell. "Ohh, that's expensive." Lady bell gave Dutch a knowing smile.

Knowing Lady bell well enough, Dutch knew she playing an angle. Since Lady bell had what could get Dutch didn't mind playing her game.

"It's really expensive." Lady bell turned the calculator in Dutch's direction. 

Glancing at it, Dutch gave a dull look. "Any way to exchange that?" 

Lady bell sighed, "You know your no fun to play with.." 

"Find Otto Wolfgang Ort-Meyer." Lady bell smiled

"Ort-Meyer? Why does that sound familiar?" Dutch touched her chin. She knew this name sounded familiar. 

"Ort-Meyer, One of the five fathers. The most important one to me at least. I need you to find his base of operations." Lady bell explained.

Dutch furrowed her brows, "Can't you find it?" 

"No, Ort-Meyer is a genius. Once his name was approved he went underground. If you could bring him to me I'll be more than happy to give you an advance." Lady bell's eyes went to Bucky's arm. 

Dutch wasn't quick to agree, she sat and thought about the pros and cons. 

Seeing Dutch take to long, Lady bell spoke again, "And to show my faith in you I'll be more than happy to help with his memories before you leave." 

Dutch looked at Bucky. He didn't give her any indication that he disapproved seeing this Dutch nodded, "Fine by me!" She smiled brightly.

Lady bell waved her hand, the woman next to her left. Bucky cleared his throat, "Apologies but I have to use the restroom." 

"Sure," Dutch scuffed already knowing his train of thought. Bucky left giving Dutch a slick smile. 

"She's going to eat him alive." Lady bell muttered leaning back with a now relaxed expression.

"That's his problem." Dutch shrugged 

"What exactly is your goal." The food arrived shortly after Bucky left. Dutch happily ate. Lady bell watched her before speaking.

"What?" Dutch face was messy from the burger. She bobbed her head with joy.

"What are your goals?" Lady bell asked again 

"Well I want Natasha..." Dutch was cut off 

"No, what are your goals for yourself?" Lady bell rephrased.

"Me? Uhm.." Dutch hit her chin she had been think about this for a while now. The problem was she couldn't really figure out what it was she truly wanted for herself.

She would be lying if she said she wanted a peaceful calm life, one with no problems. Things like that would bore her. But she would also be lying if she said she wanted it to be purely chaos and killing. 

"I don't know honestly, I think about this a lot, but I can't really see what I want. All I know is that I have to get strong in order to not let whatever I build get taken away." Images of marvel's biggest threats appeared in her mind. 

"Are you planning on building your own family?" Lady bell asked 

Dutch shrugged, "I could if I feel like it. I think I'm gonna go with the flow for a while until I really figure it out." 

Lady bell nodded, her thoughts unknown. 


"Here, your going to have to warm it back up." Dutch and Bucky arrived at the entrance of their hotel room at the same time. Someone informed her that he had left the restaurant and that they would meet back at the hotel.

"Thank you." Bucky smiled. He looked like he just got the best spa treatment the hotel had to offer.

"No problem, the lady wants us to meet her in a week. So we have some free time to kill." Dutch laid back on the couch, full and happy. 

"How come your getting back so late?" Bucky asked opening the food container.

"Me and lady bell talked about a lot of things. She also gave me my prize from the last assignment I did... Did you know I could claim everything from the people I kill." Dutch sat up excitedly

"It's called right to own and everybody uses it. You can take not only their money, their businesses, even their family isn't off limits." She looked at Bucky who was eating his burger.

"And what exactly are you going to do with this information?" Bucky looked at Dutch. 

"I going to build me a family." Bucky raised his eyebrow as he stopped eating.

"Not like that dummy, I'm going to build a powerful family filled with all kind of people from all over." Dutch smiled proudly.

"And what exactly is you family going to do?" Bucky put down his burger. Finding Dutch's plan interesting.

"I don't know... I guess assassin work... I mean that's the only thing I know." Dutch pondered on this. 

"You could have different branches of the family for different things." Bucky helped her think of ideas.

"You mean like the Continental? I mean it could work but it would take time." Dutch fell into deep thought. "Ok I'm cool with that and I figure out my first right to own."

"Who?" Bucky asked

"Nope, it's a secret." Dutch smiled


Three days later

"What do we have planned today?" Bucky woke Dutch up with a large breakfast ordered from the hotel. 

"We're going to visit the shops today." Dutch ate with Bucky while watching tv. 

After freshing up, they left the room. Arriving at the front desk with smiles on their face. 

"Good morning Mr. Charon." Dutch smiled at the bald man in front of her.

"Good morning Dutch, would you be renting a sparing room today." He spoke professionally.

"Not right now. We were hoping if their was any shops you may recommend." Bucky stood not far from Dutch. 

"There are many shops in this area. Is there anything in particular your looking for?" Bucky raised an eyebrow. He had feeling they weren't talking about shopping.

"Yeah actually. We will be leaving soon to take care of a problem, we were hoping there was a shop that could provide us with the tools for that." Charon smiled slightly.

"If you wish for tools, you may visit the hardware store." He took out a small white card. "Here's the address." 

"Is there anything else?" Dutch took the card from Charon and handed it to Bucky.

"Yes, the library, do you know where that is?" Charon turned and pointed at a back room. 

"If you follow that hallway you will see the Continental has a large library you can read from." He looked at Dutch with a professional smile.

"Thank you." Dutch placed a coin on the table and walked towards the library. Bucky glanced back at a man sitting in the lounge, before following Dutch.


Coming into a library, Dutch was shocked. The place was bigger that she thought. With large shelves of books, covering the walls and used to create aisles, Dutch looked up seeing stairs to a higher floor.


Suddenly, a small petite girl appeared out of no where. Dutch and Bucky reacted off of instinct. Throwing out the fists in the girl's direction.


She appeared in a different spot. "Hey, I'm just the librarian assistant. No need to be on guard." She smiled not minding them attacking her.

"You get attacked a lot?" Dutch tilted her head in confusion. 

"Yes." The girl maintained her smile, "the library is big so they send assistants like me to come help out the guest." 

Dutch frowned, this wasn't marvel or the Continental.

"My name is Temera. How may I help you two today?" Temera smiled softly.

"How do you guys have so many books?" Dutch asked confused.

"All the information in the books are collected by the information gathering team. We have books about everything in the universe. That we have access too of course." Temera explained 

"Cool, do you guys have information on the five fathers?" Bucky sighed heavily once again, Dutch failed to get more information.

He knew to a assassin information is key. This library is a good way to profit off this principle alone. That's why he didn't want to rich in reckless and think about this, yet....

"Yes, we have 57 books on this topic." Temera smiled proudly.

"More specifically, Ort-Meyer." Dutch didn't want to read that much. 

"That would be five books." Dutch nodded at this.

"Perfect!" Dutch smiled.


Three hours later

Dutch and Bucky walked out of the library. Dutch read all the books on Ort-Meyer. She looked at Bucky who held a frown. 

"Why so grumpy?" Dutch turned to him 

"You're very reckless." He stated blandly. 

"What the library that's going to try and exploit me? Lady bell, the dangerous blood manipulator?Or the man who keeps eyeing us?" Dutch tilted her head in confusion.

"I'm a child, my biggest advantage is my ignorance to the world." Dutch laughed as they left the hotel. 

"Everything I do is intentional." Bucky looked at Dutch in a new light. 

"Ok let's go shopping." She smiled brightly.