
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Película
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29 Chs

Memories pt2

Dutch opened her eyes slowly. She was laying in a dim room on a hospital bed. She looked around slowly, she was hooked up to different machines. 

One being a breathing machine. She took the mask off her face, confused. "Bucky?" She called out weakly. 

She was the only one here. She removed the tubes and wires from her body before lifting herself off the bed. She jumped to the floor.

Her legs gave out, causing her to fall. She used the side of the bed to help her up. Clumsily, she walked towards the door.

Opening the door, she could hear a familiar voice in the distance.

"I told you for the thousandth time she's fine!" Dutch walked towards the familiar voice.

"And I told you I don't care what you say, I'm not going under until she wakes up." She heard a man's voice 

"Bucky?" She held on to the wall as she walked.

"What is wrong with you? She said it herself she just wants us to bring back your brainwashing, might as well make a deal to get yourself out of that now." Dutch smiled hearing this voice, before frowning hearing her words.

"Oh you be quiet, we both know you just want me to stop trusting Dutch so you don't have to pay for me to be your little 'operative'." Bucky scuffed.

Dutch came to the room the voices were coming from. She leaned in the doorway, sweat dripping from her body. She felt as if it took everything she had to get this far.

She glanced back and saw the room she was in not long ago, wasn't that far away. She sighed, before turning back. 

"So?" Lady bell didn't know what the issue was with that. People stealing other people operatives was very common.

Dutch saw A, Bucky, and Lady bell, around a round table. None of them were sitting. She saw Bucky look on edge, as well as Lady bell although hers wasn't as obvious.

A looked up towards the door. She saw Dutch standing there staring at them all. 

"Dutch!" She moved towards her. Bucky stepped forward as well. Blocking Dutch out their view. 

"What are you doing? You need to stay in bed." He grabbed her.

"No, I'm hungry." Dutch shook her head. That was why she woke up in the first place. She didn't care about what they were talking about at that moment she just wanted to eat.

Bucky chuckled, in relief. "I'll get you something." A spoke up. She tapped on the table but Bucky interrupted her.

"No, you did enough, I'll get her something." A rolled her eyes at him.

"You do realize, my entire future plans rely on her right? Can't exactly use a ghost." A snapped annoyed. 

Dutch furrowed her brows. Only now did she snap out of her daze. She didn't know what was happening but she quickly realized that something happened.

"Did something happen?" Dutch looked around confused.

"You been sleep for a week now." Bucky spoke after a while. 

"It's fine, Your strength is surpassing what your body can handle so you body is undergoing some changes to accommodate you." A quickly spoke. "Can't you tell you hit a growth spurt." A quickly followed up with. Not wanting anyone to change the narrative.

Lady bell raised an eyebrow. "What I need you alive, so don't look at me." She spoke after seeing Dutch look at her. 

"I got taller." Dutch looked at her body. She did grown but it was only a couple of inches. She huffed at this. 

"I need to speak with A alone, so I want you to start the process for Bucky." Dutch moved to a seat. She stated her words clearly. 

"Dutch I don't think now's a good time..." Bucky stopped and sighed, Dutch wasn't even looking in his direction. He knew she wasn't listening.

He stood up and walked out the door. "Hmm, you tamed that one well. No wonder he wouldn't listen to me." Lady bell spoke jokingly.

Bucky returned to the room, glaring at Lady bell. She chuckled before walking out. 


Moving to a more quiet room, Dutch and A sat down at a small table. Dutch still had trouble walking properly. 

"Why are you so weak?" Dutch looked at A with a neutral expression.

"No, hey, hello, thanks for not letting my super soldier pet go on a killing spree." Seeing Dutch show no change in her expression, she sighed.

"We weren't always weak, we were an high ranking organization once...." A spoke sadly as she thought about the past.

"Does the serum have a limit? And will our strength start to weaken? Is it with age or after the limit hits?" Dutch could care less about the Letters what she wanted to know was why was A as an individual weak.

"So fuck the Letters huh?" A nodded. She could only respect Dutch for this.

"Yes, the serum has a limit. Once it hits ten times the peak human. Around 80 years after that, is when the effects start to weaken even training won't help you. It's a slow process but if you have lived as long as I have...." She stopped talking 

"Only B and I know. We're the oldest and the ones who've gone through the effects for this generation." A added 

Dutch nodded. "Is that the only thing you wanted to talk about?" A sighed.

Dutch nodded again, "For now." 

"Thank you for not asking in front of the others." A sounded genuinely.


Arriving in a small dimly lit room, Dutch sat in a chair next to Lady bell. A sat next to her. They looked out a glass window. 

Dutch saw Bucky strapped to a bed. Several doctors working around the room he was in.

"They're about to start." Leah walked in. It was the same girl from the restaurant. 

She smiled at Dutch, who waved with a childish smile plastered on her face. She turned back around.

Bucky opened his eyes. They landed on Dutch. They both exchanged a knowing look, before a doctor came over and sedated him. 

They hooked him up to many machines and tubes. His head was the main target. 

A screen came up on the glass. "We will start the memory recovery process." 


Dutch didn't expect Bucky's memories to pop up on the screen. She looked at Lady bell who, smiled faintly.

"You're not going to try to do that to my head are you?" Dutch grabbed her head worriedly

"Why? You got any secrets that would benefit me?" Dutch shook her head drastically. Lady bell laughed. 

The screen lit up.

She sat up as she watched his life play by. Most his memories blurred around his school. She watched as they slowly cleared away. 

Most of the memories that were blurred were ones with him and Steve. She watched as his memories shifted and changed into clear colors filled with emotions.

He saved Steve from bullies their first time meeting Dutch snickered at this. She loved watching how he always saved him from his bully's.

Dutch was amused, steve turned out to be a lot more hard headed than in the movies.

Dutch laughed at how stupid they were to end up riding in the back of a freezer truck. 

She watched all his life until he signed up for the army. 

She turned to Lady bell, "You still need me to find Ort-Meyer for you?" 

Lady bell nodded not looking over at Dutch. She looked like she didn't want to miss the movie. Dutch glanced at the scene it showed Bucky and at the stark expo.

Dutch turns to A. She already knew what happens during this part.

"Give me the contracts for the other three fathers." A looked at Dutch surprised. She knew if she wanted she could have just asked for it from Lady bell.

She glanced at lady bell, before turning back to Dutch. "I want the right to own from them. I'll pay double whatever their current bid is." Dutch nodded, not minding this.

Dutch didn't wanted to kill meaninglessly, knowing she would have to confront the other three fathers. She still remembered the prize she got from Lady bell. She didn't know what to do with all of that. 

"No," Lady bell finally pulled her eyes away from the screen. She sat up and spoke. 

Dutch turned to Lady bell, her brows furrowed. Lady bell looked at both them sharply. "I'll pay triple for the rights to own." 

Dutch frowned, she didn't know what the fathers owned that these two would want but she would at least get something better out of it. 

Dutch touched her chin in contemplation. She didn't say anything for a long time. A looked nervous, she knew very well who Lady bell truly was, if she dared to challenge her, it would be the end of the letters.

She bit her lip nervously. Leah peaked from the other side of Lady bell she gave a pity look to A. 

Dutch turned to A, "so do we have a deal or not?" 

"What!?!" All three women yelled at the same time. Luckily the room was sound proof so the doctors weren't disturbed. 

Dutch wanted benefits, but the more she thought the more she knew Lady bell was setting her up.

Looking in the library, Dutch didn't find anything of use. She had searched in A's and Lady bell databases and talked to a lot of people. She couldn't get any useful information about Ort-Meyer. 

Meaning she would have to go and question his well known associates. In order not to let word reach Ort-Meyer, causing him to dig a deeper hole for himself, she would have to kill them, which is why she asked for the contracts in the first place.

Durch didn't know much about how things worked but she knew not many people could go against Lady bell, allowing her to take their properties or simple buying them from her, for less, without much hinderance.

Dutch calmly looked at A as if it was a simple matter. She waited calmly. A glanced at Lady bell, who wore a slick smile on her face. She turned back to the screen. 

A looked back at Dutch. She took a deep breath. If she wanted to go back to the power she was once at she needed to start challenging the power, like the old days. 

The thought of this, sparked a fire in her heart. A fire she thought had burned out a long time ago. She smiled as she looked at Dutch. Her body relaxed as if years of baggage was lifted off her. 

"Yeah, I want the contract, and for your loyalty I'll give you triple the double I offered you." A smiled and spoke confidently. 

Dutch smiled, she did could tell this was going to end badly. She turned back to the screen. 

Bucky had just returned to camp, after being saved by captain America. She watched as Bucky joined Steve in the Howling Cammandos.

Steve and Bucky fought side by side as they destroyed Hydra bases. 

Dutch frowned as she realized this was the mission where Bucky fell of the train. She watched with a frown the entire time. 

She watched as he came in and out of consciousness. How was more like a passager in his own body. How he killed, before being put back to sleep, time and time again.

If wasn't her but she felt like she was losing her self in this cycle. She clenched her fist. Her nail dug into her palm. She looked up and sighed.

It finally got to him waking up on Dutch's shoulder as she ran through the forest. He shortly lost consciousness soon waking up in the basement. 

Simply pulling the chains he got out. He moved around the house until he saw a little girl, comfortably lying in the bed. 

Dutch eyebrow twitched, she got remad at the fact she didn't get any sleep.

She watched as she helped him with his mind.

Lady bell sat up and watched this part intently.

Dutch leaned back, watching as Bucky lost control both intentionally and unintentionally. She saw how he didn't think twice before following Dutch to the Continental. 

She saw him and Leah together. Leah flushed red as everyone looked at her in amusement. She sighed as his memories came to an end. 

"Memory recovery complete.... Operation successful."