
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Película
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29 Chs

Frantz’s Metals

Dutch took the girls to New York. A wanted a detailed report of what happened.

Dutch also got a call from Dreykov. He didn't appreciate Dutch taking the girls, but after seeing the cut the red room got for it's corporation, he let it go.

"And this is the Continental…" Dutch sighed. She had just got done explaining to the girls about the high table and the Continental.

"So red room is not the most powerful. In fact it's low tier since S.H.E.I.L.D started targeting them and the people they used to work with. Also the Contenintal is like a safe haven you can't kill or fight here." Lola reiterated for Sapphire and Bri sake.

Sapphire frowned, "why can't I hurt people if I'm not going to kill them?"

"Because it's against the rules." Dutch gave a serious look. She knew better than anyone the consequences of breaking the rules. It wouldn't be fun not even for the crazy people.

Dutch walked in with the girls following. They looked around with caution. Everyone here was a form of criminal. None of them would let their guards down.

"Good morning Charon!" Dutch came to the desk with a smile.

"Good morning Ms. Dutch." Charon smiled back.

"Charon these are my girls, sapphire, Bri…" Dutch pointed and gave a brief introduction to each girl.

"It's very nice to meet you all." Charon nodded.

"Would you like two rooms or just the regular one." He spoke professionally.

Sapphire frowned, she didn't like him asking so many questions. Dutch quickly moved her hand on sapphire's shoulder. She glared at her. Sapphire huffed before relaxing her shoulders.

Charon noticed this interaction but didn't say anything. He noted down that it's best not to speak to much around the little one.

"Two rooms is ok." Dutch nodded. She knew Grace and Lola wouldn't want to share a room with Sapphire and Bri. Even if they would she wouldn't let them.

Bri had a love for attacking people in their sleep. Dutch thought that being in a restful state might be Bri's trigger.

Dutch knew Bri was always tense even when she didn't seem to be. She didn't trust people. She believed everyone plotted to kill her. Dutch was the only one outside of Sapphire who had proved otherwise.

Dutch didn't want to risk Lola's life. She personally wouldn't mind watching Grace fight for her life.

Taking the keys, Dutch talked about her adventures once again. She placed a palm sized rock on the counter.

Charon looked shocked, he pushed it back towards Dutch. "Madame I can't take this…"

She intended to go to the room shortly after, only to see Chraron stop her.

His face was very serious. "Why, it's a pretty rock." Dutch tilted her head in confusion.

"No ma'am, this is anti metal a very rare and powerful vibranium metal. I can not accept this." He persisted to refuse.

"So, we found tons of different rocks even if it's important we got more." Grace shrugged. The box Lola had wasn't the only stuff they found. There was also Adamantium along with a bag full of regular vibranium.

This got Dutch thinking if Frantz had this much resources then what about the other Fathers. She frowned seeing she might have missed out on a gold mine.

Dutch looked at the only reason they found the rest of the Vibranium, Bri and Sapphire, who insisted on staying to watch the building burn. Saying that Dutch getting kidnapped ruined the first time.

After the building was destroyed, Grace saw a low blue light from the corner of her eye. They uncovered tons of similar looking rocks.

"Apologies, ma'am, but I can't…" Dutch looked back at Charon, who looked to the side. His words cut off as his eyes went hollow.

"You know what, I will accept your generous gift." His eyes snap back to normal shortly after.

"Also, I know you must be tired from all your adventures, but lady bell would like a word with you…. If your free." Charon glanced at Sapphire's frown, he added the last part afterwards.

"I'm sorry, Charon but this one hasn't slept in a while that's why she's so cranky. I would happily meet that lady." Dutch handed Lola the keys.

"There is food in the rooms." Dutch looked at Sapphire.

Sapphire nodded, Bri reached and grabbed her hand. They walked behind Lola. Dutch followed behind Charon.


"So, were you able to find him?" Lady bell rested her arm on her arm rest.

"Yeah he's in Romania, turns out he never left his lab." Dutch shrugged.

Lady bell frowned. She looked to the side out her window. Dutch sat on the other side of her desk.

"What are you?" Lady bell looked at Dutch smiling face. She knew it was Lady bell who convinced Charon to take the metal.

"I'm a vampiric blood-god." Lady bell sighed.

"Oh, are there more?" Dutch sounded disappointed. She was expecting something more grand.

"One in every region. Five to be exact. We the council that helps keep the vampires organized." Lady bell explained knowing Dutch would continue to ask questions.

"Now what I need to talk to you about… Ort-Meyer…" lady bell sat up.

"No, I won't help you with that." Dutch sighed, she was tired of running around

"Good, I'm going to send a group of my operatives to handle it. Your assistance won't be needed." Dutch smiled slickly. She had a feeling that's not going to end well.

"What did the other fathers have that was so interesting?" Lady bell smirked at this.

"So you found Frantz metals." She laughed lightly.

"You don't become so untouchable, by being useless. Frantz might have been the weakest of the fathers, but he was the most powerful. He could find any material for weapons." Lady bell spoke approvingly.

"A lot of people are going to come after you for that one." Lady bell eyed Dutch like she was one of those people.


After talking to Lady bell for a while, Dutch went back to the room. She saw Lola and Grace sparing, their movements were slow and sluggish. They had sweat covering their bodies.

Sapphire and Bri were watching them with bored expressions. "Thank godness your back. They forced us to watch their drained shadows."

"Hmm, no wonder their hits weren't that hard." Dutch nodded.

Drained shadows is a training exercise that Madame b taught them. They would fight as usual but without their strength and a slight increase of pressure on their bodies. They both would have to rely on skills to win.

Grace and Lola sighed, they broke apart. They took off two black bracelets before crashing on the floor.

Bri jumped up. Dutch stepped forward, "you two should go to your rooms now."

"This is our room!" Grace sat up and spoke.

"Is this the bigger room?" Bri and Sapphire nodded.

"We're older. I'm fifteen while Lola's about to be sixteen." Dutch shrugged. None of that was her problem.

Lola and Grace sighed getting up and leaving. Dutch turned to Bri and Sapphire. They looked at her, dully.

"You two didn't have to wait up for me." Dutch sighed sometime she forgets how these two are.

"Let's get ready for bed while I order some food."


They all laid on the couch. Dutch frowned as Sapphire held her like a teddy bear. "Go hug Bri!"

"Shhh, just enjoy it." Sapphire whispered.

Dutch eyes widened, she looked at Bri for help. Seeing her nod Dutch assumed she was coming to help.

To her dismay, Bri hugged her other side. "Brianna!" Dutch screamed out Bri's real name, only to receive a hard bite from Bri.

Sapphire laughed, she knew her sister didn't like to be called by her real name. If it was anyone else they would have received a bite to the face.

Dutch shuttered remembering how Bri bit an instructor's nose off, after he called her by her real name. She sighed, "can you at least turn on the tv?"

Sapphire huffed, before getting up. She grabbed the remote and changed the channel until she got to a sitcom she knew Dutch liked.

"Now let's go to sleep." Sapphire put a cover over them. She laid back down in her original spot.


Dutch eyes snapped open. Bri straddled her with a knife in hand. Dutch felt the tip of the knife stopped pressed against her arm.

"What are you doing?" Dutch frowned, she could feel the knife slowly digging into her arm.

"I want to see blood." Bri laughed lightly.

Sapphire appeared on the side. She pushed a plate in Dutch's face. "I made breakfast." Dutch quickly turned her head away from the plate.

"Get off of me, and get that plate away from me." Dutch's voice was eerily calm. The girls frowned and distanced themselves away from her.

They lowered their heads as they stood side by side. "We're sorry." They spoke in unison.

"You can speak?" Dutch looked at Bri coldly.

"Yes, but only because I think Grace is a spy for Dreykov's assistant, Kat. We can't let her in on our plans to take over the red room." Bri spoke seriously.

"Then why bring her?" Dutch looked at both of them confused. Her and Natasha had been planning this for years.

"She's a better tracker than we are. We wouldn't even be able to find you in half the time if it wasn't for her." Bri took a piece of bacon off Sapphire's plate.

Dutch tense seeing her carelessly eat what ever Sapphire made. Only to realize these two were immune to most poisons.

"Also we found that aerial facility, that you told us about. You were right Dreykov plans to move the girls to that place.

S.H.I.E.L.D is closing in the progress has sped up. I give it another half a year at best."

They all talked for a while, Dutch finally got the last piece of information that she was missing.

"Well then, in half a year, the red room will be destroyed."