
I was rebirth as Natasha Romanoff twin Sister (Dropped)

DaoistT5xLmu · Película
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29 Chs

Attack On The Red Room

"Dutchess, what is all this?" Natasha spoke while looking at some papers confused.

"These are important papers I got from a lab. They're talking about the super soldier formula well at least a modified version." Dutch spoke casually. She had already told Natasha she was a super soldier.

"How come they didn't take these from you?" Natasha asked confused 

"They don't know I have it. I got a hunch that the papers would be there." Although Dutch wasn't lying about the hunch, it was mostly her fault they were there. 

The scientists were paranoid that their work would be stolen from them. In a panic they hid hard copies in various different places. 

It had been a few months since that night.

Dreykov filled his promise and let Dutch see Natasha, it wasn't for long, as Natasha had class. Today was the first time they could properly talk to one another in over a year. 

Sunday was usually used to give the girls a break after ballet class. Today was different, they didn't have ballet class or academics today either. Meaning today was truly a free day. 

They would stay in each others rooms until it was time to sleep. This was how they both progressed faster than the rest.

They would help eachother with both academic and physical issues they had. Dutch usually being able to help with physical while Natasha was better at academics. No one bothered them either. 

This was the perfect time to go through the papers from the floorboard of the lab she burnt down. Thinking of that night Dutch fist clenched 

"What?" Natasha asked concerned.

"They lied to me. I hurt people." Dutch voice was low before she couldn't fight it no more. Natasha hugged Dutch as she cried. 

Dutch usually doesn't think about the people she killed. Choosing to ignore them. Yet when Natasha's around those emotions come out on full display.

It didn't take long to regain composure. She sat up and looked back at the papers. Natasha smiled gently, "I know how it feels!" Tears welled up in her eyes before quickly disappearing.

"I'm going to kill them." A serious expression appeared on Dutch's face.

Natasha nodded with a similar look. "The only way to truly be free is by setting yourself free." 

They both looked through the papers. Seeing first hand what super soldiers are capable of they knew this could be the key.

Especially Dutch, knowing this isn't the original marvel she had knew, made her uneasy. If one organization got ahold of the formula then more organizations could have done the same, maybe even perfecting it. 

Think of this Dutch seriously studied the Letters version of the formula. There was more than a hundred pages, but with her enhanced brain power it wasn't hard to grasp the concept. 

With only an hour left Natasha and Dutch stopped to compare notes. This allowed them to deepen their knowledge and piece together what the other missed. 

Dutch found this useful as their was a lot in the pages. Even though Natasha comprehension wasn't as good as Dutch's she still provided to be great help.

Little did Dutch know her presence in this world made Natasha work twice as hard as before. To not fall behind her super soldier sister, also to prove to herself that she could handle things without her sister. 

Natasha worked hard day and night, studying to be the smartest. She saw no shame in learning from the people she hated the most. She strives to learn everything she could learn before killing them all. 

Knock knock knock

The door opened up. A teenage girl with black hair and freckles peeked inside. "Time for bed." Her tone strict and firm. Natasha glared at her. 

She got up quickly and stomped towards the girl. The girl rushed backwards with a fearful gaze. Natasha closed the door and looked at Dutch.

Neither one of them held back laughter. "Awe little Ms. Gracie is scared of a child." Dutch taunted knowing She was still outside the door listening.

Natasha purposely laughed even louder. "Ok, ok. Goodnight." 

"Night." Dutch smiled brightly. Her mood always improve seeing Natasha. 

After hiding the papers back into their hiding spot, Dutch laid down for the night. 



Dutch bolted up out her sleep. Everything shook as she landed on the floor. A metallic shank appearing in her hand. 

She squatted low, ready for an attack. Scanning the room and seeing no one around, she grabbed her things. 

Bang Bang Bang 

Gunshots were heard outside the room. "Natasha!" She rushed out the room.

Her instincts told her to duck and without fail she did just that. 


A sharp katana flew above her head. "If only I was slower. It's a shame for you... really." 

Dutch looked at a Japanese woman with an all black outfit on. She didn't even bother putting up a stance as she rushed forward and punched the woman in the stomach. 


The woman flew backwards. Her body crashing through a wall. Dutch didn't hold back her strength, so without looking back she rushed forward. 


Dutch stood up after plunging her shank into a fully armed soldier. Blood covered her body as she looked back. 

Past the soldiers she killed she saw two other girls from her class killing people. Neither of them looked better than her as they were also covered in blood.

"Have you guys seen Natasha?" She had already been by Natasha's room. All she saw were dead bodies, mostly men in all black. 

Dutch jumped upward. Doing a backflip mid air, she opened her legs as she sat on soldiers shoulders. 

She clamped her legs as hard as she could. The head flew up in the air. More blood spattered on Dutch.

Dutch looked at the girl's curiously the entire time. Her head tilted slightly. She looked no different than a confused child asking a question. 

The image of her decapitating a man with her legs horrified them both. 

"We saw her in the ballroom. Madam B was the one who informed us to kill them all." Dutch nodded in understanding.

She jumped off the body allowing it to fall to the ground. The girls looked at Dutch as if she was a demon. Dutch ignored both of them and rushed to the ballroom. 

"Dutchess!" Natasha called seeing her turn a corner. 

Dutch looked at Natasha relieved. Natasha was also covered in blood. Dutch saw a large gash on her arm, held together by staples, slowly leaking blood. 

Natasha brought her foot down hard on a knife that was sticking into someone chest. 

Swoosh swoosh swoosh 

Many more men in black poured in. All heavily armed. Dutch saw Natasha lost a lot of blood already. She wanted to go towards her. 

Men surrounded them both blocking their view of each other. Dutch was angry. She quickly rushed forward. 

As a result the soldiers tighten their formation, not wanting her to escape. Dutch faced wave of swords, axes, and daggers. Their movements are synchronized. Dutch anticipates their every move, her senses sharpened as a razor's edge.

Evading a flurry of sword strikes, she ducks and weaves, soon turning defense into offense. She strikes with the precision, her trusted shank finding vulnerability after vulnerability. One by one, they all fell, their weapons clattering to the ground.

"DUTCH!" A scream reverberated throughout the entire room. 

Dutch breathing quickened. She killed so many yet more continued to come in. She knew Natasha couldn't handle all that pressure, not with her blood lost. 

Dutch jumped up looking in the direction of the scream. She saw men carrying away some girls, Natasha being one of them. 

Her body relaxed her mind eased as she looked their way. She quickly landed on a random soldiers head. Without a delay she rushed forward pushing off his head. 

The force of the kick caused his head to blow back. Blood splattered his comrades.

Dutch didn't realize what she was doing. She had already figured out someone was sending them in to tire out the girls. They didn't have any real intentions of hurting them. 

None of this mattered to Dutch, she just wanted her sister. 

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh

Mid-air Dutch heard something approaching from all angles. 

Pfft Pfft

A sharp katana flew out and stabbed through Dutch's side. She gritted her teeth. Remembering the pain she felt to become a super soldier this was nothing. 

Another flew towards her piercing her shoulder. Dutch lost her momentum, falling into the arms of a soldier. The last sword just barely cut her cheek as she fell.

Step step step

Dutch heard the sounds of high heels on the ground. A light skinned woman with short brown hair looked at Dutch.

Her hazel eyes scanned her body before speaking, "Your my replacement...hmm, I'm not impressed." The woman spoke with a think British accent. 

She took a syringe from a guard and injected the contents into Dutch's neck. Dutch who struggled to move, felt her eyelids get heavy.

She moved around even more causing pain to course through her body. Hoping it would be enough to keep her wake.

The woman smiled, "I might have just lied." she raised her hand holding another syringe, quickly injecting it into Dutch's neck.

Dutch couldn't hold on anymore and lost consciousness.