
Chapter 266

Chapter 266: Wolf of the Full Moon

Harry and them, as well as George and Fred, followed, afraid that Ron would be hit too hard again. After all, it is his friend and roommate, and his stupid brother, and he should go out at this time.

Ignoring Ron and them who left over there, the other little wizards began to ask Li Xuan about the cat fox, and many little wizards were very curious and wanted to get close to Crookshan.

Gao Leng jumped into Li Xuan's arms, dodging a hand that reached out and wanted to touch it, he is not a casual cat, who can touch the noble body?!

Because the cat protector clearly threatens these advantages, many little wizards are moved, and they also want to have a pet that has always had a cat bloodline like Hermione, which can protect and remind themselves.

From the point of view, Ron's mouse spotted that has lived for twelve years is definitely problematic, and Crook Hill has no problem at all.

Many little wizards were still asking Hermione which magical animal store she bought it from, how much it cost, and whether there were any similar pets with cat blood 27.

Hermione was not the slightest bit impatient, but answered everyone's questions one by one very seriously.

Li Xuan felt that the turnover of that magical animal store in Diagon Alley might skyrocket in the future, shouldn't this give Hermione a big red envelope?!

In this day's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, after Li Xuan came to the classroom and sat down, he found that Lupin, who usually came to the classroom early to wait, did not see anyone, and it was not until he was ready to start class that Snape walked in from outside the classroom door.

Seeing that it was Snape who walked in, the little wizards looked at each other, very surprised, but did not dare to discuss it casually, after all, Snape's fear was already deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Li Xuan knew what was going on, it seemed that it was almost time for Lupin to transform into a werewolf, even if he took the wolf poison potion, but Dumbledore and Snape would not be completely relieved.

As for why there was no Snape substitute class for the first month or two, Li Xuan recalled that the first two months happened to be weekends when the moon was full, so it did not affect Lupin's class.

Although the little wizards had various thoughts in their minds about why the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was Lupin's class, it was Snape who came in, but the man without a head opened his mouth to ask.

And Snape took Defense Against the Dark Arts class, not for nothing.

Perhaps seeing that the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff House students were very well-behaved, and did not explain like those stupid lions in Gryffindor next door, Snape rarely opened his mouth to explain.

"Your Professor Lupin is in poor health, so I will substitute for these two lessons, turning the textbook to page 394."

Hearing Snape's words, the entire classroom was filled with the sound of flipping books, and no one opened his mouth to ask why he jumped to the back of the book.

Seeing the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students so obedient, Snape felt extremely comfortable, and sometimes he also thought that he was not the Head of Slytherin, but the Head of these two houses would definitely have a very comfortable life, right?!

Of the four houses, Gryffindor naturally needless to say, it was definitely Snape's most hated house.

And the Slytherin where he is now is also a lot of all kinds of bullshit, and often has to wipe the asses of his little snakes.

How good are the Ravenclaw eaglets and the Hufflepuff badgers, one pursuing knowledge, the other mediocre but very obedient, neither is a person who likes to cause trouble.

What's more, these two colleges also have talents, help manage students, and don't have to worry too much about it. Ravenclaw Li Xuan, Hufflepuff Cedric, and other excellent little wizards.

Gryffindor was a bunch of trick-or-treaters, and the only thing his Slytherin could get hold of was his godson, but that's it.

But thinking of the godson who had been completely crooked and would only be "jealous" with Botte there all day, Snape sighed silently in his heart, turned on the projector and began to teach everyone.

Li Xuan looked at the information about werewolves in the textbook, and reached the highest XXXXX in the Ministry of Magic's danger level.

For creatures like werewolves, their management has been vacillating between the two departments of the Department of Management and Control of Magical Creatures, "Beasts" and "Humanoids".

It can also be seen from here that werewolves are no longer human in the eyes of wizards, and sometimes they are even humanoids, so they are generally discriminated against in the wizarding world.

Discrimination is not even the case, plus there are many wizards who often participate in hunting or studying this creature, so werewolves are not good for wizards' senses.

The probability of causing werewolves to attack people has also increased a lot, and even because of the identity of werewolves, they have been discriminated against, humiliated and even banished, so that the relationship between werewolves and wizards has deteriorated for a while.

And the production of werewolves does not rely on natural reproduction, but through infection to produce new kinds. Many wizards are retaliated by werewolves like this, don't you hate werewolves, then let you become werewolves!

Such behavior also gave the werewolf a very bad reputation in the wizarding world, which is why Lupin's werewolf identity was revealed, and he was expelled from Hogwarts.

The combat power of a werewolf who reverts to its wolf form during the full moon is at least the beginning of the Great Wizard, coupled with the strong body 263 physical fitness, brutal strength and unreasonable speed, as well as sharp teeth and claws, and the risk of infection, it is no wonder that people see werewolves and banish.

Most people don't have the confidence to beat werewolves one-on-one, or even one-to-many.

Generally speaking, werewolves usually look like ordinary people, but they will transform into wolves during the full moon of each month, and they will cause extreme pain during the period of transformation.

This is also the reason why they are so tyrannical during this period, and want to vent and alleviate in this way. And in the days after the transformation, the whole person will become extremely weak, and the face will become extremely pale.

Generally speaking, the necessary condition for changing from an ordinary person to a werewolf is to be bitten by a werewolf in wolf form during the full moon of each month.

Infection occurs when the saliva of a werewolf mixes with the victim's blood!

If it is attacked by a human-type werewolf, it will not become a werewolf, but it will show some wolf-like personalities, as well as preferences, and will become fond of eating raw meat, but it has no effect in other aspects.

However, the wound left by being bitten and scratched by a werewolf, regardless of whether it was in wolf form when the werewolf attacked or not, that scar is permanent.