
I Trained For a Billion Years in Universe 7

My sole goal is to improve... and nurture another person. --- Dragon Ball Fanfic. From Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Super... all the way to Xenoverse.

R4IN · Cómic
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10 Chs

4 Billion Years of Solitude (3/3)

[Time Passed: 399,020,355 Years]

<It's been a while, hasn't it?>

It's been around 300 million years since I've written a diary, huh...

Because of this new form of mine, sparring had taken an interesting turn.

Both my clone and I will just automatically dodge every attack and neither of us can harm the other one.

However, this isn't entirely a bad thing as it gives me the time to come up with an 'unavoidable attack' that isn't a wide area destruction ki blast.

The first 100 million years were spent thinking of how to hit me and the next 200 million years were spent experimenting with how to train myself to get acquainted with Super Ki.

If you're reading this, read below, I'll write out the efficient Super Ki training method.




Lately, I've been able to touch the space freely now and even managed to destroy it but due to my later research I've found that this place contains a double-layered barrier, and the 2nd barrier, 'Threads of Time' is much harder to destroy.

If I just had more power...

If I was estimated 400x stronger than I am right now, I probably could open up a hole in the dimension through brute force by shouting with all my power contained, forcefully opening the gate.

That way, it's much easier than trying to find my way to open the gate leading outside. After all, it's easier to smash through a locked door than lock-picking.

This concludes my diary. I'm looking for a way to touch the threads of time.


[Time Passed: 820,359,101 Years]

Noil looked over his body.

Unlike in the past when he first arrived in this world, many have changed about him however his body was the only thing that hasn't changed since Year 1.

Although it was his speculation, probably this dimension completely stopped the growth of one's body.

'Am I the oldest person in the whole universe?' Noil asked a question that probably he wouldn't be answered for a long time.

Noil caressed his silver hair as he wore his usual clothes, 'you lasted for a surprisingly long time, haven't you?' Noil thought as he looked at his attire which was completely unharmed.

Regarding the silver hair on Noil, it isn't a wig nor was it dyed, it naturally occurred to his body at some point at Year 500 million.

He doesn't know how to dissolve this 'transformation' of his nor does he care because it's not that it's harmful to his body, not to mention it doesn't consume any stamina nor spend anything so why should he care?

As he got readied, Noil got outside and stared deep into white space. Concentrating on one spot, he could see the void of space that continued to repair itself as well as the 'threads of time' that hid deep into the void.

'The problem is the threads of time. I don't know where it is connected and these extremely sturdy threads are connected with infinite threads making it impossible to destroy.'

'Besides, I have a hunch that this is something that I shouldn't touch,' thought Noil, and he was right.

Threads of Time are limitless and everywhere. Usually not to mention touch them, even the Supreme Kai of Time can't see it because it is nonexistent.

Threads of Time are connected to every single history and timeline of Dragon Ball and if even one Thread of Time were to be harmed, the other threads would be loose, causing changes in history.

Not to mention Dragon Ball Heroes Universe Mission, Dragon Ball Heroes Multiverse War would begin all across the world as the limitless timeline would collide with others worlds.

"Is this the incorrect way of escaping this space?" Noil pondered within himself.

'Okay. One billion it is,' Noil made a decision in his mind.

He will wait until one billion if there isn't an exit to be seen, he would begin an all-out attack on the Threads of Time regardless of the consequences.

Noil decided not to write his thought today because he forgot about the diary.

Noil summoned a clone of him.


[Time Passed: 1,000,000,000 Years]

Noil opened his silver-white eyes.


"Time to look at Noil-kun. should be about time a thousand years have passed in," Fu yawned as he opened up a hole in Eternal Time Chamber, searching for Noil.

"Hm hm hm? Where's Noil-kun, don't tell me, he went to kill himself, didn't he? I would be very disappointed if that's so, you know?" Fu talked to himself however no matter how much he sought for Noil, he wasn't to be seen anywhere.

"It's a billion years, not a thousand," said Noil calmly.

"Woah you surprised me... By any chance, is that Angel form!?" Fu once acted surprised when he figured that Noil somehow located him and went to his side without him noticing but he was more surprised to see his brilliant white hair of Noil.

"I'm taken aback. Even among the countless timeline I've traveled, I've never seen a human achieve the form of an angel, even the time patroller I've seen, at most achieved the Mastered Ultra Instinct," Fu said with a confident smile.

"Anybody could do it if they had a billion years," Noil decides to go along with Fu although he didn't know what 'Angel Form' meant.

"Billion years... so my products bugged and instead trapped you at Eternal Time Chamber for a billion years instead of one thousand, haha my bad. Have Noil-kun come to kill me?" Fu still had a calm smile as if he had control.

"We can fight but I'm not interested in your life whatsoever. What I seek from you is the person who brought me to this world. You know of it, right?" Noil spoke.

"Oh, you meant, my mother. Sure, I can bring you to her, follow me," Fu brandished the short sword behind him, creating a portal that lead somewhere.

'Cutting the space to create a portal that leads to a completely different place... that's an interesting technique. I could learn it,' Noil engraved the technique Fu showcased in his heart.

Noil silently followed Fu's back.

Beyond the portal were the pale-skinned demons, Towa and Mira along with the low-class Saiyan, Turles, and a Namekian, Slug.

"Oi, oi. I haven't heard that we got a guest here," Turles was the first one to speak to Towa.

"He is uninvited," Towa said in an uninterested voice.

"Which one of you brought me to this universe?" Meanwhile, Noil gave zero shit about their conversation as he coldly spoke to the four.

"Heh!" Unwilling to listen to Noil's story and was confirmed that he is not a wanted guest, Turles delivered a strike to Noil to kill him.

Meanwhile, Noil turned a blind eye to Turles as he 'walked' while dodging Turles' attack without looking at it.


Just before Turles' body passes Noil, Noil raised his index finger, tapping the back of his neck, and without a delay, Turles just lost his consciousness, falling to the ground without much resistance.

The small showcase by Noil caused the demon next to Towa, Mira to loosen his crossed arms as he looked at Noil directly for the first time.

'Why I am feeling like this against someone, so 'weak?'' Mira thought as he closed his opened mouth.

"Are you the one who brought me here?" Noil looked straight into Mira's eyes who seems to be unbothered by the magic Noil just showed.

"If so, what? Are you going to kill me?" Towa readied her spear staff while Mira still looked uncaring.

"Both of you stop jumping to conclusions. I don't care whether you live or not. I just want to know the purpose of my existence. Why have you brought me to this... Dragon Ball World?" Noil said in tranquil, unbothered by the latest impact by Turles.

"Purpose... there is no clear purpose. I wanted to prove that just by bringing in a single individual that shouldn't exist in that universe of that timeline, can easily cause a time paradox and alter the timeline entirely," Towa pondered before speaking calmly similar to Noil.

Towa had judged that Noil, the regular human she brought from another reality, was worthy of being looked at as slightly below equal.

"So... there's no reason. You just wanted to test what would happen," Noil muttered to himself as a flashback of his figure in the first 200 years came up.

"I'm glad to hear that. By the way, I have no intention of joining your game, and... brainwashing is futile," Noil said as he waved his hand, preventing the untouched energy from manipulating him.

"...Fine," Towa gave up willingly.

Noil then went to Fu's side.

"Hm, what's wrong Noil-kun? Going home already?" Fu said nonchalantly.

"Yes and no. I've come here to say 'invite me when you have an interesting thing to experiment with, I'll be your guinea pig but no more billion years,'" Noil said to Fu.

Perhaps for the first hundred years of being trapped inside the Eternal Time Chamber that he resented the person who trapped him.

But growing up and thinking logically 'he was the one who pressed the button,' so he forgot his grudge against the creator, and instead, now he wants to see more magic from the very creator.

"Really!? I'm happy Noil! It is a promise! You should accompany me with whatever experiment I do!" Fu exclaimed happily.

'That girl sure was pretty,' was Noil's tiny thought after meeting a girl for the first time in billion years.

'I wonder how old is she...'

It was naturally erased soon though as he looked at the dark skies, wondering what should he do next.

"Then let me go to Earth already," said Noil, dismissing their delighted expression of Fu.

"Oh, yeah," Fu still excited that he gained a new toy, couldn't completely suppress his thrilled voice.

Fu then cut open the dimension with the short blade and Noil entered the portal Fu made, leading to Earth.

I’ve read the manga and Dragon Ball is a masterpiece.

Still not sure how I plan to write it though.

The first adventure arc is over at Chapter 10 and the finale (ch.10) is titled [Bulma Doesn't Want a Boyfriend!]

Take a hint and guess how it'll go out.

1,679 words

R4INcreators' thoughts