
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Cómic
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200 Chs

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Straw Hats vs Blackbeard Pirates!

Bai Yu frowned.

Recently he discovered something was wrong with Usopp.

Although in normal combat, the strength is rapidly improving.

But usually it hasn't changed at all, it's still so timid.

Only after being stimulated at certain times, does he instantly change into a person.

Even he now seriously suspects that Usopp has schizophrenia, and has even split a Yan Shuangying-like personality.

"I really shouldn't tell him the story of Yan Shuangying."

Bai Yu sighed inwardly, feeling a little anxious for Usopp.

This has led to the emergence of a dual personality in the current Usopp.

Hopefully Chopper can cure Usopp in the future.

For the duel between the two snipers, neither side intends to intervene.

This is a life-threatening battle between men.

It would be an insult to them to intervene.

Back to back, Usopp and Van Oka walked out in both directions.

The two walked a hundred paces each.

At the moment when the two stopped, the hands of the two people stopped!

Quickly put the gun, turn around and shoot, the action is done in one go, as fast as lightning!



The two shots sounded almost at the same time.

The two bullets collided without incident.

The shooting speed of the two people is very fast.

It's getting so close that no one else can see how to shoot.

"So strong!"

Vivi was shocked to see that Usopp, who was usually timid as a mouse, had such a powerful strength.

"This is gunfighting? It's a terrifying skill."

Robin glanced at Bai Yu, because these terrifying skills were taught to them by Bai Yu.

How strong is Bai Yu?

Maybe it can really beat Blackbeard.

A smile appeared on Bai Yu's face. Now Usopp is considered a complete master of spear fighting, but fighting and swordsmanship are still far from each other.

Only if the Master has the three powers of spear, fighting, and swordsmanship, and fuse them together, that is the real spear fighting!

He was looking forward to how powerful Usopp would be at that time, just hoped that no other personalities would be born.

Just at this time.

Usopp's bullet missed, and the deviation was very large.

Van Oka immediately seized the opportunity and fired again.

Usopp also had a panic expression on his face, barely dodging the bullet.

But then he didn't have time to shoot either.

And Van Oka had raised his gun, "It's over!"

"Yeah, it's over."

The panic disappeared from Usopp's face, and a small smile appeared.

At this moment, the originally deflected bullet turned a corner!


Van Oka was hit and fell to the ground, "I lost!"

"Being able to fight against my Yan Shuangying Usopp for so long, your spear skills are also very good, report your name."

Usopp said with a wall.

"Van Oka! Blackbeard Pirate Sniper!"

Van Oka shouted loudly.

"I remember your name, Van Oka!"

Usopp turned and left without shooting Van Oka.

"I've already lost, according to the rules you should kill me!"

Van Oka shouted.

"It's still too early for you to die, surpass me, Fan Oka, I'll be waiting for you in the strongest position!"

Usopp shouted loudly.

Van Oka? ? ?

The Blackbeard gang? ? ?

"Why does this line feel so familiar to me?"

Zoro's face darkened.

Bai Yu also didn't expect that Usopp would actually say Hawkeye's lines in the second half…

"Fan Oka, it's really too embarrassing to be told by a child to surpass him, hahaha!"

Blackbeard laughed out loud, and the other three laughed too.

"It's a bit embarrassing, but I will surpass him!"

Fan Oka struggled to stand up, his eyes very firm.

"Since the duel is over, let's start the real fight."

Blackbeard stood up with the three behind him.

"Then let's fight!"

Luffy also stood up.

"The first bounty was 30 million. If you give all of you to Marine, you should be able to get Shichibukai's position, right?"

Blackbeard said with a smile.

"Shichibukai? What is that?"

Luffy asked suspiciously.

"Sure enough, you are a newcomer who doesn't understand anything. Lafitte is handed over to you."

There was a smile on Blackbeard's face, just be Shichibukai.

Then his plan can go ahead.

The voice fell, and the three people behind him rushed over immediately, very fast.

"Want to catch us?"

Zoro pulled three knives out of their sheaths, blocking Lafitte, and the two fought instantly.

Sanji blocked the poisonous Q, "Do you still have to fight when you look so sick?"

"Everything is preordained."

After the poison q finished speaking, the body disappeared.


Sanji flew out backwards.


Luffy yelled.



Badgers hits Luffy with an elbow.

Luffy was also sent flying.

"Luffy! Sanji!"

Zoro glanced at the two distractedly.

"If you are distracted in battle, you will die."

Luffy roared angrily, and with a flick of his arm, his body immediately turned red and steamed.

Second block!

"Stand far away, don't be affected, the battle has just begun."

Bai Yu turned his head and said to the others.

This level of battle is not something that Vivi and Robin can participate in.

Moreover, the strongest person has not yet shot.

"Quick! Run! If these monsters fight seriously, this place will be razed to the ground!"

Usopp screamed in horror, turned and ran.

"Why are you so timid again!"

Nami roared, and immediately followed.

"Usopp is so strange, sometimes brave and strong, and then timid and cowardly."

Vivi looked strangely at Usopp who ran away.

"Sure enough, this pirate group is very interesting."

Robin smiled and followed.

"You guys hide too, I won't be able to take care of you later."

Bai Yu looked at Kureha and Chopper, who was only half-hiding.

"Really, if you destroy my residence, you will have to pay!"

Kureha glanced at Bai Yu, lifted Chopper up, and followed Nami and the others to hide away.

"Is this a pirate?"

Chopper looked at Bai Yu and murmured softly.

Kureha glanced at Chopper, but said nothing.

"The arrangement is over, then let's start too! Duplicant Bai Yu!"

Black smoke began to rise from Blackbeard's body. *