
I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats (One Piece)

One Piece I, The Strongest Crew Of The Straw Hats

God_Of_All_Chaos · Cómic
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200 Chs

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: The first stop, Whisky Peak! [Ask for flowers! ]


Luffy punched Laboon in the eye.

Laboon was instantly in pain and became angry.

"What is this bastard doing!"

Nami roared.

"Hurry up and sail!"

Bai Yu said immediately.

Although they are not afraid of Laboon, such a large whale moves in the sea.

Going Merry is definitely going to be destroyed.


Luffy was knocked out by Laboon and hit the stone wall.

"Stupid whale!"

Luffy smiled and punched the whale again.

Then it was hit by a whale.

"What is Luffy doing! Is he trying to kill Laboon?"

Usopp had no idea what Luffy was going to do.

"Look, Luffy knows what he's doing."

Bai Yu was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that the plot here has not been changed.

This is still very good.

"We're tied!"

Luffy said something, and Laboon stopped attacking.

"I'm very strong, you must still want to fight with me. After I sail the Grand Line for a week, we will continue to fight!"

Luffy stood up, "This is our agreement! I'll definitely be back!"


Laboon started to cry.

"What a mess."

The old man glanced at Luffy with a smile on his face.

The two people who were knocked out by Luffy also woke up.

"What kind of monster is this guy, so he won't die!"

"With such strength, the reward should not be too low. Our mission failed. If we lied to them, the boss may not punish us."

The two looked at each other and immediately made a decision.

Bai Yu knew what the two wanted to do.

But he didn't stop it.

Vivi is a rather awkward existence. Although it is said to be a member of the Straw Hat Crew, it disembarked halfway.

However, now he doesn't care about that, as long as he can acquire skills.

Most importantly, Vivi is a beauty, who would refuse a beauty?

The point is, Vivi is Alabasta's only princess.

If she married Vivi, she would be the king to come.

What's wrong with having one more beauty on the pirate ship?

After a short repair, the Straw Hat Pirates were about to leave the Twin Gorges.

"Have you decided which route to choose?"

the old man asked.

"Well, they said they were going to Whisky Peak, so let's start there."

Luffy said casually.

"You have to think clearly, you can only choose the route at the starting place, and once you start, you cannot change the route."

The old man kindly reminded.

"Whatever, if not satisfied, then sail for a week."

Luffy chuckled.

"Good luck to you then!"

The old man went back to his room.

"Set off!!"

Luffy jumped to the bow and shouted loudly.


The whale Laboon also called out twice happily.

"Laboon! Wait for us to come back!"

Luffy shouted at Laboon.


The whale Laboon nodded cheerfully.

start sailing!

Officially set foot on the Grand Line, the mood of the six people is very good.

Vivi and mr.9 are also in a good mood, although the mission failed.

But successfully deceived this group of pirates to the town.

Not only will they not be punished, but they can also make a fortune.

"I saw the island!"

Luffy shouted excitedly.

"It seems that there are a lot of people, something is wrong!"

Zoro looked at the people on the dock, his eyes very alert.

"Thank you for bringing us back! Thank you so much! Goodbye!"

After Vivi and mr9 finished talking, they jumped into the sea and swam away.

"Two strange people."

Nami muttered.

"Isn't this a trap?"

Usopp said with some fear.

"You can see if it's a trap."

Bai Yu naturally knew the situation here.

However, he is not in a hurry to expose it. After all, who would refuse a place where you can eat, drink and play for free?

"Welcome adventurers to the welcoming Whisky Peak!"

"Welcome! Welcome! Warm welcome!"

People on the pier pulled banners and waved colorful flags loudly.

This scene stunned the few people on the ship who were preparing to fight.

They were all ready to fight, and it turned out to be a welcome?

There is even a town that welcomes pirates, and the Grand Line is really different.

"Haha, I didn't expect people here to be so enthusiastic, those two didn't lie to us!"

Luffy was very happy, and he was happy when there was fun.

"It's really not used to being welcomed for the first time."

Usopp wasn't scared anymore, he didn't have to fight anyway.

Although he is very strong now, his timidity has not changed.

Maybe it's nature.

"Welcome to our town, my name is Ikalem, the mayor of Whisky Peak."

Ikalem smiled and greeted several people off the boat like a gentleman.

"I'm Luffy, please take care."

Luffy pointed at Ikalem and said, "Uncle, your head is too curled."

"This is a town famous for winemaking and music. We are most proud of entertaining guests. How about coming with me to the banquet?"

Ikalem smiled slightly.

"Very willing to!"

Luffy immediately shouted excitedly.

Several other people were also very excited.

There is nothing more delightful than attending a banquet on this sea.

"Everyone, go get ready, the banquet is going to be held!"

Ikalem shouted.

The people around also cheered immediately.

"This is too abnormal."

Nami looked at these people, quirky all over the place.

"As soon as you come, you can rest assured, don't worry, just enjoy the banquet with confidence."

Bai Yu said aside.

Zoro glanced at Bai Yu and said nothing.

Followed into the town.

The banquet started soon.

A large group of people eating and drinking together is very lively.

Sanji is surrounded by a large group of women, not happy.

Zoro was drinking heavily there.

Usopp was surrounded by a large crowd listening to his bragging.

Nami is drinking with people in the competition, because the first place has a prize of 100,000 Baileys.

Bai Yu and Luffy were eating like crazy.

The chefs have been exhausted by two people for several times.

Several people had a great time playing.

It's as if you don't know there's any danger here. *