
I Somehow Became A Dungeon Master

After dying at the hands of a dragon's army during a dungeon raid he finds himself awake and turned into a monster. If that wasn't the worst part, he also became the dungeon master of his own dungeon. In order to survive he needs to build his own army and defend it against any intruders, which someday could be the same humans he used to know.

J_MSmith · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Chapter 2

After a while, I pulled myself up and leaned against the wall trying to maneuver my body comfortably.

So, I guess I am somehow part spider now huh? I was too tired to even try to fight this. I closed my eyes leaning my head against the cold stone and signed. Where the hell am I?

"Currently located in the spawning room?" I jumped letting out a little yelp, turning my head. The room was completely empty.

"Who's there?" I shouted. "Show yourself," I was answered with complete silence. Hesitantly I asked the room, "Where am I?"

"Currently located in the spawning room?" The voice echoes in my head as if all around me yet quiet enough that I knew only I could hear it.

"Who are you?" this time I asked in a normal voice.

After a moment of silence, the voice responded "I am you."

"Where are you?" Silence. "What is a spawning room?"

"The spawning room is the room for the creation of workers and warriors."

"Workers and warriors?" Silence again. "What is a worker?"

"At the current level, workers are lower-leveled spawns that are used to build, mine, and repair."

"Okay, and what the hell is a warrior?"

"At the current level, warriors that can be summoned are poison, trap, and forward forces."

"What do you mean at the current level?"

"Current level is the lowest level F" Ouch that kinda stung. Before I died I was at least level A.

"Why do I need workers and warriors?"

"Protection and growth of the dungeon."

"Wait, dungeon? Why the hell would I want to protect a damn dungeon?"

"Because you are the dungeon master."

The dungeon master? I looked down at my hands and spider legs shaking. "How did I become a dungeon master?" my voice was shaky.

"You are the dungeon master."

"How did I become a damn dungeon master?" My voice was getting angry.

"You are the dungeon master."

"Can I quit being the dungeon master?"

"Impossible." The words echoed in my head.

"Why?" I was shouting again.

"You are the dungeon master."

I slammed my fist into the wall and screamed. "Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?"

"You are the. You are the. You are the. You are the. You are the. You are the dungeon master." I threw out curses hitting the wall and throwing dirt into the air. This lasted for a few minutes until the exhaustion caught up to me again.

Fuck. What the hell is happening? I pulled myself up stretching my legs out. I wobbled as I got my footing. I held onto the wall getting my footing, well, legging I guess since it seems that I don't have feet. I giggled at my own stupid joke and steadied myself taking a few steps forward. It was difficult to walk at first, transitioning from 2 legs to 6 was not an easy task. I needed to move the front leg on one side and the middle leg on the other at the same time, followed by the second and last legs, then the third and first. It was a slow process to get moving, but after a few laps around the room, I got the hang of it. "Alright. This isn't so bad." I said out loud, smiling. How the hell am I able to smile during a time like this? I shook my head and looked around the room. This was my first time actually looking deeply at my surroundings. For the most part, it was a round room with rocky walls like the inside of a cave or mine. On one end there was an opening like a doorway, and directly across from it was a small indent in the wall that reminded me of an altar more than anything else. I had checked it out a few times when I was walking around the room but it was completely empty, so I had little to no interest in it.

The only thing left to do in this room was to leave. I turned and headed for the door, expending extra effort to walk in a straight line. I peeked out of the door which opened up into a larger room that was at least 40 feet tall and similarly large around. There was one other door to my left, and to my right was a large stage set on the wall which had a spot that could best be described as a throne fit for a spider. I was familiar with the setup of this room since I had frequented more than a handful of them in the past. "So this is the throne room." my throne room. The words sounded crazy to me even in my head.

"Correct." The voice made me jump. I had forgotten all about the voice in my head.

"So what is so special about a throne room?" I had always been curious about it, the fact that most of the throne rooms were similar with roughly the same layout. We knew so little about dungeons when I was a human.

"The throne room is where all the power and life of the dungeon is located. If this room gets overrun or destroyed then both you and the dungeon will cease to exist."

"What? I die too?"



"Because you are."

"The dungeon master. I get it." I sighed, rubbing my temples. "How can you be both helpful, and useless at the same time?" I was answered with silence. "Whatever."

I made my way to the stage and up to the throne. The throne wasn't so much of a chair, as a pad for the spider belly with a hanging backrest that I could lean against. The design was very basic but it looked like it would work well. Next to the throne was a stone bowl with 5 mana crystals in them. "What the hell? There are real mana crystals." I leaned down and picked them up. The largest one was the size of my hand with the others around the size of my thumb. The smaller ones would go for about $25,000 with the largest one being closer to $60,000. They were so rare that you would be lucky to find one the size of a fingernail out of 20 dungeon raids. I wiped away some drool from my lips.