
I Shall Rule the Gods

Hao Juanxiu is a young master of the ruined Hao Clan. During their most dire situation, fortune will smile upon him, when an insignificant-looking cube actually contains the secret of the Primordial Era. However, he will soon realize that he is not a martial art prodigy. Without the power or strength, Juanxiu will decide to use the knowledge and resources he gained from the tower to build the strongest army that can rival even the gods.

Minoaahh · Fantasía
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114 Chs

Chapter 1: The Ruined Hao Clan

The sun blazed down with a scorching intensity, and the air was thick with poisonous miasma that posed a constant threat to one's health.

The Forgotten Valley was a place where people can do nothing but wait for their death. But despite these daunting challenges, the Haos refused to be defeated. They persevered, day after day, facing down not only the toxic environment but also the wild animals that had been driven mad by the poison that lingers in the air.

For the Hao clan, the day they were accused of colluding with the enemy of the empire to kill the crowned prince marked the end of life as they knew it. Forced to flee their fertile homeland, they sought refuge in the Forgotten Valley, a barren wasteland where only weeds grew.

The Hao family was not one to give up easily, though. With Hao Jiming at the helm, his son Hao Juanxiu by his side, and their loyal butler Hao Tengyang and his daughter Hao Siyi at their back, they set about making a new life for themselves. They crafted goods from the scarce weeds that grew around them and sold them in the nearest city, the bustling metropolis of Qingyun.

But getting to Qingyun was no easy feat. The journey was treacherous, a grueling 36-day trek across unforgiving terrain that put the Hao family's survival skills to the test.

The family will receive another blow when Hao Tengyang returned from a recent business trip and told Hao Jiming about the town's new taxes. It made it hard for the Hao clan to earn a profit and put their survival in the Forgotten Valley in jeopardy.

Hao Tengyang walked into the makeshift shelter where Hao Jiming was sitting. He looked worried, which immediately made Hao Jiming concerned.

"Clan Leader, I have some bad news," Hao Tengyang said.

"What is it?" Hao Jiming asked, his tone sharp.

"The city has raised taxes and tariffs. It's going to be nearly impossible for us to turn a profit," Hao Tengyang informed him.

Hao Jiming's eyes narrowed. "This is bad. We need to come up with a new solution,"

"How are we going to survive?," Hao Tengyang said.

"I'm sure we can think of something," Hao Jiming declared, determination in his voice. "We won't let this defeat us."

Hao Jiming's mind raced as Tengyang spilled the bad news. The raised taxes and tariffs meant their usual business strategies wouldn't cut it anymore. He needed to think fast and come up with a plan to keep the family afloat.

Days turned into weeks as Hao Jiming and Tengyang tried to come up with a solution. Frustration set in as they hit dead end after dead end. But they refused to give up.

They knew that if they wanted to make it in the Forgotten Valley, they would have to think outside the box and come up with a truly innovative solution. They were determined to not only survive, but thrive in this harsh and unforgiving land.


Meanwhile, Juanxiu sat on the porch, feeling overwhelmed by the harsh reality that faced his family. He gazed out at the vast empty space, watching as the wind rippled throught the weeds.

The news from the butler had hit him hard - their tiny business was in trouble. The city where they sold their crafts had imposed new policies with higher taxes, making it difficult for them. Juanxiu felt helpless, unsure of how they would survive.

Growing up in this world has been a nightmare for Juanxiu. He still remembers the day his grandfather was executed, along with other members of their community.

Driven into this desolate and toxic land, many of his clan members abandoned them, leaving only a handful to suffer the effects of the poisonous environment.

Every day, they watch their loved ones slowly succumb to the toxic air, unable to do anything to save them. Now, even the measly amount of profit they made from the crafts is being taken away from them.

As he sat lost in thought, Hao Jiming approached him.

"Juanxiu, what's wrong?" he asked, noticing his son's troubled expression.

"It's just...I heard about the butler and the new policy in Qingyun," Juanxiu replied, his voice heavy with worry. "I don't know how we'll be able to afford it. Our business is already struggling as it is."

Hao Jiming put a comforting hand on Juanxiu's shoulder. He's only turning 11 this year and it is not his duty yet to shoulder the weight of the clan.

"Don't worry, son. We'll figure something out. We always do." Juanxiu could feel his father's strength and resilience flowing into him.

He took a deep breath and nodded.

Still, Juanxiu couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in his stomach like a lead weight. He knew that they needed to come up with a solution fast, or they would risk losing everything. After a short conversation, he returned to the training ground for his daily martial practice with Siyi.


Juanxiu stood in the training grounds, as Hao Siyi watched over him. He felt the weight of her expectation heavy on his shoulders, as he was the son of the clan leader and was expected to excel in his training. But no matter how hard he tried, everything was just wrong.

He stood with his feet too far apart, his posture slouched, and his movements were slow and awkward. When Siyi demonstrated it, the movement was fluid and graceful, while Juanxiu stumbled and tripped. He felt frustration and embarrassment building within him, as he knew that he was not living up to his potential.

Juanxiu also struggled to enter into a state of cultivation, where he could gather energy and increase his power. He had heard that this was an important part of training, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not seem to achieve it. Up to now, he still haven't started his cultivation journey.

He tried to hide his struggles, but Siyi noticed and started to whisper to herself. She could see the disappointment in Juanxiu's eyes and knew that he was thinking that he is only a burden to the clan.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Siyi. "You have been training for years, but it seems like you haven't improved at all," she sighed

Juanxiu hung his head in shame. "I don't know what's wrong," he replied. "I try my best, but I just can't seem to get it right. I feel like I'm not meant to be a warrior."

Siyi put a hand on his shoulder. "You just need to keep practicing," he said. "I know that you have it in you, you just need to find your own way. Don't worry about other things, just focus on improving yourself."

Juanxiu felt a wave of gratitude for Siyi's support. He knew that he needed to work harder and find a way to overcome his struggles. He promised himself that he would not give up, and that he would find a way to be a valuable member of the clan.

After sometime, he returned to his room feeling helpless and defeated.

Juanxiu tossed and turned on his bed, frustration building up inside of him. The new policy in town was putting his family's business in a tough spot and he couldn't come up with a solution. There's also his issues on the basic training. He felt like his mind was blank and he was running out of options.

Suddenly, he remembered the mysterious metal cube his dad had given him. It was the only thing they had left from his mother who had passed away before he was born. Juanxiu had always been curious about the cube and its purpose, but no one seemed to know. Somehow, this cube gives him a sense of peace knowing that it came from his mother.

Unfortunately, not today. In a fit of frustration, Juanxiu grabbed the cube and threw it across the room. It hit the floor with a loud clang, and Juanxiu winced at the sound.

As he lay back on the bed, he noticed that his skin on his arms has already turned a dark, charcoaled black color. It was a disturbing sight. Panicked, Juanxiu sat up and examined his arms. The poison in the land that had affected their clan was starting to take hold, turning his skin into an ominous looking color.

It was no secret that they have been banished into this land to suffer a slow death. The old people who did not cultivate only lasted for a few years before they succumbed to the poison. Even their butler, Hao Tengyang, had shown signs of illness due to the poison that permeated the land, a toxic substance that seemed to seep into every pore and infect every cell.

Juanxiu felt hopeless. He collapsed on his bed and tried to find comfort in the darkness of his room. His heart raced as he felt the lethal poison start to take over his body.

Is waiting for death their only option?

Suddenly, he heard a sound. At first it was just a murmur, but it gradually got louder. Juanxiu's heart lifted and he sat up, listening intently.

Juanxiu's heart raced as he heard the beautiful, ethereal music fill the room. It was like nothing he had ever heard before, a choir of angels singing from the heavens. The fear and despair he had felt just moments before were replaced with a sense of peace and rejuvenation.

As he looked around the room, trying to find the source of the music, his eyes were drawn to the dark metallic cube that he had thrown earlier. The cube was glowing with a pulsing, ethereal light that seemed to be in sync with the music. Juanxiu was in awe. He picked up the cube, and as he held it in his hand, the music grew louder, filling him with a sense of wonder and excitement.

"What is happening?" Juanxiu muttered to himself in shock. "This can't be real."

He approached the cube, his hand hovering over it hesitantly. The music grew louder, and the cube pulsed with a brighter light. Juanxiu couldn't resist any longer, he reached out and touched the cube.

As he reached out to touch the cube, the music grew more intense. Juanxiu closed his eyes and let himself be carried away by the ethereal sound. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in a strange, unfamiliar place.

The world around him was filled with vibrant colors and strange, glowing plants.

Juanxiu couldn't believe his eyes as he gazed upon the strange and wondrous world in front of him. He saw plants he had only ever heard about in legends, like the glowing ferns from the mythical Eternium Forest and the shimmering flowers from the rumored Luminous Meadows. But it was the creatures that really took his breath away - winged unicorns that seemed to dance through the fields, and dragons with shimmering scales that swooped through the sky.

Excited, Juanxiu set off towards a distant fountain he could see in the distance. It was crystal clear and seemed to be pouring out a sweet, golden liquid that he instantly recognized as the nectar from the legendary Sunflower Bees. He had heard that these rare bees were the protectors of the sun and brought good fortune and prosperity wherever they went. Now, he was seeing it all with his own two eyes!

Juanxiu stumbled upon a towering structure that stood out from the rest of the mystical world. He was drawn to it, as it looked like it was made from a magical energy that he had never seen before. The design was unique with spirals and intricate details etched into the stone.

As he walked into the building, he entered a mesmerizing garden that was full of flora and fauna he couldn't even imagine. It was filled with luminous Moonflower Vines and dazzling Starburst Trees. The air was fragrant and fresh, and it felt like the magic of the garden was washing away the toxic poison that had plagued him. Juanxiu finally felt relieved, like he had finally found the cure he was searching for.

Juanxiu wandered through the mystical garden. He was in awe of all the enchanted creatures around him. He spotted mischievous fairies flitting amongst the blooms and majestic centaurs roaming through the fields.

Juanxiu reached out to touch the vibrant plants and flowers, but as his fingers brushed against them, he was shocked to find that they were not solid. They were like illusions, real in appearance but intangible. He could feel their energy and life force, but he couldn't hold onto them. It was a strange and surreal experience that left Juanxiu questioning where he was and who had created this mystical world.

For the first time in his life, Juanxiu felt a sense of purpose and direction that he had never known before. He believed that he needed to uncover the secrets of this realm. And so, he followed the music of the metallic dark cube, that led him to a massive towering structure.