
Persuading the Might King

Fasmel : "How?"

She asked me if I was enjoying it. While Kiwi was playing around in the grass right after we were about to go to the second floor.

Grel : "This is good. I can rest for a moment."

Fasmel smiled at me.

Fasmel : "Then I will give you the paycheck after this."

Grel : "What? Paycheck?"

This girl trapped me the whole time... Dai was also surprised after hearing it.

Fasmel : "Ahahaha... Just kidding."

Both Dai and I took a relief breath. What is this girl, it came out of nowhere.

On the other side, Arhi just woke up from her sleep. She looked right and left and did not see anyone there.

Arhi : "Where is everyone?"

Time skipped ahead and I'm doing my meditation inside my current restroom, while everyone is going back to my rented inn, except Fasmel . She tried to run away from the mansion for some reason and I quickly grabbed her to stay here for a moment. Dai said Kiwi was just getting hungry and asking for some food. She is really energetic with such a tiny body.

During meditation, my blue aura power is showing itself surrounding my body. It means my meditation is already done since the power is already filling up completely. Then I opened my eyes and the power just disappeared.

I stretched my body and got up from the huge bed.

Fasmel : "You are done now?"

I looked back and it was Fasmel . Seems like Fasmel is also done with her meditation.

Grel : "Hmmm..."

To think of it, I did not see Mr. Herrick from the beginning.

Grel : "Where is Mr. Herrick ?"

Fasmel : "My father? Of course, I don't know that. I've been with you for a while."

Hmmm... Maybe his on their duty right now. But Dai said she just met him for my permission to rest here. Well, that's not a thing I should worry about.

Grel : "Let's go out and ask Mr. Kim."

I walk toward the door.

Fasmel : "Ah, about that one?"

Grel : "Yes, what else? We should go before the sun goes off. It's already noon."

Fasmel : "Okay... She walks and tries to catch me."

Time skipped when we both arrived at Mr. Kim's tavern.

Melin: "Ara. Welcome back! Did you want to find Arhi ?"

We walk toward Mr. Kim's wife.

Grel : "Did she be here?"

Melin: "Well, she went quite a while before both of you arrived."

Grel : "Ah... That's fine Mrs. Melin, we want to see Mr. Kim."

Melin: "Ah, Mr. Kim. He said he will get some meditation for a moment."

Then suddenly someone opens up the door from the other room. It was Mr. Kim.

Kim: "Oh, you two again. Do you need something?"

He walks toward us.

Grel : "We actually want to ask about Kiwi ."

Then we tell everything about Kiwi 's dark marker on her foot to Mr. Kim and explain it.

Kim: "Hmmm... It has made quite a lot of sense right now."

Kim: "The priest is always with Mr. Herrick . If you want to ask them. But he said it was just a dark thing from the dark side. It does not hurt or injure the girl."

Kim: "And he lifted it just in a second since it was just a tiny part of it. And the dark thing just disappeared."

Kim: "I did not expect that was a mark since I don't interrogate Kiwi first since they are with you."

Grel : "I see..."

Fasmel : "Did Mr. Kim knows anything about the other world where Kiwi lives?"

Mr. Kim shakes his head.

Kim: "But in my personal opinion, you will need to bring Kiwi for quite a while from now on."

Kim: "Since we know what the demon wants from her, you need to be careful not to expose yourself."

Kim: "And besides that, it is probably a good idea to bring her while you are doing the expedition."

Grel : "Is it gonna be alright?"

I'm a bit worried since the outside is unknown and probably dangerous for Kiwi .

Kim: "If you are the one who protects her, It would be fine. And I already trained you well about that."

His right, since Kiwi can smell the crystal and has benefited us too.

Kim: "But..."

He paused for a moment.

Kim: "Beware of getting ambushed. Because she was getting out of her world by the hand of the dark side."

Kim: "The other dark side would hunt her for sure. Especially guarding the entrance to enter the crystal place."

Fasmel : "Then what should we do?"

Mr. Kim is trying to grab something out of their pocket.

Kim: "This... Take this with you."

Grel : "What is this?"

It was a stopwatch. It sizes almost full of my hand size. But the stopwatch seems to have a crack in it.

Kim: "You already know what this is. But this is not an ordinary stopwatch."

He pointed to some buttons on top of the stopwatch.

Kim: "It can stop time for a moment if you pressed this button."

Fasmel : "Stopping time? How?"

Kim: "I was blessed by God with the power of ultra-speed. And my parents said there's this stopwatch necklace on me."

Kim: "I don't know why God gives me this special gift. Maybe it's because I'm gonna be a weak person when I was still a kid."

Kim: "I get bullied pretty often because all of my power is basically just running away whenever I'm done with some sparring session."

Kim: "It's because power will slowly unlock to a certain age until it fully unlocks."

Kim: "And if you see the crack on the stopwatch, it was because I've used it one time."

Kim: "It was back then when I was a kid and getting attacked by the demon. They were faster than me since I'm still a kid."

Kim: "Then I used this stopwatch. It cracks after I press the button. But the times around me stopped immediately."

Kim: "Probably I'm already dead if I don't use it or don't have it with me."

Kim: "But since that day, I have not used it until now. The stopwatch is still working. You can see it still ticking even though there's a crack on it."

Grel : "But... Is this Mr. Kim blessed? Would it not be working with another user?"

Kim: "It was a stopwatch, and I believe it can be pressed by anyone who uses it since it does not cost any of the owner's power."

Grel : "But still Mr. Kim, I can't use this. This is your blessing."

Mr. Kim looks at his wife for a moment.

Kim: "I believe for myself there is someone who will need this more than me right now. And it was you, young prince."

Kim: "Don't worry about me. I did not get any bullies since I already unlocked all my power. You already see my speed too."

I look at the stopwatch for a moment then put it in my pocket.

Grel : "Thanks Mr. Kim, I will bring this stopwatch with me for now."

Kim: "That's good."

Fasmel : "Did the time stop to the demon side only?"

Kim: "Unfortunately no. It stopped all the living beings around you except yourself, even a tiny particle flying around will be paused by it."

Kim: "The duration is quite long, it's not an hour or half hour though. But it still can be a useful thing."

The time skipped ahead after we both also had some food inside, and we decided to leave the tavern.

Fasmel : "What should we do now?"

Grel : "Hmmm..."

I think it's about time to leave this place and start to roam and find the crystal probably.

Grel : "Let's head to my inn and find the other first."

We finally arrived at my inn. There's Dai and Kiwi inside.

Dai realizes me and stands up from the bed.

Dai : "Welcome young prince."

While Kiwi is sleeping on the bed. Seems Dai is taking care of her well. But I did not see Arhi here.

Grel : "Where is Arhi ?"

Dai : "I'm sorry young prince, but I did not see her as well."

Arhi : "Where did you all just go?"

It was Arhi standing behind us and surprised us.

Fasmel : "Arhi ? Um... Well..."

Grel : "There is nothing to hide Fasmel ."

I explain everything that happened while we leave Arhi in here.

Arhi : "I see... I'm sorry about that, you can't sleep because of me."

Grel : "I did not mad, but yes, it's fine."

Arhi : "So what's the plan?"

Grel : "We will leave from here tomorrow. There's nothing left to see here."

Arhi : "You mean to the mansion?"

Grel : "No, we leaving the Kingdom."

Arhi : "I see..."

Fasmel : "But how about Dai ?"

I look at Dai .

Grel : "Hmmm..."

I'm thinking for a moment. Then look at Kiwi still sleeping on the bed.

Grel : "Ah... Probably Dai can go with us."

Dai : "But I'm here because of the King's order."

She mentioned my father. Since he is the one who told her to go here.

Grel : "I can write a letter and send it with the owl mail from here."

The owl mail can send to a specific location while carrying a mail tied on their leg. It was used to help communicate from a distance.

Dai : "I see... But what's my job, young prince."

Grel : "Well, I saw you both with Kiwi is close. I thought it would be good if I bring you too."

Fasmel : "Oohh. That's a good idea."

Arhi : "I don't mind it though."

Dai : "I understand. I'll do my job, young prince."

She bowed at me.

Grel : "And... I did not want you to call me a young prince again."

Leni's body gesture seems surprised, even though I already told her to just call me by my name.

Dai : "I understand."

She paused for a moment. Is she really gonna say my name?

Dai : "Young prince."


Fasmel giggling.

Fasmel : "What is this... It's funny. Bet this not happening just one time."

Dai : "I'm sorry young prince. This is my contract."

Grel : "*Sigh. Yeayea..."

Well, at least everything here is done. Unless one thing more. While I'm thinking. Fasmel is talking with Dai because this is her first time seeing her like that in front of her.

Time skipped ahead and the time is already night. I walk outside toward the mansion. The other girl is still in my inn.

Grel : "*Sigh. I don't like this one. Is it possible to persuade Mr. Herrick to bring the heavy sword?"

I look at the front, the mansion is already near.

Grel : "*Sigh. It's impossible of course. What suppose I do?"

Arhi : "What are you talking about."

It was Arhi again, she surprised me the second time now.

Grel : "Arhi ? How can you always sneak up like that?"

Arhi giggling.

Arhi : "Didn't you have a good sense of aura?"

To think of it, I did not feel any aura from here. How?

Grel : "How do you do that?"

Arhi smiled after I ask it.

Arhi : "Actually..."

She paused for a moment.

Arhi : "I didn't meditate since that battle."

Uuggh. No wonder.

Arhi : "I have little aura power right now. So that's why you can't notice me."

Yea, I already know that one.

Grel : "So that's what happens..."

Arhi : "Then where you go? Do you want to sleep in that mansion?"

Grel : "Well..."

I paused for a moment.

Grel : "I want to persuade Mr. Herrick to permit Fasmel to wield the heavy sword."

Arhi : "Hmmm... Do you know what to do?"

I just shake my head.

Grel : "It was impossible. But still, I better try it even though it's impossible."

Arhi just looking at me for some reason.

The time skipped ahead and I asked the guard at the inside of the mansion gate if Mr. Herrick is there. They nodded meant he is inside. And they open up the gate for us, and we walk inside.

Then as soon as I open up the main door. Mr. Herrick is standing beside the heavy sword. Somehow the light of the moon shines on the sword even at night.