
I Rely On My System

What is life, and how different it was between the modern world and somewhere you've never been before? If you were given another chance to live your life, what will you do? Living all his life as a loser, Yanglin finally succumbs to his tragic end due to an instant chronic heart attack. But instead of leaving the world with regret, he was given a second chance. Transmigrated to this unknown realm, he landed into the body of another loser who also met with the same tragic ending as he was. Both himself and the owner of this body died as a virgin, and also because of heartbreak. But would everything change once Yanglin found out that he had a system accompanying him in this second life? Discord Link: https://discord.gg/8xJYvgAnpf == == == == == -This book was a new work of mine after multiple revisions on how systems and cultivation works side by side. It might be a rough jewel right now, but I hope I can do it much better than my previous work, the "Supreme Emperor of Mist. -Once again, to all readers... I'm used to writing a snail pace story. Although this book won't have a harem planned right now, the MC might have multiple experiences with the girls here and there based on the need for the story. -I will appreciate it if you can leave a review and vote on this work if you like it. Looking forward to seeing how it goes. Thank you, and enjoy reading! == == == == ==

yanglin · Oriental
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36 Chs

Exchanging Pointers (1)

The others had their turn after Yanglin, and Xia Xuan-Xuan came out from the library with the Village Chief accompanying them.

"Remember to memorize the cultivation technique recorded inside the book well. You'll have to return this book after one month. If you need it for reference again, you'll have to pay a fee of 5 Foundation Pills." the chief said.

"We'll make sure to remember everything the Village Chief said." the two cupped their hand together and excused themselves after all the ceremonial gestures.

But their path was blocked by two other youths before they managed to move a step further from the library's entrance. The two of them were part of the seven people that participates in the awakening ceremony that day.

The two doesn't look like a servant and a master, but friends.

One of them was wearing slightly better quality clothing than the other. From this difference alone, it was evident that the family is doing much better than the other guy.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" Yanglin asked without giving them too much of his attention. Instead, he had a sad expression because someone was blocking his way while he wanted to go home.

"How... How dare you look at me this way? You should be honored that both of us have something to ask you two." the two youths stuttered as they speak. It never came across their mind that Yanglin would have such an attitude after his awakening.

'Did he eat the gallbladder of some snake king or heaven leopard? Did he not know that my father was the leader of the Bronze Lion Escort Agency? Don't he know that my father's agency frequently traveled forth and back from the Guangming Sect?' the better of youth were puzzled by Yanglin's unfavorable gaze toward them.

"Honored? Why should I be honored to have two random strangers block my path? If you have nothing to do with me, roll to the side and wait for your turn to get inside the library."

"And ask the Village Chief if you have questions. Why are you asking me? Do I looked like I know much more than the chief does?" Yanglin added. It seems that the tongue and communication skills of a 32 years old adult had their uses today in handling these youths.

"If there's nothing else, move aside and stop blocking my path." Yanglin forced his way through them. There were only thoughts of practicing the Spiritual Siphoning Technique in his mind right now.

The reason for him to rush was that he wanted to quickly produce the ten Blood Foundation Pills to let the Reliance System manifest its body again.

Furthermore, he was in a hurry to get stronger and get out of this safe village area to hunt by himself. This would increase his cultivation speed and allow him to have faster growth than the other youths.

"Brother, he totally doesn't have both of us in his eyes. How dare he behave like this while just being a recently awakened cultivator like us?" the one with shabbier quality clothing said. There's a hint of fawning for the other's favor in his tone.

"Let it be. My father always says Those less fortunate would always rush to their death. He's no different. From what I can see, he seems impatient to get into the Early-Layer of Spirit Foundation Stage. Someone like him would meet his end within days after he was allowed to get into the forest."

"Why should I feel bothered with someone who will die soon? It won't make a difference even if he were to answer what kind of technique was available in the library." the better of youth said. He looked much calmer than the other youth that's tried to fawn over him for his favor.




"Why are you in such a rush?" Xia Xuan-Xuan asked. All her attention was on Yanglin because everything he was doing today was not according to her logic.

As a starter, it was well known that those with a less favorable condition, such as herself and Yanglin, should always start from a Spiritual Gathering Technique. This would help them prepare their Realm Vessel until they start the body tempering process.

But Yanglin chooses to go for a Body Tempering Technique instead.

She knew that he would be still capable of producing his own Foundation Pill for his body tempering later. Still, the process would be much slower than those without a Spiritual Gathering Technique.

"Of course, it's to continue with my Spiritual Gathering practice. Why should I waste my time with irrelevant and people that bring me no benefits? I would rather continue to cultivate. Half an hour more is all I would need to produce another Clarity Foundation Pill for my own use." Yanglin replied.

"Have you cultivated to the point you've lost your mind? Did you forget that the entire process would be pointless if you stop the Foundation Pill process in between?" Xia Xuan-Xuan said. She sounded confident when telling Yanglin about this basic knowledge.

"And who tell you about that?" Yanglin suddenly turned around and told her otherwise. It seems that he had a different point of view regarding cultivation and also how it actually works.

"Who - Who tells me that? Do - Do you even need people to tell you about these basics?" Xia Xuan-Xuan retorted. But her reply was made with a shaken voice as if she's not too confident with her own answer.

The lack of confidence was expected because she had just awakened her Spiritual Soul and the Realm Vessel.

But wasn't Yanglin the same as her situation? So, where did his confidence came from?

"Xia Xuan-Xuan, although both of us awakened recently, you're still lacking confidence and self-opinion regarding cultivation. Since one didn't need to learn a Spiritual Gathering Technique to produce his own foundation pill, why..." his explanation went softer before he finishes his words.

For once, he looked confident and insightful in front of Xia Xuan-Xuan.

"Why was it seems like a norm that Foundation Pill has to be completed on the spot, or it will be a wasteful effort?" Yanglin said.

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