
I Rely On My System

What is life, and how different it was between the modern world and somewhere you've never been before? If you were given another chance to live your life, what will you do? Living all his life as a loser, Yanglin finally succumbs to his tragic end due to an instant chronic heart attack. But instead of leaving the world with regret, he was given a second chance. Transmigrated to this unknown realm, he landed into the body of another loser who also met with the same tragic ending as he was. Both himself and the owner of this body died as a virgin, and also because of heartbreak. But would everything change once Yanglin found out that he had a system accompanying him in this second life? Discord Link: https://discord.gg/8xJYvgAnpf == == == == == -This book was a new work of mine after multiple revisions on how systems and cultivation works side by side. It might be a rough jewel right now, but I hope I can do it much better than my previous work, the "Supreme Emperor of Mist. -Once again, to all readers... I'm used to writing a snail pace story. Although this book won't have a harem planned right now, the MC might have multiple experiences with the girls here and there based on the need for the story. -I will appreciate it if you can leave a review and vote on this work if you like it. Looking forward to seeing how it goes. Thank you, and enjoy reading! == == == == ==

yanglin · Oriental
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36 Chs

Against Tong Xun (5)

<<Wha - What do you even know about this magical circle? This is the one and only Eight-Elemental Fortune Formation that existed in this world. Even the strongest cultivator in this realm wouldn't have the opportunity to enjoy this kind of benefit to strengthen himself.>>

The Reliance system sounded like it was looking for a random reason to answer Yanglin's question. There's a hint of stuttering behind the reply, and the answer was somewhat unrelated to what the host asked.

"You did not answer my question, Reliance System." Yanglin narrowed his eyebrows while staring at the System. That stare of his that could purge lies quickly tore a hole in the curtain of reason deployed by the System.

<<Aargh... Alright, I'll be honest, so stop looking at me like I'm a rat that stolen a piece of peach.>>

The uneasiness the Spiritual Soul Infant felt finally kicked in and destroyed the protective layer it had. Knowing that its tricks were exposed, it had no choice but, to be honest with Yanglin.

<<The explanation about the Eight-Elemental Fortune Formation I've said earlier was not a lie. It was part of the Reliance System that was given to you. But like what you've guessed, it's not a must to fight all eight mimics at one time.>>

<<My reason for making you fight all eight mimics at once was to keep your mind busy and low to train you through defeat. Although this option is crueler than the others, it was the best to use against someone as dense and clueless as you.>>

The Spiritual Soul Infant flicked its finger to bring the soil up until a proper chair is formed for it to take a seat. Throughout the explanation it was giving out, there's no hint of selfishness behind its action.

It was reasonable that the Reliance System would only want the best for its host. But at the same time, it knew that selfishly providing the goods to him would be equal to hasten his footsteps to self-destruction.

This is also why the Spiritual Soul Infant was born. Its existence was not to hinder Yanglin's growth but to stimulate him to be someone worthy of the System. Although the process might be tedious or received a backlash at the end, it was much better than destroying a seed of hope brought in by the creator before it even germinated.

"But you don't need to purposely make eight mimics to beat me into pulp each time! Even a superhero would have a mental breakdown by getting hit like this from start to the end!" Yanglin complained.

<<Did that went overboard? Don't you know that even harsher reality would strike you in the future? You'll have to remember that this world was just as cruel as your previous one. The strong lived, and the weak cower.>>

<<And here, there's no law to protect you from getting mistreated, killed, enslaved, or even tortured as a weakling. Did you really think that nothing will follow after this fight? Did you really believe that life will continue as usual after this duel?>>

The Reliance System reminded Yanglin. His thinking was indeed too immature for someone at his age. Suppose he were to take an example from the hundred Xuanhuan and Xianxia novels he had in life. In that case, none of them describe that life would continue as usual after a fight.

It was always one fight after another, one trouble coming before the first one was solved. And the culprit behind this was something called the cycle of fate.

What the System was trying to ingrain to him was not how to win. But what to do after that. For Yanglin to win, all it took was using the Eight-Elemental Fortune Formation to mimic Tong Xun so Yanglin could have an actual practice.

Even the weakest fool would have his chances of winning improved if he were to put in a fight against the same opponent ten to a hundred times. But what to expect after that was the variable.

At most, losing the fight would make him become the laughingstock of the village until he decided to left this place for good. But what if he won? Would the father of Tong Xun allowed him to cultivate in peace after that?

This was the question he should be asking.

"Fine. I'll accept your explanation for now. But I still have one question remain." Yanglin nodded and decided to accept the Reliance System's explanation. Just as what the System said, what was problematic was the aftermath, and not now.

It was an easy matter to taught someone to win, but difficult to teach how to fare after winning.

"How come you still have so many Blood Foundation Pills in hand? Don't you need them to maintain your empyreal form?" Yanglin shoots his question at the unprepared Spiritual Soul Infant.

<<R - really? I - I didn't notice that I ate lesser than usual...>>

Sweat about the size of a medicinal pellet was rolling by the infant's head as it thought about how to answer.

"I know you're lying to me the moment you keep throwing the Blood Foundation Pills into the magical circle without a hint of heartache. Explain yourself!" Yanglin attacked the Spiritual Soul Infant and restricted it from leaving this cavern.

Holding it like how someone is handing a watermelon, Yanglin managed to restrain the Spiritual Soul Infant from escaping. The Reliance System kept resisting but gave up in the end after its body started to get more and more transparent.

<<Fine! I'll be honest with you! So let me go!>>

The Reliance System looked like it would cry if Yanglin were going to restrain it for a little longer. Feeling that his joke has gone a little overboard, Yanglin quickly released the Spiritual Soul Infant and fed one of the Blood Foundation Pill like a candy.

<<If there's nothing much to do, I can maintain my form by a minimal amount of Foundation Pills. Anything else you made was just a spare I kept aside if I needed to use them.>>

Said the Reliance System.

"You... You've been milking me off my riches! I'll fight to the death with you!" Yanglin said as he felt used by the Reliance System again.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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