
I Reincarnated as a Fox Girl?!

THIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED, AND REWRITTEN! It's now under "Pearl: Transmigrated Fox in Another World", or "Pearl: TFAW", for short! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ My name is Jacob. Jacob Stalin. I'm a retired marine in the United States Military. One day, after I got home, everything changed. My friend died. And then my family. I have nothing to lose. But all is changed when I met a God after I got hit by a truck... [Warning!] (Profanity, blood, gore, sexual context, use of drugs, use of alcohol, smoking). Have fun reading my new project :) While you're here, why not join the Discord! https://discord.gg/bgvU9SpZ Contact me at: magueyethemage@gmail.com

Magueye · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
33 Chs

Chapter 11: The Guild

It's been a week since I left the hospital. I have pretty much fully recovered and I wanted to get some clothes shopping done.

So I grabbed my robe and boots, put the boots on and the hood over my head, and headed out for the market.

Due to the little money I have, I currently two objectives. 1) find a job that can be done in my current state. 2) clothing shopping.

The second could easily be done. But the first, that'll be hard since a lot of people here hate beastmen and treat them like dirt.

It's simply just a prejudice from previous generations.

Or just that they're all racist or something. Either works. But I am trying to figure out which is more important at the current moment.

A job is needed to sustain your income to get food, clothing, and shelter. Whilst clothing...is clothing. It's useful, yes.

But compared to a job, it's less necessary. But there are jobs where you don't need such things as clothing.

Such as those certain bars and taverns from my previous world.

I never did go in one but my friend did one time.

He forged an ID when he was 16 and actually got in. He said it was "The best night of his life!" or something.

I got slightly jealous but I didn't dare do what he did. I'd rather keep my brain more pure than dirty.

But I never did lose my virginity...I was pathetic.

Maybe I joined the Marines to become more of a "man" of some sorts. I mean it worked, I think?

But if I hadn't have died in that truck incident, I never would have met Aliyah and became friends with her.

Anyways, I think I'll ask around for a job. But I will first see if I can even apply to be an adventurer. Hopefully they let me join the guild at this age...

-[Outside of the Adventurer's Guild]-

"I finally found it..." I said. I was aimlessly walking around after I asked someone what the guild building looked like.

And I went through alleys and the such. In one of those alleys I heard adults doing, uh, "adult" things. Haha.

'Lucky bastards...' I said jealously in my mind. I'm mad because I died a virgin. And yes, my daughter is adopted.

I decided to shut up my rambling mind and walked towards the entrance.

I tried to open the door and I could barely get my hand around the door's handle. Damn this cute tiny body!

I walked inside and saw a woman at one of the desks on the left of a bulletin board. Presumably that is probably where quests are for subjugation.

There also were people all around with weapons or staffs for magic, and treasures like swords and monster heads mounted on the wall. Very badass!

I walked over to the woman at the counter and I didn't even stand tall enough to fully get my head over the counter.

Only what would be my ears would pass over it, but I tucked them away with my hood over my head. It's never wrong to be cautious.

"Oh? Hello, are you in need of assistance, little one? Did you lose your parents in the city somewhere." said the lady.

My expression turned saddened whenever someone talked about my parents, either this world's, or my previous world's.

I looked at her and she looked at me with a warm and friendly smile.

"Uhm, is it alright if I can become an adventurer? I don't have any means of making money so I thought this could work out." I said.

I then saw a name tag on the left breast area of her shirt. Her name was Kira.

"We have a rule that you can only be five or more years old to ask this." said Kira. I then replied, "Oh. Then could I join? I am already five years of age so I can join, right?"

Kira looked slightly suspicious of me since I am a lot smaller than other kids around this age.

I was walking around a lot earlier so I sae a lot of kids that looked either my age or a bit older.

"May I see your identification card, then? You have to be at least six years old to get one without a parent's help or permission." asked Kira.

I nodded and pulled out my card. She looked over it and noticed the picture of me. She looked at me and then the card's photo in repetition.

Kira then said, "Sorry. But could you remove your hood? It's so I can check if this is truly you."

I was slightly on edge about taking my hood off, but it's necessary to get my license. I reluctantly took off my hood, revealing my whole face and head.

Kira then looked at me for a few seconds and then put my identification card in a blue orb like thing. I put my hood back up.

I simply have trust issues with how beastmen get treated in this world. Even the light novels I read depicted that kind of treatment against beastmen!

She then said, "Please place your hand on this orb and inject your mana into it." I was having deja vu from the identification card mana drain.

But I needed to do this. So I put my hand on the orb and slowly injected mana. It began to shine a rainbow of colours and it was indeed very pretty.

After a few more seconds Kira took out my identification card and handed it back to me.

She then said, "Thank you for choosing our guild to sign up at. Of course you will start at rank F and the highest you can rank up to is S rank. You can also take jobs that are one rank higher than your current rank. You can also find F to E rank jobs on the bulletin board over yonder." Kira then pointer over my head towards the area behind me.

Kira then said, "Have a great day." So I then looked at my identification card and saw that it looked different.

It had a black "F" in the corner, presumably my rank, and the background changed from white, to a beige colour.

It also now displayed my level which was currently level 3.

I could probably go up against goblins now that I am slightly stronger than before. I also now have a dagger which is much easier to use rather than a short sword.

I will still keep the sword in case I need it, though.

I walked to the quest board and looked at the current slaying jobs I could take. "Ooh. Found one!" I said with slight enthusiasm.

Here is the quest: (Kill 5 goblins or more and bring their corpses back for the guild to use. Reward: 7 copper coins for each goblin brought back in good condition.)

I took the quest up to where Kira was and showed it to her. It was a rank E quest but I can take it!

She then acknowledged I took the quest and wrote what quest I took in the "quest submission" book that all of the people in the guild that work at the counter have.

I then headed out towards the gate to get the quest started since it takes place in the nearby forest. But I noticed it was getting late so I decided to head back home for the night.

I got back to the room and went to sleep, eager for tomorrow's quest.

This chapter took me more than a day to write because I had a lot of stuff going on irl. To the very few people who'll read this novel this far, thank you! Bye ;)


Magueyecreators' thoughts