
Not The Same!

"Hey! Hey! Mr. Yang, what are you doing, how come you suddenly sit up? needle is till in your arm, you see, you are bleeding!"

  Liu Juan was shocked by Yang Fan's sudden movement. I don't know what kind of stimulation the moderately depressed patient got, that he suddenly became so excited without caring about the needle inserted in his arm.

  Is it because I didn't administer the needle properly causing him pain and get excited?

  Liu Juan began to doubt herself.

  "Nothing, I suddenly feel that I am much better, no need for any injection, I want to leave the hospital! now that i am better"

  Yang Fan's spirit showed unprecedented stability, even the tone of his speech gave the people around him a sense of calm and quiet feeling, very infectious.

  Liu Juan unconsciously nodded her head and said "Dr Chen said that we can discharge you from the hospital at any time as long as you can get out of the bed."

  After all, Yang Fan is just a drunk case, even though he went through stomach wash process, after a nights rest, under normal circumstances, as long as his recovery is good, one can indeed be discharged directly.

  "But before that" Liu Juan looked at the syringe with the needle missing in her hand and raised her finger to Yang Fan's upper arm. "You should at least let me handle the wound for you, the needle has not been pulled out yet."

  "Oh! Troubled you!"

  After half an hour.

  Yang Fan changed his clothes from hospital gown to the ones he was brought to the hospital in and appeared at the entrance of the hospital. He did not have to worry about the discharge fees of the hospital and the discharge procedure as the landlord had already taken care of it for him.

  So, after changing the clothes and signing on discharge papers, Yang Fan walked out of the hospital's super VIP ward.

  It was seven o'clock in the morning, the sun has just risen, and there were not many pedestrians on the street.

  Quiet, peaceful, no threat of monsters, no cruelty of the apocalypse, Yang Fan likes this scene.

  After experiencing a Monster Apocalypse nightmare, Yang Fan had a desperate desire for Modern Peaceful civilization.

  Even if he is still a jobless single dog too poor to even pay his rent.

  At least he is in a Modern Civilization filled with peace and no struggle for survival, he does not have to worry about the Human eating Monsters.

  A person living in Modern peace, who has not really experienced the baptism of war, will never be able to understand what Yang Fan is going through right now.

  Yang Fan walked to the shared bicycle stand next to the hospital, paid for a bicycle quickly using the phone by scanning the QR code.

  "You ride a bicycle, your leg muscles get proper exercise, your leg joints are more flexible, leg strength +1, driving ability +1."

  Just after riding the bicycle less than two meters, Yang Fan's ears heard a warm prompt. After that, the strength of his legs suddenly increased a lot, and the hands holding the handlebars became more stable, flexible and the grip became more stronger.

  The Change after the prompt was visible, the effect as always is shocking and fascinating.

  This made Yang Fan more certain that everything he had experienced in the last day was not just a dream, not only because of the obsessive system that followed from the different world, but also due to the strange memories that appeared in his mind from time to time.

  These memories were short-lived and intermittent, but they seemed very real and clear, he could feel the emotion in these memories, sadness, anger, unwilling to be a livestock…

The vast end of the world is my love

At the foot of the mountain, flowers blossom

What kind of rhythm is the most swaying

What kind of singing is the most pleasant?

. . . . . .

  While passing by a nearby park, Yang Fan's ear suddenly heard the magical divine 40-year-old song " Most Dazzling Folk Style " . Then he saw a group of old ladies stand neatly in a small square of the park and sing the song together dancing to its rhythm.

Over the years, many people began to feel nostalgic, especially after the 80's, now people entering the age of retirement, began to miss the classic old songs of their youth.

  This " Most Dazzling Folk Style " by Phoenix Legend was also re-drawn by them, Chances are you've already heard the song. When you walk in a clothing store, it's likely to be played in the background. When you turn on the TV, it'll be featured on the most popular entertainment shows. When you walk past a park square, old ladies will be dancing to its rhythm.

  Even if he was riding a bicycle hearing such a familiar and rhythmic music, Yang Fan's body couldn't help but start to sway back and forth and couldn't stop himself from dance to its rhythm.

  "You see that the old ladies is dancing in the square, can't help but dance to its rhythm, dance skills +1."

  Yang Fan was dumbfounded by his action, he got control over his body, started to paddle faster trying to flee the scene. He was afraid that if he stayed there he could not help but dance with the old ladies.

  It's already 2040, in addition to these seventy-eighty- year-old nostalgic old ladies who will dance to this retro song in the park. what kind of youth will participate with these old ladies? He Can't afford to be that kind of a person!

  "Wang(bark) Wang(bark)!"

  "Wang(bark) Wang(bark)!"

  While Yang Fan was rapidly driving away, a Pug wearing a white mini skirt suddenly came out of nowhere and blocked the road, barking at Yang Fan.


  Yang Fan hit the brake suddenly, he was able to stop the bicycle but his body slammed forward involuntarily due to inertia.

   "Wang(bark) Wang(bark)!"

  Pug's eyes flashed red, it excitedly opened its mouth and leaped high, its sharp teeth of the upper and lower rows flashed cold light and went straight towards Yang Fan.

  "Girl! What are you doing? Come to Mom! "

  On the other side of the road, a long-haired girl in a red dress also saw this scene and suddenly shouted to the Pug who had already jumped in the air aiming at Yang Fan.

  The rapidly advancing Pug's body came to a sudden stop and the red light flashing in its eyes converged after hearing the long-haired girl in a red dress, it turned towards the girl and with a normal flip jump it landed in the girls waist.

  After landing, Xiao Taidi(Pug) squinted and spit out its cute small tongue acting cute and attractive.

  Seeing that her baby daughter is fine, the long-haired girl couldn't help but caress her chest. She let out a long sigh of relief and looked around seeing no vehicle's on either side. she came trotting towards Yang Fan.

  Yang Fan had already stabilized his body by this time. He got off the bicycle and put bicycle on its stand and came towards the girl. He didn't look at the long-haired girl who ran over, but looked at the pug in her waist and grabbed the Pug that was acting cute. he lifted it by its neck.

  "Did I feel wrong?"

  "Clearly just now I smelled a faint smell of monsters from this pug. Or is it just me?"

  Yang Fan brought the Pug close to his eyes, carefully inspecting its ups and downs, eyes, nose, mouth, limbs, tail, buttocks, checking if there is any metamorphosis, he kept pulling on the Pug.

  "Stop! Let her go!"

  The long-haired girl who had ran over and was about to apologize to Yang Fan, but she sees Yang Fan looking at Pug's ass under its tail.

  rogue! Pervert!

  In her heart She directly labeled Yang Fan as a Pervert, so naturally she would not be polite to a rogue. The girl rushed over and tried to grab the pug of Yang Fan's hand, but Yang Fan raised his hand , out of the little girls reach.

  "This Pug has a problem!"

  Yang Fan held Pug high and looked at the girl in front of his eyes with a solemn look and said "The blood of the monster in it is about to be fully awakened. It will be dangerous to leave it with you! I will not give it to you." !"

  The girl went mad at this moment: "You have a problem! My Pug is the Best and lovely, you return her to me!"

  Yang Fan's looked at the girl and shook his head coldly, stupid woman, you simply don't know how ferocious the awakened beast is and it will eat you not even leaving a single hair, I'm saving you!


  Yang Fan glanced at the seemingly well-behaved Pug in his hand and said coldly: "If I did not find it. . . whatever, now it has fallen into my hands, I can not let go of any monster, Even if it is still very weak now."

 "So there's only one end waiting for it and that's –"


  Yang Fan no longer talked nonsense, his arm jerked and slammed the Pug directly on the concrete floor. The Pug was killed instantaneously, the splashed blood dyed the white mini skirts it was wearing.

  In the face of the beast, Yang Fan involuntarily will become very vicious, just like before when he had punched and killed two Bone-Bearing beast.

  As long as it is a monster, it must die!

  The hatred and disgust for the monsters came from deep in his bones and soul. so, Yang Fan can not control himself.


  The long-haired girl screamed, as she crouched on the ground, her mouth was trembling looking at a blood-soaked Pug, Her whole body was in a state of collapse.

  "What happened? What happened?"

  People around doing morning exercise were attracted by the girl's miserable screams. People are always used to sympathizing with the weak, especially when the weak one is a cute little girl.

  Therefore, although the situation is clear as sky, some people have begun to point at Yang Fan, some enthusiastic old ladies have begun to secretly call the police.

  After all, they are seeing a sinister person killed a cute Pug, if they did not call the police and he went crazy on them what will they do then?

  "You successfully killed a monster that has not Awakened yet, Your spiritual will has improved, blood intensity +2."

  When he heard the prompt from the system, Yang Fan was completely relieved, the system could not make a mistake. This Pug was indeed a monster and his judgment was not wrong.

  Although it was not fully awakened, it looked very harmless, but the monster is a monster in the end, once they are fully awakened, they will not hesitate to eat humans in an instant. This is undoubtedly what happened in another world, there are already Countless humans who had paid the price of blood for their naivety.

  But, the Question that stands out now is Just how can there be a monster in this world?

  how did it get the blood of the beast, it must have absorb a lot of spiritual power. After a long time of accumulation, it should have triggered the organic Mutation. How did this Pug do it? Where does the spiritual power it needs come from?

  Yang Fan is now worried, like the un-awakened monster Pug, are there still more on earth? If so, how many more?

  Also, the world in which he is in right now, will it also become Man-Eating-Monster infested world like West Chu City?

  Yang Fan squirmed and didn't dare to think any further.


Hey Guys,

the song really exists if you want you can check it out

 "Most Dazzling Folk Style" by Phoenix Legend 

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