
Not Just a Nightmare!

"Sister Liu, what happened to this person, so thin, is he critically ill?"

  "Don't ask, alcoholic, he drank until he was at the brink of death, we washed his stomach, he should be okay."

  "Is there some problem? I haven't seen anyone who drinks this much even for a alcoholic. How can he be like this?"

  "You look at his eye sockets, they have the deepest dark circle i have ever seen. This is so pitiful, It looks like the patients who are in critical condition of Depression."

  "sssshh! keep your voice down!"

  "I also heard that this person is suffering from moderate depression and severe insomnia. the other nurse said that he has not slept for five days and five nights, so he drank three bottles of white wine in one go and vomited it all the next second losing his consciousness. "

  "When you nurse him, you should pay attention to this. Don't irritate him. these type of patients are very unstable. If they are not satisfied, they will be furious."

  "Yeah, so serious, so pitiful! His family, how come no one came to visit him?"

  "Who knows, I heard that the medical expenses were paid by his landlord and nobody saw his family from beginning till now."

  "This is a super VIP ward. you need to pay an extra 2,000 yuan for a day to stay in this ward. Then his landlord should really be a good person. for a tenant, he is willing to spend this much."

  "Who can say otherwise, he is really a good person, otherwise who will take care of drunkard tenant rather than throwing him out directly."

  "Yes, yes, not only good people, but also rich, just don't know if he is a handsome guy."

  "You can save it, the landlord I have seen her, it is a woman, very beautiful, you have no chance."

  "No, it's a pity, why isn't it a handsome guy…"

  Confused, Yang Fan's consciousness gradually awakened, and he could hear two women's whispers through his ears.

  Where is this?


  Yang Fan tried to open his eyelids, through a thin slit of his eyelids He saw two women wearing white clothes standing to his side. he could hear their faint voices.

  "Hey, sister Liu, his finger just moved, he seems to have regained consciousness!"

  "Well, it's almost time for him to wake up, it's been a complete 10hrs, and if he did't wake up,it would have been a problem."

  "Xiao Zhang, you go bring him a cup of warm water. After waking up, he should be thirsty."

  "okay, than!"

  At this time, Yang Fan clearly felt that the woman called sister Liu bent over to his bed and whispered: "Mr. Yang! Mr. Yang Fan! Wake up! Wake up!"

  " water is coming, the water is coming, sister Liu, is he awake?"

  "His Perception has been restored, but his consciousness seems to be not very clear yet." sister Liu continued to call in Yang Fan's ear: "Mr. Yang, can you open your eyes? I am the nurse responsible of the thirteenth room, Liu Juan, do you need anything now, would you like to drink some water? "

  It turned out to be a nurse.

  so, I am in a hospital?

  Realizing that he was in a hospital Yang Fan's heart was at peace, and he tried to open his eyes. He quickly saw the appearance of nurse Liu Juan standing on the side of his bed, a woman in her thirties with a professional face and a professional smile.

  The other nurse stood next to Liu Juan, young and slightly thin, only about twenty years old, youthful and lively, holding a glass of water in her hand, looking at him curiously.

  "am I not already dead, how can I be in the hospital? Who sent me here?"

  Yang Fan opened his already dry lips and asked the two nurses in front of him.

  He remembered very clearly that his body had been completely destroyed outside the city of West Chu, and his soul was also greatly affected by the self-detonation explosion in the West Chu City.

  In his mind, he still can hear the echoes of the shouts of countless people before they detonated them self's. how can he wake up again?Not only does he have a physical body, but he is also in a very quiet and comfortable hospital ward?

  Who saved him?

  "Mr. Yang, you must have had a nightmare. You just drank large quantity of alcohol yesterday and were sent to the hospital by your landlord. After the stomach lavage treatment last night, your body has no problem, you don't have to worry too much. "

  Liu Juan's face showed a gentle smile, soft comfort, and then introduced herself to Yang Fan again: "Let me introduce myself, I am the nurse responsible for this ward, my name is Liu Juan and this is the room-13's intern nurse Xiao Zhang."

  "If you have any discomfort, or if you don't understand anything. you can ask us, we will try our best to help you. If we are unable to resolve it, we will contact with your responsible physician, Dr Chen."

  The thoughts in Yang Fan's heart surged.

  Passed out by Drinking too much, was sent to the hospital for gastric lavage by the landlord?

  A familiar plot, isn't this the setting of life before he crossed to that gruesome world infested with man eating demons and monsters?

  Did I crossed over to my past live ?

  Or is it that the previous gruesome experiences was indeed a nightmare? Now that i have woken up, everything has returned to normal. Is he still a depressed person with severe insomnia?

  For a time, Yang Fan had some points that were still unclear, which one is true, which one is a dream, and which one is reality.

  "Humans will eventually rise, and my generation will not be slaves!"

  Inside his brain, echoed the vows of countless peoples. The blood in Yang Fan's chest couldn't help but boil again. If it was a dream, then can a dream be so real.

  "Mr. Yang, your face is a bit wrong, are you uncomfortable anywhere?"

  Liu Juan saw Yang Fan's face was a little red fill with blood and his mood was unstable it had a little ups and downs in a moment. She quickly asked: "Would you like to drink some water first? You just woke up, you must be feeling thirsty?"

  the intern nurse handed the cup of water, but Yang Fan shook his head slightly and said "I don't want to drink anything. I just want to be alone right now."

  "Okay, then we won't bother you, you should rest first."

  Liu Juan reached out and took the cup over, gently placed it on the medical cabinet at the bedside and then waved her hand to the intern, indicating to exit quietly. At this time, Yang Fan's mood was obviously unstable, they didn't want to irritate him.

  After all, this is a moderately depressed person, and it is best to not irritate him.

  "Mr. Yang, I will be in the living room with Xiao Zhang. If you have any needs, you can call us directly. You can also press the pager on the bedside. We will come to help you in a moments notice."

  After that, Liu Juan also gently exited the ward and the door was gently closed.

  "Sister Liu, how come you also came out? leaving him alone in the ward. I think his state is a little unstable. It won't be his depression."

  When Liu Juan came out, Xiao Zhang came and asked.

  Liu Juan shook her head slightly and whispered: "Rest assured, I have been a nurse for more than ten years, my insight and experience is still good."

  "Mr. Yang's mood is unstable, but I don't see suicide in his eyes rather I feel that his will to survive is even stronger than normal people. Such people will never choose a shameful way to die."

  "Yes, yes!" Xiao Zhang said: "I also feel this way when I talk about him. The moment I saw him blinking, I saw the infinite desire for the world in his eyes. Love, that feeling, just like, as if he had once died, it's weird."

  "Oh, well, don't talk nonsense here." Liu Juan raised her hand and patted it on the head of the Xiao Zhang " yesterday, Doctor Chen gave me a hangover injection for Yang Fan to inject him after he is awake, you go to the pharmacy to bring the injection, I will give him the injection later."

  "okay, than!"

  The Xiao Zhang nodded quickly and went towards pharmacy.

  Ten minutes later, Liu Juan knocked on the door of Yang Fan ward equipped with an injection. After getting the answer from Yang Fan, she slowly pushed the door and went in.

  "Mr. Yang, this is the hangover injection that Dr. Chen has prescribed for you. the injection will make you recover faster. please bear with me, it will over soon."

  During the conversation, Liu Juan expertly picked up the alcohol cotton and wiped it on the upper arm of Yang Fan. Then the needle was inserted into Yang Fan's upper arm accurately.


  Yang Fan let out a moan.

  "You saw a nurse injecting you, your basic medical skills have improved, medical skills +1."

  "Your body is injected with an unknown drug, your toxin resistance is improved, poison resistance +1."

  The familiar prompt voice sounded again in his ear, Yang Fan's eyes squinted and he slammed up from the bed.


Hey guys,

yes, Mc died in timeline 1, crossed over to timeline 2, got a system boon but died in timeline 2 and re-crossed over to timeline 1 along with the system

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