
I Possessed The Strongest Character

Rylan Ashencroft, an overpowered side character in the novel "Resurrection Of The Demon God". A character that was so strong that he had to get killed by the author. And now I had transmigrated into this very same character. "Haha, it's possible to survive, right?"

wokkajun · Fantasía
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37 Chs


I could faintly hear the sound of a piano and violin that became louder and louder.

I reached my hands towards my face, and my fingertips gently made contact with my eyes.

Slowly, I lifted my head, which was in pain because of a headache.

"What is this music? Classical?" I said groggy.

I opened my eyes slowly to see a bunch of bottles in front of me on a table, and at the same time, I could faintly smell the alcohol.

"What? I didn't drink last night." I took out my hand to hold my forehead because of the pain.

I could hear a bunch of footsteps stepping on the ground, like it was the sound of dancing. And as I looked at the source, I noticed a bunch of people dancing in fancy suits and dresses in the middle of a big hall. in what appeared to be a palace.

I don't remember getting invited to a party.

More importantly, where am I?

Big pillars reaching high up to hold the ceiling, and a beautiful open space with golden decorations.

It looked like I was inside a fancy castle.

I don't remember coming here.

Last night I slept on my bed, and that's when I woke up because of the headache, and now I was here in this unfamiliar place.

I looked at the people in fancy suits dancing with the beautiful girls in dresses.

They looked like nobles in those fantasy stories.

Different hair colors, such as red, blue, green, and others.


There were also a bunch of people holding drinks in their hands.

But the weird thing was that they had champagne glasses, but in front of me were a bunch of cheap bottles.

And as I looked down, my clothes were also different; they all had fancy clothes, but in my body, it was just a black hoodie and some black pants.

Well, that isn't important; I need to find out where I am.

I stood up, and I felt a little dizzy, but it wasn't that bad. The music kept playing as the people danced, and that's when I saw what looked like two doors painted with gold and jewelry.

Strangely enough, this whole place was filled with decorations like this.

"Those two doors must be the way out."

I walked over to the two doors, which weren't that far away. The headache was a little annoying; it felt a little like a hangover, but at the same time, it didn't.

Soon I reached the two doors, and as I opened them,.

The fresh air came rushing at me. I took a deep breath.

But instead of the doors being an exit, it was an entrance to a big balcony, and I could see the full moon alone in the sky.

"So this is not the exit."

I continued to walk forward, hoping to maybe find some clues as to where I was.

As I reached the end of the balcony, I could finally see the view.

"Am I dreaming?" I couldn't help but say it out loud because of what I was seeing.

It was like seeing something straight out of a fantasy.

Bunch of buildings spanning so long that I couldn't almost see the end. But these buildings looked majestic.

A bunch of strange buildings, like a tower that was so tall that it must have been at least 500 meters up in the air.

At the end of what looked like the horizon, there was a transparent-looking barrier covering the whole city I was in. It was hard to see, but it looked like there were fields.

I looked up to see how much the barrier was covering, and I realized that the balcony that I was standing on was actually a part of a huge castle.

"So I was in a castle."

But what I was seeing were not the usual cities that I was used to.

This was definitely not earth.

I pinched my arm to check if I was dreaming, but I did not wake up. And I felt a slight stinging pain where I pinched my arm.

Am I actually awake? I felt very lucid, so there was a chance that I wasn't dreaming at all. It felt too real for me to be dreaming.

And I could only think of one possibility.

"Did I get transported to a fantasy world?"

That would be the only explanation for the situation that I was in. I always thought that being transported to a fantasy world was something unrealistic and could only happen in novels.

But now that I was experiencing it, I had to accept the truth.

There was something else that bothered me, and it wasn't the constant headache. It felt like someone was looking at me ever since I entered the balcony.

The source was coming from above the balcony on top of one of the small towers that was part of the castle.

I heard someone open the doors.

It was a middle-aged person with a beard, and he looked strict and intimidating because of the eye patch that was covering one of his eyes.

He was wearing what looked like a military uniform, as it was clad in black and a bunch of medals were pinned to it.

He was huge; he could barely fit through the doors, as he had to bow his head a little to enter.

But strangely enough, he was smiling at me, which looked a little odd.

"I was wondering where you were." He said with a deep voice that fit his appearance.

He walked with powerful steps and continued until he was next to me. He looked over the city, and at the same time, he took a cigarette and lit it up.

"You don't like the party?"


I didn't know what to say, so I was silent.

"Come on, it's the princess's birthday. You have to at least act like you are happy, so don't pass out from drinking again." He laughed while patting my back.

The princess's birthday? Is that why they were dancing and partying?

Wait, that's not important; this guy is acting like I know him.

But the thing is, this guy does not look familiar at all to me.

Wait a minute. I thought I got transported here, but that might not be the case.

Since it looked like he knew me, I must have possessed a person here instead.

It meant that I had transmigrated, and this was not earth.

At least I transmigrated, which was more safe than just getting transported. There were a few reasons why this was good.

One, the people here would not see a difference.

If I had come here with my real body, there was no doubt I would have been arrested or killed in the worst case.

This was because this was the princess party, and an unfamiliar person suddenly getting teleported could be dangerous.

I could have gotten executed, but luckily this wasn't the case.

So in this situation, it was good that I had taken over this body. But there was also a disadvantage to this.

If I somehow do not act like this body would usually act, it could cause a lot of suspicion.

Since the previous owner got invited to the princess's birthday, he must have some kind of status.

What I don't understand is why this body wears such casual clothes while other people are wearing fancy clothes. Is the previous owner different?

"Are you okay? You don't look so well. Did you drink too much?"

He interrupted my thoughts, and I didn't know what to say to him.

Especially after I realized that I possessed this body. I had no idea how the previous owner would answer that question.

"I know that alcohol was specially produced for you, but you need to be careful when you drink. Do you know where your room is?"


I tried to answer as simply as possible to not cause suspicion.

"Well, it doesn't matter. You need to rest; tomorrow the king wants to meet you."