

"You must not die" the King of Etilania orders and everyone across the room went silent as she rises up from the ground. Of course, who wouldn't be, she did not die and she's no immortal, she's only a slave but below her were dead bodies she just killed. Now, who would not be scared? The King's trump-card emerges, this time she will follow and kill with no mercy.

Kaisane · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 17

"I did it?" Albert uttered

"Ha! I did it! I deflected your magic, Sir Akio! Ha! That's what you get for challenging me!" Albert said proudly

The crowd was silent including the nobles.

"Why is everybody silent? Did I show you my strength right? Praise me!"

Instead of praises, he received dozens of booing sounds.

"What? Why are you guys booing? Hey you Ak-----" a fist suddenly hits him

"Are you crazy!? You almost killed those people there!" Adam shouted

"What do you mean? It suddenly disappeared right!? I wasn't planning to hurt them on purpose!" Albert talked back

"You did not stop the ball! It was Sir Akio who stopped it!"

Akio was about to disagree but he felt like he should not tell about Catori either so he just kept quiet about that and said something different instead.

"Sir Albert, what was your family business again?"

Startled by the question Albert began moving backward "Wh-why are you asking me that?"

"Just asking"

"Their family is one of the biggest in the pharmaceutical industry, is there a problem with that Sir Akio?" Royce answered on behalf of Albert, which made Albert glared at him.

Akio gave them a smile "I see, so I'm guessing your sick Sir Albert? I saw you took a pill a while ago...was that medicine?"

Everyone stared at Albert.

Royce, "Did you drink something? Are you sick?"

"N-no! I'm not sick! I-t was just my daily vitamins!" Albert defended

"Liar!" A voice from behind said

"It wasn't vitamins, it was a pill that enhances magic for a short time!" Linden bravely comes forth

"Magic enhancement? That's not allowed in this test" Ren butts in

The nobles' expression turned dark when they heard Linden's statement and the audience began backstabbing Albert saying mean things.

"N-no! It wasn't! I promise!"

Among all the people inside the arena Royce was the most dismayed of all. "You-you little liar"

"Sir Royce! I promise you I only took one and that was the time Sir Akio challenged me! Please believe me!"

"No-" Akio stopped him

"You drank before the test begin you've been taking in a lot your body could no longer handle it that's why you blacked out inside the dungeon"

Everyone's expression became darker.


"You just used me... And to think I recommended you!!! You sly brat!!!" Royce punches him on the face that got Albert into a nosebleed.

"I'm sorry" was the only words he could say

Akio already finished talking and went back to his seat.

"Then, how did he even managed to get a gold ribbon?" Freda asked

This time it was Royce who was startled, without delay he rushed towards Albert who had trouble standing up and clutches his torso and pretended to scold him.

"Speak of our plan and I swear to hunt you down. This was your doing as well if you don't want to humiliate yourself even more..." He threatened him

Albert responded with a small nod and Royce shoved him back to the ground "He said he stole the ribbon from the Orc Shaman who was sleeping, he did not defeat it"

"It's that the reason why it wasn't shown on the screen?" Ren asked

"P-probably, yes..."

The Holy Trinity gave each other a warning look, all agree something is going on but Akio brushes it off..

"The truth will soon come out anyway, we'll investigate this on our own. Let's proceed to Albert's selection." He uncannily smiles

Albert who stood up a while ago beaming with pride reverts back to being a weak delicate person with blood running from his nose.

"Ahem-n-now, I'll say it again please raise your hand if you wish to vouch for Sir Albert," Emilio asks the nobles

The five hands that he sees before no longer exist but there was one who remains and it was the Marchioness of Luwan.

"I don't care about what you did because I believe you only did it to survive" Marchioness Silina directed her eyes to the King's veranda "Who knows anytime soon someone might start a war. So don't worry my dear, you are in my good hands"

"Thank you, my Lady! I will be forever in your debt!" Albert repeatedly bows. The marchioness received good comments from the audience telling how kind she was for taking Albert. It made her proud of herself.

"Mother? Why choose that useless brat?" Amber asked her

"Shut Up! It's not him that I want but his family's business. With those kinds of medicine, I'm sure we can do something more useful to it" with a wicked smile she waves to the audience.

"Moving forward! Can that lady with white hair come to the center?" Emilio points at Catori.

When Catori finally reached the center she felt nervous. [This feels like I'm being judge] she thought. The eyes of the nobles were more intimidating than her battle against the Orc Shaman, whats worse was Marchioness Silina and her daughter were present. She can already sense their loathing towards her.

"Uhm, well... Even though you were a recommendation from the palace IT is possible that you might not be vouched here" Emilio explained

"So please raised your hands to those who want to vouch for her?"

No one raises their hands, the Kings veranda was also quiet.

Marchioness Silina and Amber were silently laughing from the sides [Glad his majesty already realized his mistake]

"No..." Gin uttered

Catori closed her eyes and thought about Prince Aiden [I guess I can't keep my promises here as well]. She turned her back over the spiteful eyes of the nobles when a familiar voice speaks.

"Who told you to turn your back on me white hair?"

Catori doesn't need to verify who spoke because seeing how angry the expression of the Marchioness was she knew it was the King.

When King Ryu goes out of the veranda everyone bow down their heads and together said "Blessings to the Sun of Etilania!"

"Your Majesty..." She followed

The King looks at Emilio who was still bowing his head. When finally Emilio noticed the King's glances, his hair tingles at the sight of his piercing black eyes.

"Do you want me to raise my hand or is my presence enough?" King Ryu asked

"Ah! No! Your Majesty! No need! Your presence is enough!"

He faces the audience to avoid the King's gaze.

"S-so, the King vouched for this woman here!"

No audience cheered nor clap by Emilio's announcement instead they murmur to each other and glared at Catori with more spite than ever.

"Hmp. Another King's pet" the Marchioness scoffed

Leon who's behind the King was shocked by the King's action. During events like this, it's usually his decision to choose his majesty's knights. The King never goes out of the veranda, when he saw it was Catori's turn to get selected he decided to prolong choosing her, he never hates her as a person but as a King's knight he was a bit disappointed that she purposely fail the two test and even the third test has shown her unfavorably. He also did it to test the King, for the past months he was so engrossed reading history by history about a certain group that Leon can't help teasing him. What would he do if I don't choose her? He thought.

He saw Catori turned his back to them and decided to go out already but to his surprise, King Ryu stood up and went out instead.

"Wow, I guess she's special huh? For you to appear for the first time in this kind of event" he said

"Shut up" Ryu replied


"Sir Gin, can you please come forward?" Emilio asks

Gin nodded and went to the center for his selection.

"Sir Gin here is the last among the trainees. Will he be selected or will he go home empty-handed?" Emilio asked the audience

Go, home traitor! Leave this place! Boooo! Cheater! Boooo!

Despite how the audience feels about him he was hoping that at some point someone above will vouch for him. If not how can he help his family now?

Two hands raised and it was the Duke's representative and the King. The audience was once again silenced by the sudden turn of events. The nobles were also surprised.

"Uhm...I guess Sir Gin will be choosing one of them, Sir Gin?"

Gin gulped at the sight of those two hands, he will be happy if it was the Aristocrats fraction who raised but seeing both the King and the Duke frightened him, but if it's him he's sure he can help his family more. The only thing he got to do is swallow his fear and pride and see what happens.

"I - I have decided" he said

"If- if I could be of service to you despite my past then I will do my best - " he looks at the person

"Your Majesty, King Ryu Reiburn De Remiel!"

The crowd gasped! What is he thinking? Does he want to die!? Of course, the King wants him so he could execute him! They said.

Gin gave a bow out of respect to the Duke for his rejection and the representative returned the favor.

When everyone got vouched except for Linden who voluntarily quit.

The Knight Selection exam finally ended.



"Yes, your majesty"

"That Royce knight, can you get some information from him? Once he told you everything - kill him" the King ordered as he looks at Royce below the arena talking to the Holy Trinity and some of the trainees.

When those words came out from his mouth Leon was delighted "With Pleasure"


At the gates, Catori and Gin were waiting for the King to come out. After both being chosen, they have been quiet for some time, Gin could not believe that he was chosen by the King at the same time he's feeling frightened. He looks at Catori who was standing quietly heads down made him thought he could not have gone this far without her.

"Catori" he stood next to her

She looks at him that made him blushed "Uh...I want to say thank you"

"What did I do?"

"I felt like the King wouldn't have chosen me if you weren't there"

Catori looks at a distance, "Hmmm... I believe that's not the reason but I'm glad Sir Gin and I will be working together from now on"

Gin gave a nod.

It took a while until the King and Leon appear in front of them.

"Blessings to the Sun of Etilania!" Gin greeted while Catori only bows her head

"Ah, you're both here. That's good then, I'll be giving you two your first task" Leon pats both Catori's and Gin's shoulders "You'll be escorting the King back to the Capital"

The two looked at each other.

"Uhm, where are you going Sir Leon?" Gin asked

"I'll be doing some errands, don't worry I'll meet you at the palace"

The King already went inside his carriage waiting for the two.

"Just remember, whatever happens along the way - no mercy"

Gin gulped a bit nervous while Catori was being calm.

"Now go!"

Both walked to the carriage, Gin sat beside the coachman and Catori volunteered to sit at the back.

"Yipyip" the coachman pulled the horse's rein and they start to move.

The remaining nobles were slowly going out as Leon was observing them he can't help but recall his and the King's conversation inside his chamber.

"I'll do what you asked me to once we're back at the palace" Leon suggested

"No, do it now... I want to him dead"

"But your majesty, I can't just leave you alone with those two. I don't trust that Ward boy, maybe he chose you so he can get revenge to his father"

King Ryu gave him a silent gesture so Leon could stop talking "Do you think weakly of me that I need your protection all the time?"

"No, but It's my job to keep you safe so I'm keeping that" Leon puts his arms on his waist "Since when have you become trusting?"

The King answered him with a threatening gaze.

"Sigh, I can't stop you right? Very well. I'll finish it off quickly"

Leon was a little bit worried about their conversation. Ever since that woman came the King starts showing interest for the first time. Though he hopes it would be romantically that's too far fetch. He never hated that woman as well but he had trouble believing that there was a shadow following her and that it's a member of those fairytale groups called "Creed". A lot has been going on and he's starting to get easily confused.

" Well, I guess I'll let this stress out torturing that head knight" he strangely smiled and as he walks slowly back to the arena he suddenly vanished.

--- end.

Thank you for reading this chapter :)

Kaisanecreators' thoughts