

"You must not die" the King of Etilania orders and everyone across the room went silent as she rises up from the ground. Of course, who wouldn't be, she did not die and she's no immortal, she's only a slave but below her were dead bodies she just killed. Now, who would not be scared? The King's trump-card emerges, this time she will follow and kill with no mercy.

Kaisane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 16

Linden rubbed both of his eyes and looks at the screen again "Where are the bodies?!" he yelled. He heard Albert laughed behind him and suddenly felt embarrassed.

"As you all can see! There are no monsters!" Royce pointed to the screens above him and points back to Gin and Catori

"Gin Ward is famous for being called a man who can use other elements but that was only tricks and illusions to earn money for his sister's medication! That's how he got Albert's family to accept him as a slave"

This was the first Catori hearing this and she looked at Gin.

Royce continued and goes to Linden, Cain, and Caleb "And to think he tricked these boys who I'm sure was only trying to help them! How cruel can these two be!"

Cain had a harden expression while staring at Royce until Caleb elbowed his side "Don't talk back and look above" Cain followed Caleb's sight and above them was the veranda of the Duke of Abarith. Unfortunately, the one who was outside was not the duke but his right-hand spokesman. The two boys were staring behind him and could see a shadow of a person staring at them with his golden eyes.

Cain immediately looked away nervously. "I guess that means we shut up?" He talked to Caleb and he nods

"Enough of this drama. I'm getting tired of it, Gin Ward and Catori, this simply shows you deceived everyone here with your show... and to think you promised to not fail this third test" Freda looks down at Catori "How disappointing..."

Gin could no longer hold his patience and walked towards the holy trinity "Then how would you feel if I show you this!" He got the white ribbon out of his pocket.

Royce's eyes widen.

"What's that?" Freda scoffed

"Sir Royce said that there's only one monster who has a different color, this ribbon came from an Orc Shaman!"

An Orc Shaman? Did he just say that? The people across the arena were murmuring to each other doubting Gin's statement.

"That Orc Shaman was defeated by her!" Gin points to Catori "Tell me you don't believe me because I assure you this is the only different color!"

Freda was starting to get pissed off on how arrogant Gin talks "You mean to tell me that sickly woman behind you killed an Orc Shaman?"

Gin nodded

Freda was about to answer back when Albert laughed hysterically behind them.

"What are you laughing about Sir Albert?" Akio asked

"I'm sorry Sir, but I just can't help how far this ex-slave of mine will do to disgrace his name...as if he's done enough"

Gin angrily glared at him "What do you mean?"

"There was indeed an Orc Shaman but did you not hear what Sir Royce said that it was only attached to one monster?"

"Yes and this is that monster's ribbon" Gin replied

"Liar! I was planning to let this out to surprise everybody and now that you spoiled it as always..." He reached for his pockets and came out a gold ribbon "This is the color that the Orc Shaman has!"

"What!? That's a lie!" Gin yelled

"It's the truth! Right!? Sir Royce?" Albert faces Royce, everyone in the arena did. Catori noticed Royce's expression when Gin pulled out the white ribbon, it made him turned pale but when he sees Albert with the Gold ribbon his pale face was directly replaced with a huge grin.

"Yes, the gold ribbon was the only different color I did not mention and yes it was attached to ONE Orc Shaman" he happily answered

"That's ridiculous! How dare you!?" Gin raises his staff and rushes towards Albert and was about to hit him until a whip locks his arm and he was thrown away.

"I had enough of you Sir Ward, that's not how a former baron should act, am I right?" Pissed, Freda shoot him a scary glare

"I-I..." Gin clenches his arms as he got up. The arena was filled with murmurs and laughter, he was looking at them and its starting to bother him. He felt a pat on his shoulder and sees Catori.

"I'm sorry... Because of me, no one will believe you" Gin apologized

"Even if I talked first, no one will anyway" Catori calmly answers back

Akio was looking at them from afar and gave off a quiet smile

"Ahem! As for everyone's information that Gold ribbon is equivalent to a thousand points!" Royce announced

WooooOoohOooooooo! Amazing! Sir Albert is amazing!!!! The crowd praised.

Gin was looking at Albert full of hate but Catori was the total opposite.

"Why are you so calm Catori? If the King decided not to vouch for you... You'll be executed as planned" he said to her

"Don't worry, if he doesn't choose me, it's okay, I was prepared to die a long time ago anyway" she replied

"Ah! My mood is now destroyed! Let's proceed with the selection now!" Freda cries out and she walked towards the nobles "I hope you all made your decisions on who you're going to vouch for My Lords"

All the nobles who goes out of the veranda except for the King agreed.

"Good" She face the trainees "Now let's end this Knight Selection Exam shall we!?"

The crowd goes wild and Emilio who was only watching the drama from the sides finally makes an appearance.

"Wow! That- was - something! Don't you think!?" was the first statement he could utter and the crowd laughed

"Well, we can never know what fate those two will have but I'm sure it's not a good one! Get it?" He ridiculed Gin and Catori who was standing behind him

The crowd laughed even harder.

"Now! For the first person to be selected may I call to Sir Adam!"

"Hahahahaha! Glad you pick me to be first Emilio! I was getting agitated back there, to think someone was planning to trick us! Hahahaha" Adam comes forward while looking at Gin

"My Lords! Please raise your right hand if you want to vouch for that trainee, and if there are more of you who vouched for one trainee, he or she shall have a chance to choose which noble he wanted to serve. Now, let's begin with Sir Adam here!"

Four houses raise their hands; in the absence of her husband, the Marchioness of Luwan was present, constantly looking at Catori with loathing throughout the test, the Earl of Cedrinn, Viscount Claren of Kardok and the present Baron of Grias.

Wooooooooo! The crowd cheer.

"Wow! Four right away! Now Sir Adam! Please choose what house do you want to serve!" Emilio announces

Adam moves to the direction of Viscount Claren and gave a slight bow. Viscount Claren nods with delight.

The second to come forth was Lilith and the Earl of Cedrinn vouched for her.

Dorothy has two vouches, the Marchioness of Luwan and the Aristocrat fraction. Dorothy chose to serve the Aristocrat lead by a famous merchant name Milos Lemaire.

Ann chose to serve the same sponsor as Adam so she goes directly to Viscount Claren.

Cain comes forward and only the spokesperson of the Duke raises his hand.

"Oh, and I thought he was not planning to participate at this event," the Marchioness said. Inside her room was her daughter Amber who was cautiously looking at the Kings Veranda.

"Is the King not present yet mother?" She asked

"Oh, shut up. You fell in love with that bastard."

Amber became quiet, stealing glances outside blushing " I hope I can see him" she murmurs to herself.

Caleb was also chosen by the duke and the people start talking against him.

"Hmmm. It seems the duke decided on those two for a while now. Don't you think so your majesty?" Leon speaks again and as usual King Ryu kept his silence.

[Damn. This boring King] he pouted

"Now, I'm sure you all wanted to know which house he will choose to serve. Please come forth Sir Albert!"

Albert comes forward with pride and the crowd goes into a wild cheer, Royc clapping of joy behind him.

"Tsk. What an entrance" Ann feeling disgusted, comments.

All five of the houses raised their hands and the crowd even cheered louder.

Albert! Albert! Albert! Albert! Albert!

"Wow! Look at how this crowd cheers!" Emilio excitingly proclaimed

"And five houses have raised their hands! Amazing! This is truly the result of that gold ribbon!"

Albert already knew which house he'll choose but it was not among the five who raised.

[Tsk. I was hoping to choose the duke since his closest to the King in ranking but his spokesman did not raise his hand] he looks at the faces of the nobles who wanted him and locked himself to the third person in ranking and that was the Earl of Cedrinn.

Albert was about to move forward to the Earl when Emilio said "Sir Akio? Why are you raising your hand as well?"

"What?" Albert looks at the holy trinity's side and Akio was indeed raising his hand

"Sir Akio? Do you want to vouch for me as well?"

"No. I'm not"

"Then why are you raising your hand?"

Freda and Ren were both curious as well and patiently waited for Akio to answer. Akio stood up then goes closer to Albert.

"I'm not interested in how you easily defeated the monsters inside the dungeon but what I wanted to know is how did you end up fainting that Sir Adam carried you outside?" He asked

"W-what!? Adam did what!?"

Akio only nods "You seem to be surprised"

Albert was shut down and Royce came to the rescue "Wh-what!? I thought that was clear already! Of course, those two were the ones responsible! They must have done something to him!"

"We didn't do something to him, we never met inside the dungeon," said Catori


Akio sighed. "Then if you don't mind, can I attack you with magic and you defend?" He moves backward

"What?" Albert repeated

"Don't worry, you're strong. I will only release an amount of magic similar to an Orc Shaman"

"Ha! Albert will easily deflect that! Right?" Royce pats Albert's back

Albert turned white suddenly.

"Is something the matter?" Akio asked while smiling

Albert, "N-no sir... Why do you want to do this?"

"Well I just want to see how strong you are for real, plus this will be good for the audience and to our dear nobles right?"

YeeaaaaH! Albert! Albert! Albert! Albert! The people cheered in agreement and the nobles as well.

"So, when you're ready..."

Albert, "W-wait! Can I drink some water first? I-I-I'm kinda thirsty"

"Very well"

Albert went faraway to the knight's stable and ask for some water. When one of the Knights gave him some, he picked something out from his pocket and without anyone noticing he puts a pill in his mouth. Akio who was the only one watching smiled creepily.

"I'm ready!" Albert runs at the center facing Akio "If it's an Orc Shaman's strength then it's a piece of cake! Bring it!" Albert taunted

"Very Well"

Akio raises his right hand and gathers a strong amount of air magic on top of it. The entire arena was engulfed with a strong wind, the audience were all amazed and scared at the same time when hey saw a huge ball made out of air.

"W-what is that idiot thinking!?" Freda panicked

"That magic is twice stronger than an Orc shaman!"

Albert who's looking at Akio was happily smiling amidst Freda's panicked expression [Hmp. It's just a big bubble of air, I drank another pill again so this will be too easy to defend, it's his fault for being such a show off]

"Are you ready Sir Albert?" Akio asked

"C'mon! Let's end this!"

Without a moment of hesitation, Akio releases the big ball of air towards Albert, it was slow at first in speed.

"What!? Is this the power of one of the Holy Trinity!? You got to be kidding me!" He became impatient that he rushes forward to meet the ball of Air.

"No! Stupid! Don't do that!" Freda yelled but Albert did not hear her.

The ball of Air was only slow at first but when it reaches half of the Arena its speed gradually increases it made Albert Surprise.

"Wha-? Hmp! Very well, it's still a big bubble of Air!" He stopped running and made a huge wall of fire. When both elements collided Albert was even more shocked when he felt Akio's element was much stronger than his.

"Aaargh!" He yelped [Is this how strong an Orc Shaman was!?] He thought. He finally felt a surging amount of pain when he noticed his wall of fire starting to break down.

The crowd behind Albert starts to panic and were worried that if that wall breaks they will be hit as well.

"Uhm! Sir Akio! This is starting to get out of hand! Please stop that thing!" Emilio begged

"I cannot stop it"

Emilio's face suddenly went pale "No.."

"Albert! Threw that in a different direction or you'll hurt people!" Royce shouted at him.

Albert heard him and was looking for a safe place to throw the ball and sees Catori and Gin on the farthest side of the arena. [Wow, there are only a few people in that area, how about I'll make this into an accident] he smiled and add another wall on the side that threw the ball into the eastern side of the Arena.

"What are you thinking? There are people there!" Freda stands up and immediately ran towards the ball. Akio was already way ahead of her.

Aaaaaahaaaaaa! The crowd was running from the sides, some even jumped inside the arena.

"Oh my goodness! This is insane!" Marchioness Silina calls out but got overly joyed when she sees Catori was about to get hit.

"You two! Get out of the way!" Akio calls at them

Gin was only standing when Catori hid him behind her.


Akio could see it clearly, there was someone else other than Gin behind her. It was a shadow and with its piercing electric blue eyes, it grew larger and larger that when his magic was about to hit them the shadow came forward and engulfed the air and suddenly vanished.

Akio stopped running and locked his eyes at the shadow.

"What happened? Why did it disappear?" Freda asked

"What do you mean it disappeared?"

Freda, "You stupid or what? I'm asking because that magic ball of yours suddenly disappeared out of nowhere!"

"Did you not see it?"

Freda, "See what!? That your magic was about to kill human lives!?"

When Freda answered him like she did not see anything, he believed her because everyone in the arena has the same expression she had. He looks at Catori who was now guiding the elderly back to their seats and gave out a sigh of relief.

[Good thing she was there...] He thought.

--- end.

Hello everyone, I know that the world is facing difficult times but despite everything let us all fight together and win this battle! There's no greater reward to see everyone happily facing the future together!

Cheer up! :)

Kaisanecreators' thoughts