
Run here he comes

A few days after the party I have gotten weird letters in the mail from a random person I thought it was Ajay and told him to stop, he told me he never sent me any letters so I just ignored it. After a day or two I would get flowers on my door step everyday it kinda freaked me out the first set of flowers had a card saying I met you in high school, the second bouquet of flowers I married you in college, I thought the flowers were for someone else that lived in the house before I did. The third set of flowers made me scared it read on the card, you carried my babies for nine months, I froze and thought back, I was married in college and carried twins. On the day I got the four set of flowers my face was in shock to see Trevan smiling with Roses in his hands. I hurried and closed the door called Armon and had him sneak in thru the back door, we made a plan to say that Armon was my new boyfriend. The next day when he came with flowers me and Armon came to the door with Skyler and Stephen in our arms, Trevan looked angry and said," Who is that Mandy?" I told him that he was my boyfriend,"Why is he holding my kids?" he shouted. Armon got defensive and said for me to get back in the house. " Aye man you need to get off my property." Armon said. Trevan walked away and we closed the door. 10 minutes later Trevan broke open our front door. I grabbed Skyler and Armon grabbed Stephen, we ran to his car and got in. I hopped in the back to lock the babies up. Trevan followed the car, I called Ajay and told him that Trevan was following us and we needed his help he said ok, and when he opened his door to let us in he stood face to face with Trevan.