
My babies birthday

It was almost the time for my babies second birthday. I didn't know what to do for their birthday or anything, but I knew some people who could help me plan their party. But I was scared what if Trevan finds us and trys to kill us? what should I do now? Ajay was back again he apologized for putting his hands on me I forgave him and moved on to the next plan. I called my sister, my parents to come visit me and the kids for their party. when they arrived they were filled with joy to see the kids my mother started to go shopping for their gifts my father stayed and played with them while me and my sister made the cake and called all the people I knew who had children that was Skyler and Stephen's age for the party. NY'Jayha brought her little sister, Jazmine, to play with Skyler and Joaris brought her brother, Noah, to play with Stephen. Its was perfect they were smiling and laughing it was so, not even words can describe the day the kids had a bounce house, a kitty pool baby scooters. It was perfect no interruptions just a normal birthday.