
Chapter 2


I sipped on my cocktail as I watched the people getting crazy in my club from the second floor where the VIP area is located.

Then an oozing sexiness woman with feline eyes in a red fitted dress entered my club. Wow! She's.. she's perfect. I mean.. Can someone be that perfect?

My whole attention went to her. I watched as she sat on one of the bar stools.

Damn. The way she drank her tequila is so sexy. What's with this kitten? And why the hell she got my attention?

"Don't take it." I whispered while I watched the kitten being offered a drink from Jimin

"Damn it! I said don't take it!"

I shoved every person that got in my way. I need to save that kitten from that snake.

"Not this time, Jimin boy. That kitten is mine."


"Get your hands off her."

This Jimin guy again. He's lucky that his father is a friend of my dad because if not, he's definitely dead by now. He keeps on harassing girls in my hotel, he's ruining the image of it.

"Lisa." He stupidly smiled at me "You want me to share this woman with you?"

I glared at him "Who says that I'll allow you to take that woman out of my club?"

"Come on, Lisa! You're no fun! This woman won't remember anything tomorrow."

I sighed to calm myself because this monkey is getting on my nerves.

"Give her to me or this will be the last time you'll step inside of my hotel."

He laughed like a maniac "Dude, I'm not threatened by you." He carried the kitten bridal style "I offered you a great deal but you turned it down, now she's all mine."

Before he could take a single step, I clapped my hands. My personal bodyguards surrounded us, making a little commotion in my club.

"I'll repeat! You'll give her to me or this will be the last time you'll step inside of my hotel."

"Fuck it!" He cursed and gave up the kitten to my hands


"Open her wallet, find her identification card." I instructed my bodyguard while we are heading out of the club

This little kitten is kinda heavy.

"Jennie Kim, young master."

Jennie Kim. A beautiful name for a beautiful lady in my arms.

"Call the receptionist now. Ask for her room number and tell them to open it."

He immediately did my command. One of my bodyguards pressed the elevator.

"Room 376" The bodyguard I instructed to call the receptionist said

The elevator opened. When the three employees inside saw who was standing in front of them, they immediately got out and let me enter.


"You can leave us now."

My five bodyguards exited Jennie's room.

My back is aching because of this sleeping kitten. She's now on her bed, sleeping like a cute little kitten.

I crouched and levelled my face to hers. god! She's more perfectly beautiful up close.

"What's with you that keeps me pulling towards you, little kitten?" I caressed her cheek using my thumb "You caught my attention effortlessly."

I stood up "What should I do now?"

Right. Just great! I'm going to babysit this lady for tonight.

I walked towards the closet. I fetched a pair of Pj's.

I blushed the moment I realised what I am about to do. I face palmed. I need a strong control of hormones.

I reached for the zipper of her dress on her back and slowly unzipped it.

"She's drugged and you don't want to take advantage of her, Manoban." I whispered to myself

After the torture.. I mean, after I changed her clothes, I settled myself beside her.

I laid on my side, staring at her side profile. God really took His time creating this goddess beside me.

Jennie Kim. Jennie Kim.



I fluttered my eyes, adjusting my sight from the light.


A fuming kitten was about to hit me with a pillow but I quickly dodged it.

"What the hell is your problem?" I sat up and said, "You're too loud." I stretched my arms upward "I'm Lisa."

"I don't care who the hell you are!" She yelled again

'Then why are you asking who I am?' I thought

I covered my ears "Can you please tone down your voice?"

She's beautiful but an irritating one. Aish.


"Go. Call my security." I smirked at her


"I'm the owner of this hotel, miss."

Her jaw dropped. I stifled a laugh at her sight.

"I'm here because I saved you last night." I stated

She regained her composure "What?"

"I said.." she cut me off

"I heard you. What I mean is, how? Why?"

I sighed and beckoned her to sit beside me.

"I won't bite." I said to her when she didn't move

She hesitantly obliged.

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

She hangs her head low, maybe she's trying to remember things.

"The guy named Jimin. He drugged me. I remember how he maniacally smiled at me before I lost my consciousness. What happened? Did.. did he raped me?" She almost choked in her last sentence

"Lucky for you I was there. I saved you from him. I took you from him, brought you back to your room, changed your clothes.."

"Wait what?!" She glanced at the clothes she's wearing

Her cat eyes looked at me fuming mad. Oh no! The kitten is angry.

I slowly stood up and slowly walked away from her "I swear! I didn't do anything stupid!"

"You could have just let me sleep with my dress on!" She said before she ran to chase me

I quickly ran away from her "Jennie! I swear, I closed my eyes when I'm changing your clothes!"

"I'll snatch those perverted eyes of yours from their socket!"

She continued to chase me around her room but I am faster than her.

Jennie stopped. She sat on her bed while panting so hard.

"Is.. is this what.. I get for.. saving you?" I panted as I sat next to her

She smacked my head really hard. I didn't know that she still had that strength.

I winced in pain while rubbing the spot she hit.

"Thank you." She said in a gummy smile

"I won't take a simple thank you." I winked at her that made me gain another smack in my head

"What do you want?"

"Spend this day with me."