
I have to rebecome a cthulu king (Book will be back)

[ARCHIVE ] After the catastrophic battle in which he was defeated by the Demon Dragon Zudomu, Zalmiuth found himself reborn as a small demon, back to where he had once started. Now, Zalmiuth's objective is clear: to retry everything and conquer the Demon Realm.

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18 Chs

Purple eyes

We see Zalmiuth and Ayla sitting down on chairs. Ayla was eating her own food. To be honest, there were only two plates on the table: one for Ayla and the other for Nildasha. Even if they didn't need to eat as well, wasting such delicious food would be a shame.

Zalmiuth, however, never felt like he was starving, and the same was true for his father. They had their own kind of food, which could be fish, crabs, or even... themselves.

Dwanus looked at the girls eating and then turned to Zalmiuth. "So... how is the book?"

Zalmiuth looked at his father. 'It's been alright. I've managed to do some spells.'

Dwanus nodded. "Good... good…" he said as he looked into Zalmiuth's eyes. They were glowing more than before. He caressed Zalmiuth's cheek.

'Um, father... is there something wrong?'

Dwanus stood silent and then let go of him. "Nothing…" He got up from his seat and walked away.

Zalmiuth looked after him, concerned.

He got up from his chair and decided to go talk to him, leaving Astrid and Nildasha alone.

Astrid: Where are they going?

Nildasha chuckled, "They probably are talking about magic again."

We see Zalmiuth as he was walking in the huge hallway. He went door to door to see his father, but couldn't find it.

(Did he walk or run?! How fast is he?!) He thought in shock.

He closed his eyes and made a spell that can detect people from far by seeing their aura.

After a short moment, he detected something and felt a strong aura from upstairs.

(Hm…is in the library.)

He opens his eyes and walks straight there, he didn't know why, but it felt like he was hiding something from him.

We cut to Dwanus who had a strange look on his face. (It's already been two weeks…His aura Is still so present.)

Every time he walks past Zalmiuth, he always has that strange wind that always looms over his mind. He felt… dominated by it.

(Is this really the power of The God of Space…)

Suddenly he thought was cut off when the same aura froze him in place. He slowly turn to the source and saw Zalmiuth.