
I didn't choose system

Vikram was a normal soldier if you consider a person normal who treats the real world like an RPG game. And the problem is that he does not even know this, a person who considers the value of death to be equal to a stone on the road, his own and others equally. But this man was martyred in one of his missions. The world where he lives had around a population of eight billion, but leaving all of them somehow this guy transmigrated to another world. Into the body of another guy who has his own shit to handle. And as things could not get any worse, he also came to know that this so-called New World is the same as his favorite novel. So in simple words, this story is about a f***** up guy and his f***** up life, and about how he may be able to come out of this cycle of f***** up life. •••••••••••••••• This is my first novel. I am not a native English speaker so I am going to have lots of grammar and spelling mistakes. so give me criticism as much as you can give. if you like it or not at last please put a review so I can make sure whether I should stop working on this novel or not.

CreatorKratos · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
37 Chs


Ignoring me completely, she started her bickering with the shopkeeper again.

After watching them quarrel with each other for a few moments, I came to know that both are trying to bargain with each other to get the upper hand over the plausible price of an old sword kept on the counter, which was probably brought here by the girl for sale.

"Miss, I promise you that this rusted blade is only worth five gold coins at most, but I'm willing to pay you seven. Trust me when I say that in this transaction, you are the one who benefits, not me."

"Let's end this deal at ten gold coins; I won't give you this sword for less."

They were both preoccupied with their deal to the point where they were unaware that I was also present there.

Glancing at the sword on the desk, I requested Gnosis to analyze it.

In a second, I also get a reply from Gnosis.

< Affirmative: the material used to make this sword is of high grade, and its current rake is the first rake. >

My eyes widen in astonishment, a rake weapon right here!

Knowing how hard it is to find a rank one weapon around here, I don't want to miss this opportunity at any cost, so I quickly jump into the haggling between the two and place my bid.

"Ten coins from my side, Let's make this deal done."


"Huh," what the f--?

"Hey, hey, I am giving ten coins for this."

"No, for him it is ten coins, but for you, I will sell it for fifteen coins."

Now I'm getting genuinely confused about this girl's intelligence or stupidity.

I sighed and established eye contact with the man behind the counter before giving him eleven coins from my pocket. Following our mutual accord, he separated one coin from the money given by me and gave it to that girl, and taking that sword from the girl, he handed it over to me.

The girl, who is witnessing all of this, is speechless and just gave the shopkeeper and me a stunned glance.

I thought to myself that the law of demand and supply does not work the same everywhere, and so I started examining the sword I had in my hands.

The sword is encased in a wooden scabbard that has been scratched at several places, and when I took it out of the scabbard, I found a rusty blade instead of a shiny sword.

But unlike these two, I know the true value of this rusty metal.

After swinging the blade a couple of times, I begin putting it back in the scabbard when I hear the shop's two doors opening.

A well-built middle-aged man with a beard comes out from the inner door of the shop, while a six-foot-tall man covered in completely black clothes comes from the gate that used to enter the shop.

And as soon as I saw the man, whose full body along with his half face was also covered with a black rob, I could feel alarm bells starting to ring loudly inside my body.

At the same time, Gnosis also speaks into my mind.

< Notice The Master has been advised to assert extra caution in this situation because he has come into contact with an existence whose rake is higher than his own. The rank of this individual cannot be deduced by the Master's current capabilities, and there is also a high possibility that he used a particular kind of artifact to conceal his rank.>

That man fixes his eyes on the chocolate-eyed girl standing next to me as soon as he enters the shop.

"My lady, why are you roaming around this city? Didn't I tell you to stay inside the inn?"

"Oh! "Jamie, you know how nervous I get when I'm all alone, so I came out of the inn to search for you."

To my surprise, the girl talked to him as if they know each other.

Fuck they know each other. That made me truly regret my decision to buy this girl's sword now.

"My lady, didn't we talk about this earlier, that you won't call me by my real name here?

let's leave that; we'll talk about it again later."

He shakes his face and begins saying something again.

"But if you came out of the inn to find me, what are you doing here in this blacksmith's shop?

As far as I can recall, I didn't mention anything about visiting the blacksmith's shop as I was leaving the inn."

" huh oh, l just come here to sell this sword of yours, I felt on seeing this sword that it could bring bad luck for us. and I sell it to this idiot for ten coins."

She said this while pointing her finger toward me.

"If that was the case, then now that you've sold it, we should get out of here, right."

saying this, he looks at me.

"You may have bought it from my lady, but remember that it was mine before."

Hearing this, I just nodded at him. And then they both start leaving this place.

After reaching the entrance while still holding the corner of the gate, the girl turns behind and looks at me. In the pupils of her chocolate eyes and my green eyes, reflections of our faces are visible.

"Hey mister, I hope we never meet again, but if we do meet again, then you have to tell me your name."

Waving her other hand towards me in a gesture of goodbye, she left the shop. On the other hand, I just see her dark brown hair going out of the shop.

It would have taken only a few minutes for both of them to talk about all this, and I have stood like a stone statue all this time.

"Oye, lass, they are gone now tell me what you want here."

I was jolted out of my trance by that loud voice.

A large bearded man is now staring at me with a broad smile on his face. I immediately remembered that he had arrived from the other gate at the same moment that the high ranker entered this store.

I approached him and told him about the work I have from him.



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