

The story is narrated by Amanda, an adolescent girl who discovers for the first time in the morning that the female body is unique and wonderful, her breasts have become bigger and her lower body has become more sensitive. ...... Her own tits will flow out milk for nothing, a few of her roommates have grown big dicks that only men can have, and one of them even ...... (Preview of the latter, move to the main text, adult stories, watch with caution)

Daoist14CG44 · Fantasía
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38 Chs


Huh? Top ... my ass? Amanda's action of washing her ass suddenly stopped, and her whole body froze there.

Amanda was tempted to reject Madeline outright, but seeing Madeline standing there blushing and twisting her petite body around as if she was having a hard time, Amanda's heart faltered.

How about letting Madeline top herself, how long could Madeline top her ass when she was about to cum anyway?

What's more, her ass had let Zoey's cock go up against it, and that cock had even pumped in the crack of her thighs, even rubbing and squirting her pussy.... She couldn't be thicker than she was!

So, Amanda once again agreed to Madeline's request, put her little panties back on, and took the initiative to turn around and hand her ass over to Madeline, "Only ass tops, ah, no other things, otherwise ... I'll... . anyway you cum quickly!"

"Well, it's true that Amanda is the best ..." Madeline said, grabbing his cock and slamming it up Amanda's ass, topping it off and continuing to jerk off.

While jerking off, he pushed up against Amanda's ass, Amanda was pushed up against her body and shuddered, rushed to reach out and hold onto the wall for fear of planting herself forward, and couldn't help but chirp a couple of times, very unused to being pushed up against like this, her body was all weirded out.

"This top, Madeline are you comfortable? How long will it take ... to shoot out ah?" Amanda showed an eyebrow slightly wrinkled, a petulant voice asked.

"Well ... soon, very feeling, very comfortable, my big cock loves Amanda's big ass ..." Madeline panted and answered, cock topping Amanda's ass back and forth even more, one right after the other, even making a da-da-da-da sound.

This sound Amanda heard the blush, bashful, even more, bashful is, her ass, actually can not help Madeline's cock wriggle! It was simply uncontrollable, her legs clenched, and her ass wiggled more and more joyfully against the cock that kept coming up!

"Amanda's ass, seems to like my big cock, let's take off my pants, okay?" Madeline said as her big white buns pressed up against Amanda's backside.

The small hand that had been jerking off, felt up Amanda's ass and stroked it through her small panties, stroking it as she pushed her thick hard cock upwards!

"Ah ... no, no, why aren't you cumming yet? Don't touch my ass ... hahaha ..." Amanda chirped, Madeline stripped her little panties down directly without Amanda's consent!

Not only was her ass directly on top of her cock, but the itchy pussy on her lower body was also exposed, and Madeline could easily touch it!

Panicked as hell, Amanda was busy reaching down, burrowing into the tightly clenched thigh gap and covering her wet pussy tightly.

"Hurry up and get it, don't give an inch ..." Amanda said pitifully, Madeline was so good at bullying, she wanted to cry herself!

"Well, it won't be, I'll help Amanda milk while topping Amanda's ass ..." Madeline said, two fine little hands touching Amanda's chest, grabbing those two big tits and kneading them fiercely, and that cock that was erected between her two ass cheeks, pumping it up and down hard and wide, even the testicles followed and hit Amanda's ass groove!

"Ah ... milk has been milked out, don't milk it anymore ah! Madeline, you ... you are too bad la ... "Amanda was devastated by Madeline, barely standing there, not even knowing what to do.

The tits were soft and numb from being rubbed, the ass was rubbed strangely by the thick and hard cock, and the pussy between her legs was getting more and more slutty and itchy, so ... much so that she wanted to be fucked!

Amanda's little face reddened as if it were dripping blood, so ashamed of herself for that thought, but she just couldn't help herself, just wanted Madeline to be even rougher and more over the top with her, even, pinning herself against the wall, spreading her legs and slamming her ass back into it hard!

The delicate pussy would surely get fucked by Madeline's big cock, wouldn't it?

"So like Amanda ah, so want to do more exciting things with Amanda ... " Madeline at this time in Amanda's ear said softly, and then the thick and long cock in Amanda's ass pumping even more ferocious, one time The soft and round big buns also pressed and rubbed on Amanda's backside one by one.

Amanda was made to ah ah messy scream, completely outside of Zoey and Beatrice left behind, petite body with Madeline's movements of a shake, the bottom two thighs tightly clamped in a piece of hard grinding, the itchy and incomparable pussy, the two pieces of pussy lips even harder to open, close, lewd water a stream of bubbling out!

Just as she was indulging, Madeline gave her a hard thump behind her, followed by that cock between her two ass cheeks, jutting out as she pumped.

Warm cum shot out, one after another, all over the two of them, Amanda's back, Madeline's belly, and round tits, all covered with Madeline's cum!

Even Amanda's ass had cum on it, but it wasn't shot directly on it, it ran down her back, this cum, sticky and hot.

"Ahh ... you shot me ..." Amanda said petulantly, her petite body still shaking hard as Madeline's cock was still making hard at her ass throbbing, even more frantically than before.

"Sorry, it's too good, I'll clean you up later ..." Madeline replied perfunctorily as she kneaded Amanda's big tits and jerked her lower body rapidly.