

The story is narrated by Amanda, an adolescent girl who discovers for the first time in the morning that the female body is unique and wonderful, her breasts have become bigger and her lower body has become more sensitive. ...... Her own tits will flow out milk for nothing, a few of her roommates have grown big dicks that only men can have, and one of them even ...... (Preview of the latter, move to the main text, adult stories, watch with caution)

Daoist14CG44 · Fantasy
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38 Chs


"No, no need ...," Amanda refused softly, standing there limply, letting Madeline rub her tits against her ass, which was still wriggling in one catering motion.

Even, though Madeline's that cock is finished cumming, and is no longer rushing at Amanda's top, Amanda's ass is still rushing at it twisting, Amanda is still holding up her big tits in Madeline's hand shaking around, she feels so comfortable, so excited ...

"Amanda, are you dying for me to do something to you?" Madeline asked flirtatiously as she saw her like this and hooked her lips in a smile, coming up to her ear.

"No no ... you're done cumming right, I'm going to take a shower ..." Amanda came to her senses and was busy pulling away from Madeline, turning sideways to the other side, bending over, and taking the small panties down to her thighs completely off.

Madeline stood there to admire Amanda's white and slender nude body carefully, not sparing any praise, "Amanda is so sexy, I want to marry you as a wife and be in bed every day ..."

"Madeline, what are you thinking? Don't glance at me!" Amanda's little face reddened and her petulant voice stopped Madeline from saying anything further.

Then covering her lower body, she moved under the shower, trying not to look at Madeline, and rushed to clean herself, mainly cleaning the cum on her back, ass, and her pussy which had just dripped a lot of lewd water, and, of course, the places that had been rubbed, pushed up against, and rubbed against by Madeline!

Fortunately, Madeline was just watching from the side and didn't come up to touch or top her, which made her breathe a long sigh of relief.

Amanda finished her shower and was about to make room for Madeline when she saw that the other party had already taken off her little skirt, I don't know if it was intentional or not, but she was bending over with her back to her doing something.

Quite round big ass hard to stimulate Amanda's eyeballs, Amanda can even see the two thighs between the small pink slit, that is the entrance to Madeline's small hole ah, it looks so pink ...

"Madeline you hurry up and take a shower ..." Amanda didn't dare to look at it more and quickly withdrew her eyes, shyly walked away, put on a sundress, and ran to wash up.

While washing up, she thought, outside Zoey and Beatrice must have been woken up by their commotion, right? They must have known they were doing something horny, what to do? How can I explain to them?

Especially Zoey, will he feel green on his head? After all, they had done something very erotic before, and now she's doing it with Madeline. ...

Because she didn't know how to explain it to them, Amanda spent a long time in the restroom before going out and even washed a few dirty clothes along the way.

Amanda was washing clothes, and suddenly saw Madeline standing under the shower carrying her cock and balls in the wash lower body, actually facing her wash, causing Amanda to see the little pink slit again, the heart fluttered, good, so want to go up and do something!

Amanda was shocked by her thoughts, she retracted her eyes in a panic and concentrated on washing her clothes, she couldn't help but think to herself, is Madeline revealing herself on purpose? Her intentions were sinister!

A few minutes later, finally getting out of the restroom, Zoey and Beatrice were up, Beatrice did not look at her, in the packing bed, but the little face was red, Zoey sat in the chair, looked at her eyes... helpless?

"You're all up ..." Amanda greeted them weakly.

"Well, up early, woke up by you guys." Zoey's meaning was obvious, we heard all the shit you guys did.

That made Amanda not dare to pick up on it, and with a soft oh, she tried to muddle through, after all, it's not a good thing to talk about, we all know it by heart, if we force a conversation, it would be too embarrassing and shameful!

As a result, Zoey said, "In the future, don't be so wild in the restroom ...Beatrice, you say?"

Don't be so wild in the restroom ...Amanda sniffed, her brain was blank, I, I'm not very wild, ah, it's Madeline who is wild, I'm perfect, OK? Although I want Madeline to fuck me, every cell in my body wants to be fucked, but I have held back ah!

In short, Amanda is now very aggrieved!

The aggrieved and devastated Amanda silently climbed into bed to clean up, the sheets were very wet and had to be changed.

As for Beatrice, who was suddenly called, she was confused there for several seconds, then whispered, "It can be so wild, but, but ... it's better to talk to everyone about it ... "

Amanda was lifting the sheets and was shocked by Beatrice's words, Beatrice what do you think?

What do you think, Beatrice? You can be so wild in the restroom just by saying something? Do you even know how wild Madeline and I are in there?

Besides, she didn't think she could be that wild with Madeline just by talking to Zoey. ...

She was tempted to help Beatrice correct her thoughts, and before she could say anything, Zoey took over, "No. Anyway, you can't do that kind of thing in the restroom, and the next time you do it, I'm breaking."

The latter words, of course, were addressed to Amanda.

Amanda's words were a reminder that she was naked with Madeline, doing something indescribable, when Zoey kicked the door open and came in, and her slutty appearance was seen by Zoey ...

Amanda shook her head vigorously and swore to Zoey, "It won't happen again, I'm a puppy!"

That feels like a pretty toxic vow to make.